Took a while but I am finally here to answer any questions I am allowed to answer

I am not on the art team…Or the growth team for that matter. (Which does events)

That’s fine. Just wanting to know if you guys in that department would be cool doing that. I personally think it would be pretty cool!

Also I’d like to see some cool VG stick figures :^)

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screenshot this and send to sugarvenom , nivmett actually read the lores .
hope you guys stream together again on vainglory channel :heart::heart:

Do the pro players play any role in balancing?
I don’t mean directly of course but they do get contact with devs and they can complain about the heroes … and it also seems like it.

Just curious.

Some of the pro players are in pbe soooooo

Or Idk I’ve been in this forums and the forums before and everybody who has been this forums and the forums before should have access to the PBE.
Pd: do I have to create content to get access to the PBE?

nivvvvv, took in your suggestion about lorelai…and I won her in rank. 7 kills with lorelai

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Would it be worthwhile to lower skill floors on certain heroes? On the one hand, it would seem like the best way to get value out of all the design-work that goes into each heroes is to make them all approachable for as many players as possible, but many of the characters which are widely seen as difficult and not often played would need much more than simple tweaks to numbers.

I’m a fan of Lorelai (love the animations for her; they just flow together so nicely), but I definitely recognize how hard she could be to balance — she is already tremendously effective when no one on the enemy team thinks to target her directly.

Then again, Lorelai has a double-digit pick rate so far this patch, and she has good success, so maybe she’s been helped enough. I’ve got to think that others like Ozo, Churnwalker, and Grumpjaw are just not approachable enough (or if they are approachable, they are just too ineffective or too easily countered).

Niv, can you tell us does or does not capacitor plate affects grace’s A? After all it creates barrier for allies, but I just played a game with her and the new item and didn’t notice any effect (judging from speed boost). :thinking:

It’s the health barrier or fortified HP that is affected. Grace’s Holy Shield is a different effect like Lance’s Gythian Wall.

Why the hecc would Niv allow random people to just join PBE? If you really want to join PBE apply yourself…


i dont think randoms can join pbe, u have to be trusted or known person that wont leak content, and can put in hours and provide information/feedback

edit: feedback

i think the requirements were that you were above T8 and had to sign an NDA so SEMC can sue you to death if you leak…probably some more stuff

How do feel about how much this patch helped Phinn? Plate + Rook makes Phinn great as well as the Water Denzien perk. Really enjoying Phinn myself. Also, what do you think Flicc needs to be viable again (or maybe just list what you think his main problems are if u cannot answer that ig) like in the 5v5 release since EVERY captain outclasses him in every way?

Hey Nivmett, which dev do you think is most likely to give like exactly uhh 140 ICE? :wink:

No please no! Lower cooldown they become oppressive and also significantly reduce the strategic space available in the game.


I believe it doesn’t - her “barrier” is really a damage reduction percentage - which Capacitor Plate isn’t supposed to change.


We had the crystal tree rework.
The captain tree rework.

And now some changes to weapon power too.

I see more and more generalist items that work with several build paths.

What is your stance on hybrid builds? Idris took a hit when he successfully started hybrid plays but that probably was due to the double perk.

I see several items which enable hybrid builds, is this intentional?

Vampirism over lifesteal has made all lifesteal items generalistic.

Poison Shiv+Raw CP
TT with bonus move on CP base attack heroes.

Not to mention all of the utility carries like wp Grace+ spellweave and Spellsword.

How much freedom do you want players to have build wise?

Hi Niv,
is it possible to bring the camera to further range to show more map or at least add that as option?

Lyra portal has 15 range, so showing more map allows her to teleport easily otherwise having a 15 range and not putting it to use is just… :confused:


Omg YES, its so hard to use the full extent of her teleport range on a phone, i always end up hitting my minimap or zoom button XD