Next update reveals :O

Another stupid teaser … will add the actual splash art when it’s available.

I like that SAW’s weapon is a flamethrower with this skin :fire: :saw: :fire:

EDIT: splash art is a few posts down


must be a legendary fosho 303030

Their teasers are painful. Though they aren’t the only ones teasing like that. I’ve seen that same style somewhere else. I think it’s some weird industry trend in certain places thats supposed to be effective, but its painful and cheesy.

Edit: That was a little harsh on them to say though. They are trying. I guess its a means to be cost effective, the short snippets of…usually random whatever…but they could make some awesome trailers if they wanted. Some of the fan made stuff when they had those competitions was epic, so its possible.


I really feel like the modern teasers/reveals lack the heart from the devs that they once had. I see them as being thrown out because new heroes and skins to be expected at this point, with not exactly the most possible care going into them, just enough to get the point across that new stuff is coming. Back in the older days, they felt much more impactful because you could feel that SEMC was proud of the new content they were providing, plus with the lore they usually came with, you could form an attachment to the new hero/skin easier by knowing who the new person to the fold was or why exactly a hero looked they way they did with another skin.

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The ‘just enough to get the point across’ vibe is strong.


Source: Twitter

[Mod edit: added splash art, as the link is just the image]

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Twitter is free, tho … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seriously, though, it’s not a cost thing – it’s a feeble and misguided effort to create anticipation through deliberately withholding information about what’s coming.

I actually like the new saw skin splash art, hope they don’t just make him shoot double bullets and call it legendary.

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Its a flamethrower…


It was a joke about the poorly made ringo skin. I hope they put more effort into this one.


I get it … But we all know that ringo’s “legendary skin” is a joke itself . his OG t3 skin still is the best ringo skin.


Source: Twitter

They ruined the gladiator line of skins why is amael
At a WWE match and not in a colleseum :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

[Mod edit: added splash art, as the Tweet is just the image itself]


here comes another cheap splash art lmfao

Maybe he’s about to take on Cagefighter Ardan? :thinking:


They keep mentioning SEMC in their little bio thingy. So does that mean that they still have some sort of power in what rogue does?

Well, in my humble opinion, SAW’s the best skin this update so far. BF skin is meh and the new hero I… just don’t care, sorry.

Well, my understanding is that SEMC retained the rights to the VG IP, so I imagine that they might be requiring Rogue to run things by them for approval. (That would also fit with the “micromanager” reputation of the founding members of SEMC.)

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What does IP mean?

Sorry … intellectual property. In this case, it means the characters, art, voiceovers, written text, and so forth which are associated with and unique to the game.

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Thanks, and also can you elaborate more on this?