So This Just Happened

You dont play Taka tho. To make matters worse you are at 51% win rate with half my KDA yet you have double my ELO

Now i’m being told 2 different things. Hard carry or Team coordination. which is it?

If you want to get out of the lower tiers you hard carry, once you reach SA silver team combination is a neccessity.
My winrate does not reflect my individual skill. Do you really think going 20/0/0 have any massive impact on the upper tiers, is that really why you play Taka? Even if you get 300 kills in a match, it doesnt mean anything if you cant take objectives properly and control the map.

Its kinda hard to control the map when you are dead though.

I think its a lot harder to carry than it is to play with good players. Ive had really good teammates and really bad ones. Like today I got a god like Lyra and Gwen. The next match i got a Saw that was really trying to throw the match.

The difference is very noticeable which is why i think it would be easier at higher tiers.

If you really are the one controlling the map, going back to base shouldnt even be on your mind, you should even be consistently getting out of fights with everyone having 75% of their health left.
Ive played on different skill tiers on various regions, solo carrying to SA should be a piece of cake anywhere in this inflated elo times.
You said youve met several good players before, add them, offer a party, if they decline, snipe them anyways.
Think about changing your build for the meantime, construct one that would let you 1v3 in the event that your teammates arent as skilled. Change your playstyle, be more aggresive, use your pings 100% as intended, otherwise, dont use them at all, learn to adapt to multiple scenarios.

You are way too obsessed over your KDA. It’s actually pretty meaningless as you’ve no doubt found out through your win rate.

KDAs are a poor proxy for skill. They can be extremely manipulated (KS kings will nod their heads reluctantly). Back when this game was new, there was a current of KS Takas that flooded the fold. Taka was an extremely popular hero. For his kit and his comedic voice lines. But not many knew how to play him, so they would simply farm the entire game, making an appearance if they saw an enemy at low life to KS them, and then retreat back to farming. It became such an issue that many players actually feared getting a Taka as much as they feared the dreaded instalock SAWs. With that said, lose the notion that a KDA is the deciding factor of whether you are good or not.

As it has been said, this is a team game. Gone are the days of hard carrying (though I still believe you can solo carry in low tiers) unless you can operate at a T10 level with regards to your hero, counterbuilding and rotations. Which leads me to my next point: this is not a game where your success can be measured by a single skill. Mechanical ability trumps everything. However, counter building, hero knowledge (power spikes, etc.) help greatly, as does tactical ability, planning, rotational awareness, map awareness and knowing things like win factors. Then you have to account for your allies and their own skill, most likely adjusting your win conditions. You cannot play the same with a bunch of T4s as you can with a bunch of T10s. It’s a different game and you have to adjust your play style, and most likely, again, win conditions.

If you were really that good, you’d be pulling in double digit kills in T4. Sometimes casual queue takes a dive and pits me and my friend against what looks like brand new players. When that happens, we usually end up with flawless KDAs. My friend, who is a carry, often runs more than two dozen kills. It’s actually disgusting how bad new players are with respect to skilled players. A KDA of 6-2 shows you are good but not really good enough to jump several skill tiers.

I have no doubt you could hang in T7, but you wouldn’t be carrying in it. You’d be the one getting carried, making mistakes that your allies would likely roll their eyes on. I mean let’s be real, the biggest issue is getting out of mid Elo. In low elo, all you have to do is build T2 defenses quick, have good CS and you’ll be unkillable. Reason being is that T2 defenses can seriously dent incoming damage from even two T3 items. And low elo run at 50% HP. They also have no concept of cooldowns or hero knowledge, so even if you unload all your burst, they’ll believe more of the same is coming and will bolt. Good players know the safe zones and danger zones of the heroes they play and play into.

Skill tiers are very muddled. A T5 silver isn’t really better than a T4 bronze and a T7 gold might actually be better than an SA silver.

The best way to get into higher elo is to always look in. You can’t tell me with a straight face you had optimal damage output. That you never missed an ability, or never failed to maximize that hit (as in landing an AoE on all of your enemies). That you never missed a creep. That you had perfect rotations. That you didn’t miss tap in combat. Or target the wrong target. Stuttered perfectly without accidentally canceling an auto. Built perfectly. Focus on your own game, nothing else. Even then that’s no guarantee for success, but if you play flawless and still lose, you tend to feel leaving good about your own play and less salty about the loss.

Winning is a byproduct of being good. You don’t win to become good.

In closing, this has been here since the dawn of time. Everyone always feels they should be several elo higher.


I nodded so many times IRL while reading this. :clap::clap::clap:

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This topic is full of really outstanding advice. This post is yet another example of why a place to have a long-form discussion is so useful and why SEMC has done the game a tremendous disservice by shutting down the old forums.


How is it possible to pick taka every game, he’s banned in 98% of the rank games I’m in lol… Or is draft just for higher tiers?

Draft only occurs for ranked matches with 2 full parties below T7. So if you play solo or duo, you won’t see draft at all until you hit Hotness.

I think that’s incredibly stupid, but it was a change they made almost immediately after implementing draft mode in response to low tier players complaining that they didn’t want it. Supposedly they were going to re-address that plan at some point, but like many things they’ve promised, they seem to have forgotten it.


Team coordination is part of hard carrying. You still want to be able to assist and help keep your team mates from dying as well as help secure turrets and speed up rotations, and vice versa.

Good players still know how to leverage the strength of their team, minimize team deaths, as well as have superior mechanics.

My third game was a 56 minute slugfest of epic proportions - probably because no one knew what they were doing and everyone was focusing their kda not on winning the game.

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Once you reach your actual skill tier your win rate will logically hit around 50%. So for any high tier player barring the actually god like ones that is what you will see.

Also high tier players are much better at juggling aggression, objective focus and good old fashioned not dying which leads to lower KDA’s in higher tiers.

Focusing on your KDA is a mistake - if you want to focus a stat look at your gold per minute and your win rate those are much more relevant than KDA.

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Ok when i initially first picked up VG I was looking for a hero with a playstyle I liked. Taka i really enjoyed for his playstyle and versatility. so i ran it it for a bit and then looked for something else with similar flexibility in offense and defense.

I wanted to main at least one carry, jungler and captain so i tried Samuel and Idris looking for a carry. Unfortunately i realized that no one else really was as flexible as Taka so I stuck with him.

In every game I play i look for a something with a playstyle i enjoy over something that is the most viable or optimal.

VG is a shallow game compared to say RPGs. Its not like there is a story or character progression or deep gameplay like 4x strategy games which is why i never play MOBAs so the fact im here is a miracle.

If i do get to T7 and Taka is banned and there is no other hero that has his kind of versatility, I see no reason to keep playing.

The meta changes constantly, as for now he is banned often but by the time you reach T7 he may not be.

I dont know why people come to this conclusion and im starting to get tired of it. The ELO system was originally made for 1v1 where both players are playing under the same conditions.

Game developers took the system put MMR on it and said its the same thing. 3v3 is not the same as 1v1. Worse still its 3v3 with no communication. Worse still match compositions and how good your hero is affects the outcome.

Guild Wars 2 uses this system except they actually recognized these variables and implemented placement matches. You play 10 matches matched against low and high MMR players and depending on the outcome you are placed in a division to start your season.

So if you are a good player you are not going to be teamed with people who are just starting and expected to carry them. I have seen people who are better than I am lose to my team because they were on the wrong team.

VG’s system says team play means you should be able to play for 2 or 4 people. Or am I wrong.

You cannot tell me that even though my KDA doubles everyone else that has posted on this thread including Takas I am still no different from someone who just started.

People in this thread are simply trying to share with you advice and experience - we can’t make you listen to it. That you are still focusing on the relatively meaningless stat of KDA is unfortunate - ask yourself this - if your KDA is so much better than others and KDA is so important how did others get to higher tiers without that great KDA?


I’m trying to reach t7. I keep thrashing around t6g soloq. And I can already see the KDAs(of everyone) dropping in my games. The wins are more due to a perfectly timed ace/objective control rather than constant “WIPE THE FLOOR” from some one guy on one team. Teamfights are more fun and everyone seems to contribute. There are toxic/YOLO shitbags from time to time. But I feel that average gameplaywise it feels different. Good luck.

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Its actually geniunely interesting how it changes and correlates to game length time as well - mid tiers matches tend to last the longest presumably because people have reached the point of prioritising not dying and buying defence, but haven’t gotten in tune with their heroes enough yet to be able to know their limits - so playing it safe means really really safe.


Taka is flexible and Idris isn’t?
Taka can only go cp jungle in lower tiers while Idris can go both paths and you could also jungle cp Idris if you wanted to. Samuel is better played in the jungle imo, if you’re looking for a weapon power carry then rigo is in a good position right now, and vox is never too far away from meta.

Based on this comment, I just added “gold per minute” to Andi’s match summary stats, fyi … :sunglasses: