Vainglory on Pixel 3

Well, it was awesome! As mentioned in my It’s ON with Lebatron thread, today I gave my Pixel 3 what I thought would be a “tough” first test.

With my Moto 4x:

  • Streaming from the Omlet app to Twitch was an absolute NO for 5v5 casual or ranked. This would result in 15000+ ms
  • In general, I think VG has beat up the ole device a bit, as performance in general was worsening in regards to FPS
  • Graphics were always set to Auto or Low, depending on the day. I’ve never played VG with High graphics settings

My “test” and first day with Pixel 3:

  • Set graphics to high
  • Immediately streamted with my Omlet app to Twitch, playing 5v5 Casual to test - NO issues. Graphics and colors from the screen were so much nicer, and it felt like a much smoother game
  • Then played 4-5 ranked matches in 5v5 - again, super smooth and a LOT of fun!
  • The .3" bigger screen did have some impact - it’s amazing just how much we really are creatures of habit - I often misclicked, or, when attempting to touch :vgitem_journeyboots: or :vgitem_fountainofrenewal: :, I would press on a gap in the screen between the items that never previously existed, so my hero would simply move the left, and I would look like a buffoon! Ha! Overall, I adjusted, and felt I got better and better.

From a gaming perspective, man - what an upgrade!