Next update reveals :O

I get it … But we all know that ringo’s “legendary skin” is a joke itself . his OG t3 skin still is the best ringo skin.


Source: Twitter

They ruined the gladiator line of skins why is amael
At a WWE match and not in a colleseum :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

[Mod edit: added splash art, as the Tweet is just the image itself]


here comes another cheap splash art lmfao

Maybe he’s about to take on Cagefighter Ardan? :thinking:


They keep mentioning SEMC in their little bio thingy. So does that mean that they still have some sort of power in what rogue does?

Well, in my humble opinion, SAW’s the best skin this update so far. BF skin is meh and the new hero I… just don’t care, sorry.

Well, my understanding is that SEMC retained the rights to the VG IP, so I imagine that they might be requiring Rogue to run things by them for approval. (That would also fit with the “micromanager” reputation of the founding members of SEMC.)

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What does IP mean?

Sorry … intellectual property. In this case, it means the characters, art, voiceovers, written text, and so forth which are associated with and unique to the game.

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Thanks, and also can you elaborate more on this?

It was said that no decision could be made at SEMC unless it had been approved by “the founders” – I don’t have personal knowledge of how decisions were made there, but it certainly appeared to be an accurate description from my vantage point as a third party developer.

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Lol the new hero isn’t bad looks wise…isn’t good either…lol…but isn’t exactly mediocre, to me. Close to mediocre.

Honestly he’s just funny to look at at this point. The cheesy smile kills me.