So This Just Happened

I agree with you. Please don’t just play taka,stop complaining about your team and look at yourself. If you are really good as you said, carrying your team will not be a problem. Just playing taka cannot bring you anywhere. Start playing other heroes like vox or grace. Just playing the same hero cannot bring you anywhere. Also SEM hates instalockers

Do i have to play draft mode in T7? or is there still the regular solo q selection

I believe draft becomes part of Solo q

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Rank matches after t7 are all draft as to stop instalocking and make people think about matches.

No but it very hard to rank up at t7 if you soloq. Draft makes things easier. Also don’t talk about higher ranks if you’re not there yet

Yes, once you rank to about T6 Gold or T7 bronze everything in ranked mode becomes draft…

In my opinion, a person with a skill of T7 can at least climb to T6 in SoloQ…
But it is not true if you want to climb to T10 :cry:

Honestly, if your teammates are going like 0/10 that also means you’re not assisting. That’s the difference between good and bad Takas. Good Takas understand how to rotate to lane and play with their team. Bad Takas play as individual players with zero team synergy.

Considering Taka is the only character you play you don’t understand that other characters can’t simply stealth out and heal when things go bad. You also need to understand that when you stealth in fights it shifts your opponents attention to the other carry. So you need to help protect rather than simply dropping out of the fight to set yourself up for a gank.

If your teammates are often eating a ton of kills, then one of the problems is that you’re not assisting properly.

Tier 4 is the easiest tier in the game. No one gets stuck their due to the match maker, which honestly is pretty accurate…as right now there is a huge skill distribution in 5v5 and the difference between the Vainglorious players and tier 4 player is night and day.


Ah… Nice post. That sums up how Takas work down here perfectly. Any tips on how to make the best of it as one of the other 2 people on Taka’s team(this YOLO kinda Taka)?

Left him to do what he wants he let him die for about … 10 times, spending those time to farm and push turret. Ignore all the rage ping from him. If anyone teach him a lesson like that he wont play Taka anymore and start using other heroes to support his allies so that his teammates will aid him when he needed most

i always play like that when our allylet enemy team has vox. Just pick celeste so you will out-range any of them and take part in combat in very far so you wont receive the bouncing damage

Haha, Yolo Taka is a great term.

My advice, as already mentioned, is to farm up and stay out of fights you can’t handle and in range to fall back to your turret. Never over extend to assist Taka, that’s pretty much the case in every tier. Taka can stealth and heal if things goes bad, so if he dives and dies that’s 100% his fault. Quite frankly, Taka should play assist, not you, and help protect the main carry. Unless, of course, you guys are snowballing, then let him run around going gank happy.

Lots of lower tiers Taka’s fall into individualist player category with Krul, Saw, and Rona because they are noob friendly and do a lot of work in the lower tiers. With that said, they are pretty similar in that if they over extend don’t feel obligated to dive in, especially if they are turret diving. Unless you know you can handle it, because if you are playing a squishier character, you’re generally going to be the to eat the death instead of them.

Generally you just want to play the stages of the game. Early game for farming (first 5-7 minutes), middle game (7-14 min) securing turrets and crystal miners and map dominance, and end game (15+ minutes) team fighting, securing the Kraken, the rest of the crystal miners, and closing out the game. .[keep in mind 5v5 times are different but the theory is the same].

Of course there are certain heroes designed for early game dominance, like Koshka, Adagio, and most popular Saw. If you play those then go balls to the wall from the start because you powerful early on but will fall off later.

Hope that helps.


This is a good guide for new and old taka player.

Friends don’t let friends instalock Taka

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Thank you. Very informative. I’ll try my best to do that. But…

My fear is in ranked… Every time a Taka does that YOLO stuff some start raging if you don’t even try to help. Then they start to troll… And at that moment it feels like doing what they want a bit(a BIT) might make them work more as a team late-game. But I’ll be wrong. Almost every time. But I still do that next game. :crying_cat_face: The SoloQ Hell.

When you fear ALL 3 enemies away from your 1hp Taco and instead of running the other direction he still goes back for one last X-Retsu… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Yea I see that a lot but I seen takas like that who also outplayed the opponents.

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Again, if they die that’s on them. It’s pretty much the case with every character. You’re responsible for your own deaths.

Of course in idealized play you have a roam pealing and dropping fountains and carries assisting each other, but that’s not always the case. You’re sometimes going to get that Ardan that only vanguard’s himself and builds wp or that Krul that’s diving under turrets and feeding. In that case, you just have to adjust.

Nevertheless, the number one rule is don’t die. No one is responsible for your deaths. If you die that is on you. If someone else does, that’s on them, no matter how hard the rage ping.


The reason why my KDA is so high but im still bouncing around T4 is because whenever i get a kill, someone on my team dies. This means that no matter how many kills i get, the team does not have an advantage

The last match i played teammates were a lot more concerned with not dying as opposed to forcing the issue. Only one of us died once the entire match (32 kills - 1).

Im not 100% sure how to prevent teammates from dying with taka besides kill someone as quickly as possible. Im still looking for the most damaging taka build possible so i am open to suggestions.

At this point it is incredibly irritating to me that my KDA is rising but my win rate isn’t.

Try assisting your team instead of running around solo trying gank all game.

A lot of people cringe when people lock in Taka, because a lot of time it becomes two separate matches. One 2v3 match with the other team, and taka vs the other team.

In low tiers Taka is almost as bad a Saw.

You want to inspire confidence in your teammates. Once you start running around doing your own thing and ignoring the lane to run around ganking and/or jungling all game, it demoralizes people defending the turrets 2v3.

Trust me, it’s great having a good taka on your team. He can tear up the bad line quick if needed and can synergize great if working in tandem with other carries.

My advice is actually learning how to play lane, that way you’ll understand how important it is to rotate up there, predict pushes, and no how to fill in if your laner goes down or has to shop.

…and quite frankly, in 5v5, three out of the five people have to know how to lane properly.


Ok there seems to be this idea that im actually chasing kills. No. I target the person that is most likely going to die at the right time. For example im not going to attack Rona while she is spinning, neither am i going to attack krul while he has his barrier up.

99% of the people i get either attack at the wrong time or attack the wrong person. Nearly every saw i get will die 8 times to a krul that dashes at them. There is nothing i can do about that. Now me on the side is going to wait for the barrier to drop before dropping x retsu on him.

I’m also not going to poke a tank when im melee. I spend most matches avoiding tanks unless someone else has poked them enough.

So no i dont go running off doing my own thing unles you mean trying to get some farming done so i dont go broke trying to save people that enjoy going to respawn.

If you cant hard carry in t4 especially as taka, and you believe you have the skill of a t7, you dont belong anywhere else.