Took a while but I am finally here to answer any questions I am allowed to answer

Why did I get Neko-Skaarf on my first try and could not get Tea Party Grace after 6 tries? Are you specifically not allowing me to get her skin, Niv? :thinking:

Maybe they could make the camera zoom out for Lyra’s portal when it is on standby

It does not since it does not give barrier but damage reduction.

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No I am sorry but that is NOT how people get PBE access. While I no longer dictate who goes into PBE. The things that are looked for are numerous aspects such as maturity, showing kindness and respect for others, ability to get along with others, able to give the time to test, an adequate understanding of the mechanics of the game and the ability to follow directions. There are several people on the forums who do not fill the above requirements. Hence why I would NEVER admit them to PBE if it were my choice. PBE testers are hand picked from a stack of hundreds of applications. In addition they are added on a “Need” basis. IF you want to create content and get into the PBE through content creation that would be through wolfhands and in addition those content creators generally only have PBE access the Friday before release.


Hybrid is tricky…Its great to give players choices but to much is actually a negative for the game in general. I don’t mind some items being flexible between trees though. For example lets say we made hybrid items and Kestrel became super popular. Her arrows do amazing damage, she insta stealths and can do it permanently. What defense do you buy against her? What options do you feel you would have? It gets difficult because we have heroes that gain benefits like CC or utility with CP or WP. So its not something I personally would prefer for the sake of a healthy game.

This is a UI change that you would need Kraken for >_<

Lol XD yes thats totally the reason. :slight_smile:

But at first, how do you apply yourself to PBE before taking the other aspects into account?

To follow up on the last question, when is PBE ever coming to Android if at all?

The application of the PBE is filled with questions. That require filling. We look for qualities in that answer. Plust Nightwalker and I get around A LOT. Most of the people that apply we have interacted with in one way or another.

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Currently there are no plans for an android PBE. Sorry.

So do you have that now or somewhere else that you can show me?

so is it possible to have the UI changed?
maybe in future update?

or make the kraken bigger XD which totally brings out the camera further

The application? You should ask Nightwalker for it.

Ok. Where can I contact him? In-game, Gmail, Facebook or Reddit?
Ps: I just checked the SEMC team. Who is Nightwalker cause there is no one with the IGN of Nightwalker

Nightwalker59 you can find her on twitter or discord.

Ok. Well it’s time I started learning how to use Twitter to contact her and get the application form. (I only use Facebook though)

Niv, do you know about joystick control devs? I wonder if SEMC created it from zero or not…

Yes they did. SurpriseBirthday made it from scratch.

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then as a player I should thanks them, I really appreciate it coz other mobile mobas bought the joystick system to certain company… VG joystick atm need some improvements but for now its still usable :slight_smile:

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