What not to play in 5v5 ranked

Yeah but only on WP Alpha. On CP you max A then Ult. And CP is doing a lot better in 3s than WP Alpha not too sure about 5s since I haven’t seen a CP one yet.

Yeah that’s what I did with alpha when I played her before , but I saw some main alphas max her B first and they then decide between her A or ult , and she actually doing well with maxing her B first .

For cp baron I don’t know , it doesn’t make sense for me to leave his B not maxed , his ult at level 2 is strong and short cooldown with clockwork , cp baron with his playstyle need the jump more than the wp because he is easier to dodge his damage and dive him , I think anyone not maxing the B is playing baron wrong .

There is again, a big misconception that CP Baron is meant to hit anything but structures and minion waves easily, and he can’t even hit minion waves easily without some timing. He is, again, all about burst dmg through timing and area denial. A good CP Baron, again, will use tactics to secure hits, like pinching an enemy who walks too far into his range between mortars AND an ult, and again, secure hits, not kills. The point is that Baron’s hits are so powerful in one shot that the enemy will be constantly trying to avoid them, either preventing them from taking a lane whether it’s one enemy or a whole team, or providing a distraction for allies to jump in and actually secure the kill then covering them with mortars either on and ahead of or on and behind the enemy to force the enemy in a direction, or waiting for an ally to pin the enemy down to take a full blast while you make the enemy dance around. Other than that a CP Baron is best at taking turrets from long range, stealing jungle objectives from lane due to his sheer dmg, or nuking minion pushes in unaccompanied lanes with his ult in a pinch.

Point being, an exceptional CP Baron with a semi competent team will make your life hell, and keep you stalled in whatever lane he’s in, while a bad CP Baron will try to go for actual kills when he’s not going to get them anyway, and usually die trying.

Here’s another thing to realize about Baron: his mortar range at full can rival skaarf, celeste, kestrel, and varya. He can effectively keep them from attacking him long range and melee enemies from trying to approach short range. As I said multiple times already, if you’re approaching cp Baron looking to get kills instead of assists and taking turrets, you’re playing him with the wrong mentality. It’s just like playing CP Saw and expecting to get kills on melee heroes and just flat out push into objectives in the same way WP Saw can, or for that matter, playing WP Saw and expecting to kill anybody from range or nuke people and objectives with burst dmg like CP SAW can.

mate stop please… its never ever played in high tiers for a reason cause its just a worthless, if it was any decent some people would play it but no its not even decent its straight up garbage.


He’s never played because he’s not worth the effort, not because he’s worthless. Just like churnwalker isn’t played with every comp or in lower tiers because he’s not worth the effort there, not that he’s worthless.

And that would also mean that every other hero that’s not played in the highest tiers is worthless, which I doubt you’d say is true unless you’re just being dismissive to dismiss. Some heroes are more flexible with more comps. Some heroes do better on their own. Some heroes have better flex. There are a lot of heroes played in higher tiers not because they’re not good in niche situations or with specific comps but because they work with the team better and get to the point where kills are concerned.

he’s not played cause people don’t enjoy 4v5. Now stop arguing its a literal shit anyone will tell you that besides the tier 5 skrubs that play it

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I’ll give you a three-for-one on reasons to never take serious your responses in the future.

  1. Saying rank is a legitimate indicator of skill or in game knowledge.
  2. Assuming I only play with people in my tier.
  3. Deciding to call anyone a scrub.

See, I figured you wouldn’t have the intelligibility to come up with a response for why every hero isn’t used in higher tiers or why some heroes aren’t used in lower ones but since you seemed like the type to be a ‘scrub’ debater I figured I’d see what you could come up with, and you performed exactly as expected.

if you’re tier 5 you’re a skrub, its a fact i am not assuming anything you’re literally 100 points away of the lowest possible rank. And i’ve tried to prove you that cp baron is terrible but you keep coming up with explanations that don’t make ant sense but fine i will say it again, he’s slow, does no damage early game, does no damage mid game, easiest hero to lock down and focus, he loses to every single mid laner in the game, the most preditable hero in the game that requires you to walk into his spells to land them. The argument “if you know how to play it its good” or “if you’re skilled cp baron its viable” doesn’t work, there is no skilled players that plays cp baron, a skilled players understands the strenghts and weaknesses of a hero and cp baron has no strenght and a never ending list of weaknesses. There is a reason its never played in ranked cause its just not viable in any scenario, some heroes are of meta but get picked from time to time cause draft allows for it but cp baron is NEVER picked NEVER like i’ve been vg bronze for more than a year and never in my entire life i have seen one. And btw if you’re low tier and you think you’re a good player you’re just delusional.

Dude. Why are you still talking. I told you it’s not a conversation anymore with me. After this point you’re just spewing to air or whoever else responds. I literally don’t care about your paragraph of text. It reeks of something pointless to respond to. Just like your last response. If you have something constructive to say in there, maybe you should have cleaned up your attitude before you started to speak, because it stinks in this conversation now, you know? I personally don’t make it a habit to talk to people who don’t practice basic civil hygiene, but here’s a lesson in cleaning up rank dialogue for you.

Umm you asked a question and he ignored. Now he gave his reasoning to why CP Baron is terrible you ignored, don’t see big difference. But I’ll answer your question with another. Can you tell me what hero isn’t used in high tiers and isn’t worthless then?

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No I asked a question and he gave me a *****y response so I told him why I’d be ignoring him and he kept talking. The difference is I’ll be civil until you come off like a ****. And then I’ll give you a chance to correct yourself, but if you do it again then as they say looks like it, smells like it, must be.

And I don’t think there are any heroes that aren’t used at all but as for often enough Petal CP is one.

And is Petal good? Or is there a reason she’s not used? I think there’s a pretty good reason and it seems kinda similar to another pick that’s not used in high tiers. CP Baron.aa

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Ozo is garbage played one match with him in top lane and literally anyone could do better in his role. I thought he was good when I was playing him in casuals but then in ranked I got sht on because he is such a team dependent hero. And why play Ozo bot when literally BF can do what he can but better.

Add Ozo to that list. The guy will only be good in 3s…

ozo is alright, you should play it bot or jungle tho

JG i can see but I feel like he should get a bit more early game damage because his late game is meh and his mid game is purely dependent on his early game. His base damage on his AA makes it too difficult to CS properly in lane while being under pressure by two heroes.

i mean playing ozo top is contradictory to his kit, you need heroes that scale well in top with cheap builds and ozo is pretty much the opposite

I made Taka, Kensei, BF, WP Idris, and some other stuff work really well mostly because of my 300 IQ rotations but Ozo seems to not be one of them lol…

Yep. Same as CP Baron, petal CP is a late game hero, but she can do well in mid. You are absolutely right.

Petal CP late game hero lol. She is an early game hero, not a late game hero, the reason why she is not used is because you are always facing at least 1 hard counter (AoE) if not more, she can’t split push, she is horrible team fighting, has no jungles to counter…

Sorry but i use churnwalker and when i do i mostly win most of thw time. I guesa you just gotta be good with the hero