Will Celeste still be a strong mid lane carry in 3.4?

He doesn’t have the range??? Lol, his A has 12 range when empowered, only sencond to Skaarf, and he has no range?

First you need to reach a carry with one of the best kiting potentials, 12 range, mobility, possible slows, able to snowball hard (possible the hardest) and then, pray for him not to block it. Good luck. He is not S tier in high elo (10) and competitive for nothing.


That’s pretty much true for every heroes with or without mobility. It’s like saying CP Phinn can do lots of dmg if played right.

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CP Phinn can deal lots of damage if played right.

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I respect your opinion, have fun on the Rise


Lmao, I just made you give up on me… You don’t simply stun a Blackfeather(or Phinn) , but you do simply stun Sam and celesteBlackfeather%20meme%20lel%20funny

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Frostburn is situational. If a Krul keeps diving you it’s good. If there’s a Celeste for example other damage items would be better. But he’s always one of the top mid laners. Never C tier with his current state.

Skye doesn’t do his job better. She does more single target damage. Samuel deals more AoE and can’t be blocked. Skye is more mobile. Samuel has better sustain.

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I mean, if you think Sam is trash/ C-tier then I can’t change your point of view. Just saying that you made very meaningless counter argument like just stun him and he’s dead… If I continue then you’ll probably say something like Sam is squishy so all you do is burst him down, dodge his shots and block his ult


I never thought of that, but Taka seems like a great counter to him now that you mention it

Are you taking about 3v3 all this time?

Or maybe a C Tier Sam like you will get stun easily.

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Of course, what else us there to talk about?

I don’t know maybe the fact that 5v5 is considered the main game mode now and balancing revolves around it?

Now that’s absolutely impossible, I don’t think you understand this topic, read the title

Title said MID. Does 3v3 has a mid lane?

It’s sarcasm, I thought it would be obvious. Back on topic, I prefer Celeste because she has more aoe, which is crucial in a big team fight. Samuel also has it, but his Ult is like a bad stun and his a is hard to pull off in said team fight. His B would force him to reposition

that if not Crucible’d it would be a disaster.

Why is being able to reposition a bad thing

It forces him to reposition, that’s the issue. Also, the sleeping time has a delay, so you can dodge it with another Samuel, Vox, Blackfeather, Skye etc…

Your use of sarcasm only just helps prove how wrong you are. Good job. And here I thought maybe you were talking about 3v3 when you said Samuel was C tier, he’s easily CC’ed and Skye is better but in reality it’s the opposite in 5v5.
Samuel is better than Celeste currently because he has much better early game pressure, sustain and range if you can use him right.


B-but, Skye has a PROPER stun and slow on her ultimate, an AoE on her B and nice single target damage on her A, her perk gives her a perfect bonus to movement speed