Ok here's the thread to name out all problems which hold Vainglory back to become the best mobile MOBA

A good amount of this is a balancing discussion that you dove straight into with calling the current balancing team trash with people then telling you what goes on in balancing and telling you those you think are balanced badly are fine. You then still going on saying it’s trash proposing your own changes which makes it seem like you’ve put yourself on a pedestal in balancing cuz you watched a pro a couple a times and assume your a godly saw with the right changes for him.

It’s unnecessarily long and diverged off what you originally made this thread for and you made it that way


Can someone close this thread? It has been nearly completely derailed and it should have been closed a long time ago.

If someone wants to continue the Original discussion, then someone should probably make a new thread.

Edit: Changed ‘balance’ to ‘original’ to avoid confusion.

I believe since the OP led the discussion towards what it became, while sticking to a problem that is “[holding] Vainglory back”, it wasn’t necessarily derailed.

However, if a moderator objects, that’s their call.

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True, but it reached the point that insults were called against SEMC.

I think I should change my sentence into “If someone wants to continue the Original Discussion, someone should make a new thread.”

@idmonfish Can you delete some unnecessary part of this?

Thank you for the time you put into this reply @idmonfish. Really awesome of you!


Sorry but what REVIT said is very untrue. I do not buff heroes who’s win rates are high. I am sorry you don’t like my balancing but in terms of win rates differential the difference in win rate on avg between the top and bottom is less than 8%. This level of balance has never been achieved in Vainglory before me and in addition other mobas with entire balance teams like LoL don’t even have win rates that close BUT if you don’t like my balancing I am sorry to tell you but your sorta stuck with it. XD I AM always open to feedback though and my dms, Twitter and discord are all open. =)


Wow thanks for jumping in. Only moba that I have ever seen this is DotA all Stars back in the old days of icefrog doing the balancing

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Icefrog is a legend. I hope to be able to achieve his level someday. =)


I have the entire PBE, Zekent and several devs like ShinKaigan who are utterly amazing.


is ciderhelm’s hair utterly amazing too?


This update’s balancing really was amazing. Even Ozo is viable :smiley:


I think its the most open we have had it since 5v5 release which is great to see - the game is moving in the right direction in terms of balance.


Thank you! Few hiccups but I think next patch is going to be super awesome!

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Thanks to people like you bud. <3 :slight_smile:


Is the hiccup named kensei? Honestly I love information like this

Haha no while Kensei is pretty strong hes no where near Malene. (imo)

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Malene is in another level, but she’s actually pretty okay to deal with this update. But I feel like Kensei despite having a really bad early game he still has a lot of mobility so staying alive isn’t that difficult. Once he gets to late game though he gets rewarded a little too much because he is able to 1v1 everyone besides Krul bc its Krul, and he also has really good teamfighting potential from what I’ve seen in my matches. Although I haven’t been able to get my hands on him yet so maybe what I said is a little bit too far fetched haha. His damage output/sustain is asking for a nerf so it doesn’t scale as hard late game.

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Hell he can even solo blackclaw

There are quite a few heroes who solo blackclaw. Joule, Alpha, Reim, Rona, Grumpjaw. Heck almost any Stormcrown+Tanky hero. Thats not that impressive XD

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