Lorelai desperately needs some love

They are extremely fun and very rewarding when played well.

Their potential cap is much much higher than a lot of other heroes…

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Now her A will be so much less difficult to hit + her new perk makes her extremely mobile now, one of the most out of all roams!

Rip Lyra’s Burst heal though…

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Umm so Cath’s and Grace’s ult got a cooldown change due to Echo removal but how about Lorelai Baptise Ardan’s ult,

Agree. The loss of Echo hurts her more than most Captains. The speed boost is situationally nice. The 0.2 sec stun activation will be helpful. I think the new armors are going to make her very relevant.


Time to abuse Lorelai

30 chars 30 chars

Lorelai synergies horribly with new items as she’s not a frontliner or initiator and doesn’t give consistent heal or barrier either (her ult has high cooldown and single-targeted)

I think Pulseweave is going to be good on her. 700 health and a speed boost. Plus a slow which will improve her chance to stun. The damage is based on bonus health. I think heroes lacking dashes and having skills with bonus health modifiers (Adagio and Lorelai) are going look at this item and see where they can fit it in. She will be able to hit 2k bonus health with this FoR, Crucible, WT. So that’s a one time 500 damage and a 1.05 sec stun on FF.

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Stacking hp will make AS still good even post nerf…

So malene enpowerment is still strong?

Perhaps, there are too many changes and I am a text kind of guy not a watcher of videos.

I assume that aftershock will still be very relevant and Malene is the best AS abuser in the game.

They would have to strip half her kit to make her weak.

Look at how Lyra gets pounded every patch. She still is strong even after all of that…

Blackfeather they actually removed several parts of his kit to tone him down…

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True true.
Guess she can be worked around.

Only pro Lorelai’s know that first item SS is the only way to go… but the Rook thing is perfect for her and Lyra, and the other guy who thinks he is outplaying the opponent

Ok I nearly had a little seizure from your response.

So a stun and movement speed boost for your ally and movement speed decrease for enemies isn"t a lot of peel?

No clue what you’re talking about. As long as she gets to team fights her cc impacts the fight all the same.

It isn’t that hard to land once you realise that theres a 0.5 sec delay until the stun happens. Just aim ahead of whatever you’re trying to hit

Shes only squishy if you build cp. Build tanky items and she will be tanky.

This might be true but I think lorelai offers a different kind of play style. She does a lot of damage if played right and thus I think shes a very good support in the bot lane with a tradition wp carry.

Pls make sure you know what you’re talking about next time.

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Even I nearly had a seizure reading your response.
Both her stun and movement speed have a significant delay unlike most other captains who offer immediate protection. The peel she offers compared to other roams is lackluster in the earlygame.
Her stun has a 0.8 second and very short range until she overdrives it. Aiming ahead won’t help unless you catch them off guard because any enemy with half a brain can avoid it. A jungler can help pressure the bot lane much better than a support. Her playstyle is unique but it takes too long to come online and with the skill involved it’s not worth it.
Finally she received buffs this patch, kind of strong ones too which proves she was weak compared to other roams. So please make sure you know what you’re talking about next time.


No if you think she peels vs Taka, Koshka, reza etc your wrong, her main weakness is she isn’t tanky and her pools are easy to avoid for mobile hero’s.

Her pools work well in 3v3 but in 5v5 the lanes and rivers are wider.

Her stun is hard to land (it’s not .5 secs for starters), with a .8 sec delay, it’s getting buffed next patch to .6 sec, with Nivmett saying it’s one of the hardest to land. I’ll go with him, he is in charge of hero changes.

Wrong, you’re so wrong, she is one of the squishiest roams in the game, Ardan base health at level 12 is 2638, hers 2252, at lvl 12 h has 70 armour she’s ha 50 same with shield. Don’t even get me started on comparing her with Phinn. The only other roam he is as weak as her is lyra and we all know why it’s less of an issue for lyra.

Suggest you tone down the “know what your talking about comments”, she’s been buffed in patch 3.4 for exactly the reason above, suggest you rethink our comments becauss you’re wrong.

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This is a meaningless statement, it’s like saying WP Petal or CP Phinn can do lots of dmg if played right.

She apply mediocre pressure early when compared to Adagio/Lyra

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Lmao, Lorelai is the Ozo of Supporters xD


Your bashing him while he has pretty decent game sense…

He is informed and on point.

What are your credentials for acting all high and mighty?

Or Lance or Grace or Ardan or basically anyone lol…

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Ranged captains apply much better pressure because they can either make their laner healthy by doing heal or poke opponents laner aggressively, forcing them to back off to their turrets. And since they’re ranged they basically create an ‘annoying zone’ that if enemy laner wants to continue farming they’ll take free dmg from basic attack.

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