Why no Taka nerf?

Every hero doesn’t have an invincible, stealth, mortal wound, and inherent cooldown built into their kit. Every hero cannot do what a good Taka can. That’s 2 items plus 2 sustains built in already. His only weakness is his base dmg & ratios, and yes, cams counter his stealth, but cams get destroyed. Flares do too, but flares don’t last forever. As for enemy outplay, yes when a Taka walks right into something, but a good Taka is going to Kaiten out of every stun they can, Kaku right AFTER they get hit by an AOE, and hide out nearby until either or is off Cooldown & ult you before using their A or B again. Chances are they’ll have an Aftershock & maybe Clockwork or Spellsword. I didn’t mention that ALL his abilities can be used for reposition. Yes, when you can pin down a good Taka he’s not a problem, but you need about 2 stuns to make sure you secure the kill, or a DOT ability. He can escape almost anything else, and it’s all built into his kit.

In fact, the reason why so many people pick Taka is the same reason so many people pick SAW: potential. Doesn’t mean everyone knows how to use him, but the ones that do will destroy almost anyone and if they can’t, they’ll let their teamates initiate then come in for the pick-off, chipping you down in the meantime.

We can agree to disagree but again, no other hero but Alpha has that much sustain built into their kit, and her sustain comes from getting all her health back twice. While being a sitting duck. He doesn’t even have to hit you to heal, like Baptiste and Samuel, and maybe you hit him with the aoe, maybe he walks off on an angle and right out of it. Maybe you flare him. Maybe instead of initiating he just walks away until later when your flare is done. A foolish Taka would sit there. An experienced Taka would not. All of this. In one kit. Not including items. Not including his Ki cooldown reduction. Not including mortal wounds to just poke away. C’mon now.

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Okay rephrase what is your ranked winrate with taka?

1 - how the hell does he get th gold for x3 shatterglass?
2 - see above comment with statistical evidence.
3 - assuming you weren’t trolling any hero with x3 shatter glass is going to blow you up!

WP Taka in the right hands is a bloody nightmare. I got paired with esquire who did just this in top lane and he owned my soul, then again h is VG gold so that might explain it!!


Taka is that broken, if you use an aggressive jungler like koshka and steal takas farm, taka can’t do anything.

O i quit ranked but vgpro shows 84.6% winrate over 13 games though it only shows 1 ranked match. For 5v5…


How many pros play Taka in the competitive scene? He is rarely considered meta yet alone OP… sure great takas can be a nightmare, but any great player can turn a hero into a monster if they’ve mastered the mechanics of the hero.


I like WP taka a lot more than CP, not only it’s more interesting to play, but it can hurt… a lot. :smiley:

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I’m not typing everything I said earlier again. If Taka is so strong then he should be picked more. He would have a high win rate in high elo, not middling at best. If you have a competent Taka, you should also assume you have competent enemies who don’t just sit there and watch Taka try to walk off. Otherwise all you are saying is that Good Takas kill noob opponents, which everyone knows already.

Sure, Gatorrex has a good win rate in Taka. Guess what? You can find people with good win rates for any hero, its the overall balance that matters. Most people won’t be playing Taka to his potential and he just doesn’t scale as well as other heroes do come late game. Which might explain his lackluster overall t10 win rates. This is like using Setbackss to say that Skye is OP.

If Taka is strong as a counter in specific matchup that’s ok. My general assumption would be that T10 is your best indicator of his typical “potential” outside of stalking a bunch of pros. Speaking of pros, I checked several jugglers and they pick Taka less than a number of others heroes. I would assume they are better than even Gatorrex to a large extent, or at least know the meta better.

And no, most people pick Saw because he is a noob hero and they think they know how to play him. You don’t often see a Saw that is any good, and frankly the same goes for Taka players. It’s a noob champion that kills noob players. His “potential” isn’t there.

I don’t believe in cherry picking data. Unless you have a good pile of evidence beyond his “overloaded” kit and noob stomping to show me, I will not take your comments on him seriously. I probably won’t bother responding further without a good post.


Reza, Grumpjaw, Celeste, Samuel until 5v5, Lorelai, Churnwalker until world championships, etc: All heroes that are strong and don’t get picked often enough. Gwen even before buffs recently, crystal SAW even after his nerfs in the past.

There’s a whole list of heroes that don’t get picked because of perception, not actual strength, and they’re usually heroes that need to snowball.

By the way, no need to get mad about someone having a different opinion. And I can tell you are because we said the same thing when it comes to SAW and you’re saying it in a different way just to disagree with me. That annoys the hell out of me. We can just agree to disagree.

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I feel like the problem with this line of thought is that you act as if the kit alone makes the hero strong.

Take has a very good, high skill cap kit, but the basis of his success still revolves around stealth. He needs to be able to get in and out of the fight safely. Any good team will stop this from occurring.

Heroes are tuned and balanced around their kit. Small changes in their ability ratios, cooldowns, or energy requirements can make them go from potato to broken. Even small changes around a core item in their kit can make a big difference.

In general, stealth heroes are problematic for balance tuning and the overall health of the game. If they are tuned strong, they are unbearable in low tier games with bad vision control.

Taka is a pain in the ass, he is extremely annoying to play against when he gets ahead, but he is not nerf worthy at the moment.


Who needs defense and cd when I have 5SG? No amount of defense can save you, try it out.

Introducing Vainglory 1v1 an all new gamemode!

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Sam not picked until 5v5?He was very popular before DE was introduced and saw a dip for 2 patches because of overall meta change but he was always a highly picked hero

Not as much as he is actually useful for. He’s actually one of the best ranged carries, and has been before DE, but he’s not picked like it. He can set up offensive pushes & defensive cover, as well as sustain himself, all from the backline. He never actually has to be in danger, much like Skaarf. He can play a supporting role well since he never has to be frontlines.

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old bf can counter him
bring back rose trail and slow on point

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I miss that damn rose trail so much

At least bring back the visual

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There are carries like gwen and celeste although weak to taka can easily destroy him. Late game taka isnt as good as mid game. If u have decent vision and a hero that can reveal him, he gets deleted.

I said Taka’s kit is overload. He has the utility of just about every major item (reflex block, fountain, and boots), built in his kit.

This makes him even worse with how it scales with a cool down build.

Yes, when he scales he’s ridiculous. Especially in soloq where coordination is poor.

Sure, he’s not much of a problem against coordinated teams that focus him, and everyone builds to counter him. However, let’s think about it, the fact that teams have to build specifically to counter one hero is a sign that hero is broken.

Also, Taka is one of the most popular heroes. A ton of people suck with him, which is part of the reason his win rates are mediocre. Nevertheless, his kit is still overloaded af, and I definitely think his self heal should be removed and Kaku should just make him cc immune or damage immune, not both.

However, again, I can just play him and spread his cancer.

Yes. In fact, you said it over and over and over, completely disregarding all actual arguments in the process.

If his kit being overloaded does not translate into him winning games, it does not matter for shit. The indicator for Taka winning games is his win-rate. His win-rate is mediocre.

No, the “good Taka”-myth does not apply. It is an ad hoc hypothesis with no grounds in reality. If it had any semblance of credibility, Taka’s win-rates would increase the higher the skill-tier you observe. [Because players are on average more competent, so Taka players are on average more competent - but they can’t be countered because his kit is “overloaded”.]
Is this the case? No it isn’t. End of story.