Ok here's the thread to name out all problems which hold Vainglory back to become the best mobile MOBA

By any chance, if I wanted to get into PBE, how would I be able to get an invite? :thinking:

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Recalculate that. He’ll be faster, a whole lot faster. That’s scaling per level. If you don’t like, I can bump the scaling to 0.15

Why if a hero oppresses right early game like you say he can late game is a pretty mute topic as that hero’s late game is delayed by dying often

Crap, I added. Basic math eludes me.

So wait, .0525m/s . You want his slow to be halved?

Yeah. Minigun user can still hold the mingun while it’s spining and run but normally minigunners run very slowly.

Of course - winrates only form the intial list of heroes, which heroes need to be tweaked and how they will be tweaked is a qualitative process ultimately rather than a quantitative process.

Its one that some of the top players in the dev team and in the world contribute to - its not uncommon to see FooJee, Zekent, Shinkaigan and Nivmett at PBE testing (even though PBE typically tests from about 7 PM at night until about 2-3 AM - if these guys are still at the office (which they often are) they will pop in and play a few rounds). Likewise competitive tier players in NA, SEA and EU all contribute (at least one likely VPL team this season is entirely phase 1 testers and was formed there). And none of them are very shy about contributing their thoughts, however the numbers do provide a balancing point when that amazing Skye main consistently tells you that Taka and Fortress are OP and heroes that Skye counters are UP you can figure out what is going on with their feedback and still listen but weigh it accordingly. But you are talking tens of thousands of hours of top level play and game experience feeding into this process.

So to your specific examples.

BF is fine - can be run as a decent hero in top, bot or jungle either CP or WP.

SAW I think the balance is fine on - yes he is a bit weak at high tier play levels but this is because he is oppressive at all levels if he isn’t a bit weak up there. His kit lends itsef to being obnoxious… We do have pretty much the best SAW player in the World right now as a regular tester - LouisVuittonDon - who solo queued to VG Gold with SAW on a new account. If I can give you a tip from him - above T8 he is much stronger if you play him as CP.

Petal is a bit weak, historically tough to balance - I have personally suggested that increasing her munion health might help her.


Contact Nightwalker59 to ask for the application form and then prepare for what might be a long wait.

Where do I contact him? Here?

Her - twitter or discord I would suggest or email her (username)@superevilmegacorp.com I guess.

Please, out of my 500 hours of playing, 400 hours were spent on SAW. He doesn’t have enough damage to mow people down. (Btw if you say this where is CP SAW Top lane in the BM tier list?) I played SAW CP IN THE BEGINNING and it was a blast since you could mow people down with 1 SF but now you can’t and its CD is 15s which means the hang time is super huge. This is why I’m trying to rework him. Check it up above.
P/s: I’m trying to turn SAW into a skill cannon only for pros not noobs. I hate noob SAWs

And BF, he’s flexible but his strength has deteriorated over many patches. He definately needs a buff.

Please. What on earth is compelling you to argue? Especially when they have clearly strong Saw players to draw from? I’m pretty sure we would have heard from you if you did super well on Saw.

You say you want Saw to be for high tier players (I notice your own rank goes unmentioned) and are making more noob complaints about the hero. If you really understood SAW you would realize there is a U-shaped skill curve, with most people either being really bad with Saw or really good. Most players have no clue what is going on with Saw and think he is simple to play. He is simple if your opponents are bad, that’s the kindest way I can put it. Logically speaking its really stupid to have 1 ability be consistently able to kill opponents. If you were a good CP Saw you would work around his dropdown - or mitigate it.

Time spent on a hero is not indicative of your skill or knowledge. You can have 400 different hours of experience, or 400 of the SAME hours of experience. You are not impressing so far with your complaint that CP Saw can’t just kill people with a single ability. Reread what idmonfish said and stop being so damn confrontational to him. He said nothing about Saw being really good, just that he’s more viable under certain conditions.

I highly suggest you spend more time reading, and less time thinking you know more than clearly qualified people. If you can’t even do that, I see no point in people interacting with you. I don’t think you have a high horse to ride on, frankly.


Last patch I was max T7G now it decays down to T6S. And who do you think I learned the art of SAW from? LouisVuittonDon and DNZio. I learned their tactics, I applied them and it was a massive success. I experimented with his build and found out what were the best builds and what weren’t. And also, I’ve done SAWport a couple of times and I can pull off backdoors with him.

You’re right. I watched FooJee once, I should balance the game. Gimme a job, Nivmett is trash


is this still a thread for suggestions about how vainglory can improve?

i was under the impression that it was to talk about the out of game experience as well as, you know, generally improving gameplay, lag and balance…


Not once. You can’t say you watch pros play once and you can say you are a pro. I watched a lot of their vids to say that.
P/s. Left the balancing shit aside, let’s solve how we can get VG back on track.

He was running an argument style called a reductio ad absurdium - where you show your opponent’s argument leads to absurdity.

He is suggesting that watching Dnzio or Don play SAW is all very well and good - but its not going to give you the understanding that they have of the hero. (Both of whom contribute to PBE testing btw).

Broadly what he, I and others are suggesting is that the level of passion you put your points across with along with your huge certainty about your opinions seems more congruent with the dunning-kruger effect than with you being right and much higher tier and knowledgable players and developers being totally wrong about balance.

As coach for a top tier team I will happily draft BF for my guys. Childs Play in NACL last week drafted jungle BF and stomped Tribe who many think are either the top or second best team in NA at the moment. According to you he is too weak - which is more likely in your opinion to be right?


This is getting unnecessarily long…

22 of the posts plus the OP is you.

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Can someone delete these things for me? Thank you.