So This Just Happened

You should join a guild or a team or just find some guys to party up with.
The game is a lot more fun if your teammates are better than bots.

If you think that there are no trolls, instalocks, and just straight up bad players in T7 or even T10 do I have some news for you. Your rank is not really something to get this worked up about. Guess who else cares about your rank besides you? Nobody.

I was frustrated when I first started playing this game too but I quickly realized to not worry so much about my teammates and focus on my own performance each match. When I died - what did I do wrong, how could I have positioned better or used defensive abilities better? And when I do well - take note of what I did and try to replicate it again.

It will sound harsh but you deserve the rank you have. Improve your own game and you will undoubtedly rise. If you truly think you belong in T7 you can hard carry T4 matches no problem. Find a carry you can 1v3 with and go for it. Good luck.


I mean, its not like it’s gonna get any better in t7.
I was like 3 elo away from t7 before I gave up ranking, and there was this one match I had when I was at 6 gold.
So I was wp Joule lane against a SAW , and my jungler was a CP petal.
During draft, the petal had been spamming thumbs up on vox, which is probably the worst carry into saw.
So when the match, started, they spammed pinged me for quite a bit.
At one point, I was 13/0 (ended up 16/3 rip) and my petal was 2/10 and we lost.

Iam not saying it’s all her fault, I did some pretty stupid mistakes here and there, but she wasn’t exactly the best teammate I could’ve gotten.
The best solution is just to find 2 players who are decent and want to climb, and are around the same rank and you, and play with them. Also discord vc helps a lot.

Cp vox is actually good vs Saw…

She already locked in CP petal jungle and I was last pick :slight_smile:
Also, he wasn’t really that viable before the buff he got in as even with resonance he didn’t do decent damage, and always got overshadowed by skaarf/celeste/CP baron as better saw counters.

You know what they say, If you can’t get out of there, you belong there.

Lol yea 100%. Im sure these stats are really just entry level.

Thank you @Tamaticon for showing me this site, now im going to be obsessed with it .

I looked you up via VainSocial, and neither your TrueSkill score nor your Rank Points are anywhere near T7. (Btw, do you really only play Taka? If that’s true, it’s one reason you’re not winning matches: Taka isn’t going to be the best pick for every comp.)

That said, you’re a better than average Taka, when compared to your peers. Here’s a sneak peek at an upcoming feature for Andi:

I’d try to expand your hero pool, learn what heroes synergize with each other, and you’ll be on your way up soon enough.


Now you mentioned it, even the build is not good. He prefers Shatterglass, but actually in low rank it just allows him to … I am sorry to use these words ks or just deal damage and run away without any helpful to his teammates. Besides, he even try to build hybrid, which is not good.

Bro, if you want to play better, don’t insta lock Taka or stick on damage like that. Try to cooperate with your teammates. I see that even with Shatterglass you not always deal the most damage out there and the Damage Healing and Receive is pretty bad (compared to avarage Jungler) as well.

Shatterglass isnt the only crystal item I build. Spellsword i just decided to try over aftershock for a specific reason and it seems to be doing what i wanted. Which is why ive been successful enough since running it.

I could explain to you my build and playstyle but that will take too many words. Ill just say that I am always open to suggestions on new builds for Taka.

Just keep in mind Taka is the only jungler that has stealth, a high cd rate on the ult and only has the crystal side viable. This means that enemy teams prioritize shield when building defense items so my damage will drop compared to a teammate running weapon power.

Edit: Actually with spellsword having that cd rate maybe i will try WP one of these days. If only Taka wasnt so squishy

If you want to get to tier 7 just grind to tier 7. Don’t see what the problem is.

Just YouTube FlashX’s professional guide to solo queue if you want guide on how to do it. It took him like 30 games to get to tier 7. Of course he’s like 32-1, however, he basically hard carried all his games, which is very doable in 3v3 in the lower tiers.

Just lock in a hyper carry like Skye and melt your way to T7. It’s not too hard to do if you put on the work.

Your farming is bad. Your cs is super low… Your damage average.

Your kda is nice though

Yeah, I just looked at your profile. You only play Taka and appear to only kill farm. I think you’re in for a rude awakening once you move up in tier.

Actually i just look for the easiest target to kill and focus on that person instead of spraying and praying like everyone else does. You can have the most damage but if you just keep shooting at everything its useless if they just port back to heal.

Having the most damage but the fewest kills/assist is a bad thing.

I am trying to get better at being efficient with movement tho. Sometimes i’m a few seconds late to a team fight and most cannot recognize when a fight is going to go bad.

@Xaldarian As for farms, around mid to late game i typically prefer staying in jungle and let team do the farming if im bodyguarding and I have to bodyguard a lot because people dont know when to back off.

Almost every game ill see at least one person walk back into a fight just to get a hit in when they have like 20% hp left and then die. That contributes to damage but you tell me if it is good damage or not.

Honestly if you are posting stats like these, and you are as good as a tier 7, then you should be able to hardcarry all these games against tier 4s, even with feedin teammates. Taka is probably the easiest hero to play and win with in the low tiers and if youre so good you wouldnt be stuck. Objective focus is a thing (who cares if you have 20 kills if you cant focus on objectives? Push gold mine when the enemies are busy, push as many turrets as you can after an ace, stop onetricking taka and learn other heroes (t7 means taka is gonna get banned) generally if you are good enough you will climb, just like how i climbed from t6 to t8, that was because i improved and learned from my errors. Thats what you have to do as well. STOP ONETRICKING TAKA he isnt as easy the higher you get.

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Its t4. If youre t7 level, you can 1v3 them lol. When i was t8 n made a smurf, i also had starters who kept dying and had a bad kda but i easily 1v3ed n got to t7 on my smurf too. I was stuck in t5 for almost 3 months so i know the feeling. But tbh i can assess how better ive gotten at the game. All u need to do is get better to rank up.

Lol you don’t know if i do all those things or not. Your saltiness makes you assume that i don’t. Also don’t know what you mean by banned when I only play solo.

This has nothing to do with me being good or not rather why i get people who go 0/12/0 like i did today. All i want is to be matched with people who dont stand in the middle of the lane with 20% hp.

Since you are in T8 maybe your Pro and Social stats will show me something different i am not doing . What is your ingame name?

At T7 there is a draft mode, which allows people to block characters during a match. Also, only one character can be chosen for the game. No one taka for each team. Thus, Taka often gets banned. Thus he could be picked on the opposing team, and if not, one of your own team mates might pick him. You can’t simply insta lock him in draft.

The chances of you actually getting to play Taka at T7 is pretty low, due to him getting banned in the draft often.

Nevertheless, at that level people generally use more vision and know how to counter Taka. So he’s not much of a good pick any way. I personally ban him often because I hate having him on my team.

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I already look at your stats and matches and I see that you are a taka main. The only hero you play is taka?? This is a disgrace to a taka main like me. Your KDA is not even good. Looking at your stats, you are not even close to t7 or t6. You are not ready for that rank yet. Also please try other heroes.

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Its APro8

Go here if you want to see my terrible stats