Silvernail - First Impressions

wow. been trying Silvernail in practice mode… his A really does last forever, until activated by a second A.

Even thou he doesn’t have an escape, this alone is SO useful as a trap, that he can activate at ANY TIME. Just imagine timing it as the enemy rushes towards you. or using it to slow down the enemy to aid your escape.

His B range is Ok. and his ULT is also OK. it’s his A that frightens me the most.

Stake lasts forever but they changed Petals seeds to 7 seconds. k


You can stun enemies if they are pushed and collide with “a Tripwire, wall, or structure”. Do you remember if he smashed into a wall or turret? Kinda like lance’s B?

It was in the middle of the lane, near my first turret, and I pushed him back towards or maybe just past the VG symbol in the very center. I don’t think he could have hit anything.


Alexa this is so sad play desbacito

Silvernail has more base WP AA damage (145) than any other ranged hero. His perk, B, perk combo is going to be bursty. I suspect one could build SB, BP/TT, TM/BP, TM and just blow up CC’ed targets before they do any real damage to him.

i think he’s pretty cool, his weakness is that its hard to get away once someone is on you until you’ve overdrived ur ult

I’ve been messing around with Silvernail in practice and i noticed on overdriving his B, it does not gain the extra range from 9 to 11.

I even tapped into the “?” icon to read his stats in game and it shows 9 range at level 5 B.

Can anyone else confirm this? it’s not because it’s a practice match right? I say this because previous posts have complained how OP his 11 range on his B is… but when i tried it, it isn’t the case and upon further investigation, it seems i found this bug.

I have been getting the extra range on his B…

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i just got silvernail in battle royale. up against all ranged - gwen, baron and lyra… I was kinda having a hard time and eventually lost.

it made me realize just how visible his traps are and it seems only dive heroes would fall into those lazers.

Anyway, it was only 1 game, so i won’t analyze him too much. He seems like a very situational hero.

i’m almost 100% sure the info screen doesnt show changes to range

anyways i love playing him! he’s really fun, but i doubt i’ll be able to play him while he’s anywhere close to decent or higher. people just hate him :^( understandable, but deng


Wow, that’s a very Lyra-esque hotfix-nerf!


This was the Constantine demon hunter aesthetic i guess. The reveal would fit that concept anyway.

They call that a nerf? Ha SEMC real idiots when it comes to balancing. That or they just want him to be OP, which would make sense for how broken he was released.

Um…Isn’t a 25% damage nerf big enough for you?
And the bomb damage nerf is pretty reasonable,that thing is pressuring on a CP silvernail…

But tbh the true problem with silvernail(to me) is his tripwires.Those things pretty much makes him the safest ADC in the game,and that’s not even counting the reveal on his bomb and the knock back on his Ult

they changed his damage, because thats sth they can do without forcing an update for everyone.
removing cc might not be possible.

so semc is now contraticting themselves again. they want to make an op hero to sell, but tune him down before even one week is over.

its time to change some things: the new hero should be auto banned in draft for his ice only time as a fifth ban.

semc may make some money with their ice only periods, but it gets at the cost of a fair game, if that hero is too strong. if i want to play an unfair game, i can go to every other mobile moba out there. most of them come with the added bonus of less toxicity and shorter games.
my suggestion: instead of a longer ice only time, give the ice buyers more reason to buy the skin (less ice on release day, bonus keys, bonus charms, or, my fav: an alt color version of the hero, only available to those buying him with ice in the first week)

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Well at least that’s 1 hero bf is better at killing than kensei!

Its stupid lol. And they don’t even have a PBE where everyone can just go log on and play for an hour to send them back a detailed report. SEMC can do good by letting t10 players send unbiased reports. Silvernail isn’t too strong but I don’t understand how people still lose against him. Like he’s weak to any type of dive, whether it be Vox Reza or even Samuel. Maybe everyone would know new hero weaknesses if we had someone from PBE writing descriptive reports.

his weakness didnt really matter before the hotfix (dont know how its now), because he simply shut down way too many heroes. especially in solo q, where there is no coordinated dive to the backline. with 40+ heroes, there should have been quite a few more to counter him, but all heroes are punished by a silence and slow and his burst potential could blast all his counters faster out than they could kill him. (perk, b, perk use ult for good measure and block movements with traps. also use the help of your teammates. defending against a dive is always easier than doing one)
i think his combination of cc and damage is just too much.

and they have a pbe (invite only), but they dont always listen to it and written reports wont make a difference. you cant force players to read, you cant really grasp a hero from a text only and just because t10 players can deal with him, doesnt mean that he is healthy for all tiers.

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