Will Celeste still be a strong mid lane carry in 3.4?

in a teamfight, you’ll constantly br moving towards some direction, so you summon his B in the predicted direction and you won’t really be forced, since you’d have HAD to move in the direction of the teamfight.

his ult isn’t supposed to be a stun, it’s used so your team has time to reposition or keep the people hit with sleep out of the teamfight so you can focus on others. his A isn’t even hard to hit in a teamfight? in a teamfight people will usually be going after eachothers frontliners, with the ranged a bit behind. they’ll want to be dealing damage so they’ll be around the same area where they can maximize their range and deal damage, so you can just hit around that area and predict to consistently hit.
also, you compare sam to skye, but they have two different playstyles, sam will always either be moving toward or away from the teamfight, wherever his drifting dark is positioned, but skye stays skirting around the fight, not to mention skye’s A isn’t as good as sam’s since 1) sam A has potential to do AoE damage, 2) he doesnt slow down from using it.

Oh… I guess you’re right then, I surrender, I’m swinging the white flag

Umm Samuel’s ult is much easier to land and more impactful than Skye’s. Skye’s Suri isn’t damage ability it’s more for repositioning and isn’t that good or reliable for AoE. She’s damn fast and melts 1v1 that’s true but that’s also a downside as she can be body blocked. I really don’t know if you’re talking about 5v5 or 3v3 but in 3v3 Samuel is still a beast jungler and in 5v5 Samuel is much better than her. Also they aren’t even in the same position.

I mean, both are laners lel xd

Samuel is mid mainly. Skye is jungle/top but not that strong in either. (CP only)

This is the answer. He also has arguably the best sustain and energy management of of any ranged CP hero (excluding Captains). A situational 5% damage decrease doesn’t address any of the above things. He will remain S tier.


It’s always the same: how to counter a hero? “You just need to do A, B, C, D, E, F…, ez” those types of arguments are not realistic, specially when those steps are stunning him as every single hero is countered by stuns.

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You’re pretty low tier. Not bashing you or anything, but you will probably not realize how good Sam is until you reach higher tiers


NO offense, but Sam is pretty popular at all tiers. Popularity doesn’t equal skill tho and doesn’t stop people using him all the time.

He’s rewarding to use, because no matter how good you are ( or how bad you are), there’s always something to improve upon.

Never saw Sam in low tier, but if he got a buff, then so be it.

Prolly because low tier doesn’t know how to use sam lol…


He is getting nerfed, not buffed.

I meant in previous updates, not the next one

he’s been nerfed for 3 previous updates already… in a row. no buff for a long long… loooooong time…

He’s becoming the new BlackFeather… they just Love to nerf him.

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Let’s go back to the topic peeps!

On a side note, Samuel is seriously annoying and he deserved that nerf. TBH I feel like Samuel doesn’t need a higher CP ratio for his empowered damage because the fact that it travels faster and does Splash damage makes the higher damage unwarranted, and he has a 1 second cooldown on it anyways so just make it the same as his non-empowered malice and verdict.

Ok, So celeste.

Celeste is going a perfectly fined A tier mid laner for having very good damage, late game, and decent survivability if the captain is good and can provide good peel for her, especially with the new capacitor’s plate and pulsewave( Celeste + Phinn + Capacitor’s plate= Cancer)

So in TLDR; Yes she will be strong. But Varya will be stronger.

“It was too difficult to balance so instead of trying we will just remove the empowerment of his A.”

I read through half of this thread and i already saw some bull#%@$ about how Sam needs Frostburn.

Lets start off with this:
• Samuel IS PLAYED IN HIGH TIERS. U must live under a rock to not know that
• Sam is best at fighting against groups, hes mediocre at 1v1
• Sam DOESNT NEED FROSTBURN TO BE WHERE HES AT. its called adapting to every match. One build wont last forever
• Even with a nerf, he still will be viable, i can go out on a limb and say he could fight well against Kinetic.

You snapped!

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who •_• not me lol. People just are making baseless accusations

… Wasn’t this thread supposed to be about Celeste and not Samuel…?

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