Lorelai desperately needs some love

Ok yes they have a pretty big delay but that doesn’t change the fact that she still has a stun and movement speed boost/debuff. Which is a decent amount of peel compared to No cc at all (Fortress), 1 stun (Catherine) etc. I’m not saying she has the best peel in the game. I’m just saying that the statement “lorelai has very little peel” is wrong.

Ok my bad

Aiming ahead will help as enemies are forced to either go around or turn back. Going around takes much longer than you would expect.

Don’t really know what this means. Could you pls explain thx.

So the buffs she got was a movement speed boost in the river and a lowering in the delay time by 0.2 sec. Sure the buff for her stun means it probably is a bit hard too land at low elos which affects her overall win rate. However i think these two buffs aren’t really strong ones. Strong buffs would be increasing the stun time or crystal ratios.

Soz for sounding really toxic. I’m in exam block right now and am procrastinating so i fell a little pissed.

Sorry I’ll clarify that statement. Her crystal ratios for the damage on her AA and Stun are quite high for a captain even after she was nerfed. Also her kit encourages doing damage as she gets bonus cp by standing on her water puddles.

I don’t think it’s mediocre pressure. The threat of a stun is pretty large and you can stand forward and let you’re adc farm.

Have you seen her new passive? I think it’ll help her a lot, same goes for Phinn.

Again im sorry for “Bashing him”. I’m in exam block and am a bit pissed.

Yes I think he makes some good points but there are some i just didn’t believe to be true.

Again I’m sorry for acting High and mighty.
I’ve been playing VG since it came out and have intermittently quit a couple times but now i’m back.
I have won 1763 games.
I no longer have the time to play ranked but my peak rank is tier 8 silver.
I think these are some pretty decent credentials but i don’t know, maybe it isn’t.

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Hmm alright. Good response. I’m sorry for sounding like a toxic #%#@. I’m currently in exam block so I’m a little pissed.

Yes. A mobile hero can avoid them by going around. However, this takes a lot longer than you would think and is still peeling. Even better if you land your bubble on the enemy hero. I’m also assuming that these heroes have already used their dash as that’s how they normally engage.

Agreed. However this doesn’t mean her bubbles are worse. It just means she requires more skill to play as her ability positioning has to be on point.

Yes I think it is harder to land compared to other abilities but once you have practice and good game sense using it to zone (You don’t have to land it for it to have value) becomes pretty easy. My bad btw about the 0.5 sec thing.

OOF. I never actually said she’s not squishy in terms of her base health. In fact, I even said that she is squishy if she doesn’t build tank items. If she does though, she becomes a lot more tanky. I think the reason that her base health and resistances aren’t high is to encourage her to build defensive items. This is cuz when she came out everyone built her as a mage. So I’m not “Wrong, so wrong” Cuz i never said she was tanky at base health in the first place.

The buffs in patch 3.4 didn’t help lorelai’s squishiness with no items at all. It’s just a movement speed boost and a reduce in the delay of her (A). So she hasn’t been buffed for exactly the reason above. “her main weakness is she isn’t tanky and her pools are easy to avoid for mobile hero’s”. So in this case I feel you’re wrong.

Anyway that’s my response feel free to reply if you think I made any errors. Once again i’m sorry for my toxicity but I play a lot of league of legends and that community is toxic af.

Thanks for the apology, I’m not going to answer everything but I’d like to discuss her squishness.

Her base HP, Armour and Shield are amongst the lowest off all VG captains. Sure she can build roam items but so can everyone else, and as a result they’ll be tanker thanks to her low base ratios. Unlike hero’s like Grace, Catherine, Ardan, Phinn, Lanc she has no barriers or innate perks to help improve this (all of the above have barriers or perks making them tanky). As an example Ardan regains health when taking DMG, Catherine’s bubble deflects DMG etc.

She is designed to be a back line sport like Adagio and Lyra; the problem as I see it is if she attempts to help her allies (aka a pool) she leaves herself open for attack which is where her squishness becomes a problem. Her pools are also easily avoided by mobile hero’s, and your never landing a stun given the existing time lapse .8 secs.

The biggest issues is she is a high skill roam who requires team-wide coordination to play around her abilites.

I’ll refer back to my previous statement, there are far better options available, s with that in mind why would I play her? She needs o be buffed to make her more viable.

The funny thing is, I bet Lorelai will be pretty ban worthy next update as in lower tiers, she will annoy the heck out of everyone and always land a powerful stun on the enemy laner and applies significant pressure when she stands on her pools to the enemy laner. The new Items will be incredibly use full on her, especially pulseweave in where the huge 700 bonus health will be amazing to strengthen her already overpowered barrier+ slow+damage AND don’t forget her stun and Slows from her pool. She’ll be annoying as heck.

In pro play she will be used pretty often I predict for a good lorelai is seriously nasty when she is good, like really good especially after the buffs.

Lorelai isn’t the only one improving. I think Adagio and Phinn and Ardan will outshine her.

She has no heal nor a reliable barrier on low cd.
So she doesn’t benefit from the new captain items like many others do…

And Grace and Lyra will still be better too…


Tbh Lorelai should stick to her old build, all 3 new items have no synergy with her skill (only her ult gives barrier but its on long cooldown).
And also I dont want MW to affect barriers at all, it’s temporary anyway

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as a captain, there arw many better options, but lorelai as a toplaner, even now, is pretty amazing, and with the buffs coming soon she’s probably gonna be one of the best toplaners alongside grace

y are u comparing her to frontline roams when shes clearly a backline roamer? >_>

Because I’ve made a point that she is squishy, she is, she gets burst down very quickly. I find when I play her it’s often a choice between save an ally or save yourself.

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I’m not seeing the lack of synergy.

To start with, they offer a ton of bonus health, as well as enough cooldown reduction to forgo Clockwork, so they work very well with her kit just on their stats.

Pulseweave looks like a great item for Lorelai, since it corrects her susceptibility to dives by giving her higher base speed, and a burst of speed along with an AOE slow when she gets hit (plus bonus health). Lorelai has always had a problem with finding space to fight when the enemy jumps on her directly.

Rook’s Decree looks like a great fit too, especially in late game. Lorelai lands a lot of basic attacks, and she could easily weave them between dropping puddles to keep refreshing barriers as often as the cooldown allows (every 8 seconds). With its bonus health and cooldown, this item has good stats for Lorelai as well.

By itself, Capacitor Plate has great stats, but it’s passive is only useful on Lorelai’s ultimate. However, those stats are really exactly what captain Lorelai needs, and Capacitor Plate synergizes with other items. So it adds to the barrier from Rook’s Decreee as well as the heal from Fountain of Renewal.

Hybrid builds wouldn’t benefit so much from the new items because they don’t have room for Capacitor Plate, Fountain of Renewal, and Rooks Decree together, but captain builds definitely benefit. On my typical hybrid build I might use Pulseweave (I typically build 2 defensive items), but probably wouldn’t use the others as frequently , but Rooks Decree looks like a good first item for a pure Captain build, since it gets Lorelai started with cooldown and bonus health, as well as a barrier for allies. Hybrid Lorelai was okay anyway, so captain-specific items are fine.

I think the new items will do a lot to help Lorelai as a captain.


Omg i could never explain something like that so detailed and precise. Kudos to u :tada:

Pulseweave passive is easy to get triggered by any long-ranged ability, and Lorelai is a backline support so its passive is worthless when big fights happen, which start with 2 teams’ backliners poking each other but not fully engage. I saw Pulseweave Phinn on a stream and the radius is the same as Atlas and it feels underwhelming because it gets triggered simply by a simple helio or spitfire.
Rock’s Decree is a good item on her, but most of the time (especially when she falls behind) her job is to lay down pools and time her A, ult and Crucible and Fountain and move around pools so that she won’t take any unnecessary damage. If you watch competitive games, in team fights, supports like Lyra, Lorelai dont even land any basic attack because there are so many other thing to bother as a captain than landing a basic attack. Maybe with this item, that will change.
Her B gives speed boost already, Capacitor Plate isnt needed.
Basically her 3.4 build should be: War Treads, Fountain, Crucible, SuperScout2000, Clockwork, Rock’s Decree.

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If Lorelai were to use Pulseweave, it wouldn’t be primarily as an initiator. It’s use to her is:

  1. As much bonus health as Crucible.
  2. +.33 move speed.

I can see some utility to the proc, but for Lorelai it would be more about running away. I’d probably take it more in a hybrid build, because she still needs bonus health from somewhere, and it might help with disengaging. I wouldn’t see taking it all the time, but if you don’t need crucible for some reason or if you are just maximizing your bonus health then it might be useful.

Capacitor plate gives armor and shields (which Lorelai doesn’t always have room in her build for enough of), cooldown reduction (which is helpful on any item for Lorelai), bonus health (also useful on any item), and a 20% boost to the effectiveness of Water Wall, Fountain of Renewal, and the proc from Rook’s Decree.

I could see her core captain build becoming: Fountain of Renewal, Rooks Decree, and Capacitor Plate. After those three, cooldown reduction is likely to be maxed with any cooldown item, and she has a workable amount of bonus health.

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Add dragon eye to her build since she has river buff?

If you buy Alternating Current you can control the way Phinn and Lorelai move when they are on the river :roll_eyes:


Alternating current has faster attacks but DE scales over time right?

DE scales everytime you use an ability and land it successfully, doesn’t matter how many people you hit (someone correct me if I’m wrong about this part) just if you land it, you get 1 stack. AA don’t apply to it but DE does apply to AA damage obviously. It isn’t the best for Lorelai as she particularly does not have any damaging abilities aside from her A.