It's ON with Lebatron!

I went 1-1 in ranked 3v3 solo. First game was a win with CP BF… First time playing him since at least autumn 2018. Was fun! Second game I had a Phinn that gave up after 5 min… I have no explanation as to why.

@remi, @DIMTI and I then lost a ARAL in a nail-biter, then dominated a ARAM and Rumble!


Sort of off topic, but CP BF seems to be the strongest assassin/dive rn. Assuming you don’t count Miho

It’s not strange, the rest of them are crap. Neither Taka, koshka and reza saw play at high elo (EU) last patch, having only anka as an assassin, who was later on killed with the nerfs. Being just viable is enough to be the strongest assassin.


Never said it was strange, just something I don’t think most people have acknowledged. CP BF is actually viable in the right hands.

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Back at it! With my new device. My first test was a big one - set graphics to high, and streamed 5v5 on Twitch.

Prior to my Pixel3, graphics were on auto, and 5v5 meant 15000+ ms if streaming to twitch. My first test, 5v5 casual, graphics high, on twitch - pretty smooth! Check me out!


I like the beautiful black :confused:

I’ll be streaming the next ~ 2 hours! Playing random modes/games. Right now, practicing more Kestrel in 5v5 (plus, it’s part of the current event with VG right now).

Stop by and hang out. Happy Friday! :slight_smile:

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Where are you streaming? A link would be good … :wink:


For the end if the stream, how did It go?

We won the 5v5. 3/0/21 EDIT: YATES! The in-game chat was funny, but the fellas got it done! Atlas ruined Bap and brought him back down to earth.


Thats because lance is awesome :slight_smile:

Sometimes, just sometimes, my brain shuts off.

Hahahaha, Yates, then he isnt awesome >:/

Technical comments: stream quality was very good in general, some pixelation at times but overall quite on par with most mobile games I’ve seen. Sound was very good – your voice was clear without any garbling or dropout.


Not a bad day today: 2-0 in ranked play, one 5v5 and one 3v3. 3-1 in casual play, one 5v5 and two ARAL.
@hazeleyes must be my good luck charm!

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Agree. Being clear is something i appreciate a lot as a non english native.

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Back at it a bit on this Magnificent Monday! Working Blitz and 3v3.

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Wicked Wednesday!


Any feedback on my viedeo player banner? You should be able to see it load, just looking at the post above. It’s custom made, I’m not very fancy (literally used Google Drawing) - was hoping the gray gradient background would look more… well, gradient. Happy with the transparency of the game logos and overall think it’s a relatively clean/nice/professional look.

Struggling with setting up extensions. The panel below my channel is nice (has About Me, Rules, Schedule, Twitter) but I am not sure if viewers, when they decide to follow, are getting the alerts displaying on my stream displaying that they have with a cool animation effect. If anyone watches tomorrow, and decides to follow, let me know if something fun happens!