It's barely a week since update 3.10, but what do you think of the heroes right now?

Because she was the only carry mage that suffered from such a short range. :koshkaeyeroll:

Honestly the movement speed was enough of a buff but the barrier and other small buffs make her formidable.

Skaarf (one of her counters) was nerfed and Celeste though shes a counter, a good Malene can dodge the stars and stuns with her light B and burst down a Celeste.

Also a skilled Melon and a coordinated team can even allow Melon to not even get defense and go glass.

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It’s he sight more than the slow that does it. The slow means you have to be aware and react sooner, but you can move out of the impact area if you react immediately. In the worst case, activating boots is enough.

An effective nerf would be one that makes victims more aware of what’s about to happen.

Another way to go would be to drop the cast time back down to .5 sec or so and remove the extended stun. The empowered version of Fish Food could make the pool slow targets like Splashdown does instead of extending the stun. This would make the ability less toxic, but would give it a bit more versatility for captains (captain Lorelai doesn’t typically have enough CP for the DOT to be a real deterrent, so currently the A is only useful for the stun).

Well, after playing some more, here’s the second round of opinion for heroes in 3.10.

  • Reza feels meh from my experience, but that could be just because we ran into team compositions that counter us heavily and/or we didn’t have support despite having a Captain her in the mix. He does well with his perk damage, but other parts of his kit feel like they are only tickling the opponent with damage rather than slapping them.

  • CP Joule is pretty strong like most probably already know. Got melted several times in Blitz with Joule’s Epic Talent and that hurt a lot of the time.

  • Despite the buffs to Malene, I still feel less impactful on her. I’m not as skilled at using heroes that require spam with timing precision anyway. Though, I did use her Legendary Talent and went support one time - it was hilarious and fun, especially cause I kept threatening the enemy to the point they focus me instead, lol.


A bit unrelated to the topic on hand, but I want to just say a few things.

  • Reim’s Simplification.

I know that a lot of the players dislike mechanics being removed from a hero. However, I feel the removal of Reim’s"Chill" mechanic is an overall buff to him.

The “Chill” effects of Reim’s perk is simple - slows a target that he damaged and applied “Chill” to (through his basic attacks and abilities), boost the damage from his A when it hits a target that has “Chill” applied to them, and roots any target that has “Chill” on them when they are struck by his B.

The removal of “Chill” and making it so that his abilities don’t require it to function I feel is an overall buff to his viability. Reim to me always has the problem of having to get very close before he can dish out his cold dishes. Vulnerable to poke, easy to kite, short range abilities etc doesn’t really permit much room for him to apply his “Chill.”

Even if you are a player that is skilled with Reim, in previous patches, he was just inconsistent to get the most value out of.

I prefer this Reim not only because it is simpler, but also because it increases his usage from casual and normal skilled players that aren’t ones who have good mechanics and understanding of the game.

It’s better to see a hero rise in usage and viability through such an adjustment.

However, the only time I would disapprove of mechanics being removed or altered heavily is when it guts the hero out of being viable entirely even on the casual level (such as Fortress). You can argue that Blackfeather is in the same place as Fortress, but at least he has more viability that this poor doggo.

Extra: I feel like if they make so that Blackfeather can move while casting his B with a short wind-up, it would increase his overall capability in sticking to his target as well as enabling minute adjustments to the angle of attack.


By the way @Guest_78, where did EdTheShred stated that Joule is getting a nerf via hot fix?

He said she was on the list and that she may be hot fixed, not that she will 100% sure. Same as Sonata, in Maxman’s stream.

Hmm… ok.

I wonder who else does the community wants to be hot fixed?

Related but also a but off topic. Here’s what I think of heroes in general (with sloppy hand drawings from mobile, kek).


  • Purple ‘:heart:’.

Heroes that I find visually pleasing and mechanically fitting for me. I can play them effectively and enjoy doing so, usually losing either to silly mistakes, teammate dissonance or hive mind enemies.

  • Red ‘X’:

These heroes are ones that I don’t play or prefer not to play most of the time. The reasons vary between each hero, but they can be split into three big groups - mechanically intensive to the point of stress, OR simple visually and mechanically to the point of boredom, OR just doesn’t click with my tastes one way or another.

  • Green ‘○’:

These are ones I have loved, but fell out of favour due to changes made or gradual stagnation of my capabilities in playing them. They are kept around though and are in my Daily Talent Chest rotation thanks to having their Rare Talents maxed out for Glory.

  • Yellow ‘?’:

These are ones I consider trying from time to time for reasons that usually split between “Hey, this one looks good (but is mechanically demanding)”, OR “This one looks like it’ll be good for me to pick up and improve my mechanics (but is visually simple or off putting).”

  • Blue ‘◇’:

These heroes I kind of peeved at because they have mechanics and/or numbers that feel unfair to fight at times, be it as the player playing, playing with or against them.


So, what’s your list be like?

Tell us below (and add finger paintings if you like to)!


I like how now there’s many viable assassins. Anka is still really really strong. Reza is pretty strong though I gotta say I don’t like it at all. He’s one of my favorite heroes but I don’t like these changes. His kit feels kinda useless besides his passive and it feels so weird to play. On the other hand he doesn’t have that “gradual burst”. Instead he either can’t kill you or he 100 -> 0 you. Honestly I don’t see why they had to change him. Taka is really strong and it’s not CP. Koshka is viable. Not 100% sure but I think WP Idris is viable, no personal experience though. And then there’s Ylva. I’m loving this hero.

Mid is alright as always. Malene was buffed but she doesn’t feel better than others. If anything she’s still the same just a bit better compared to the rest of the game.

Roams are more diverse too. Churnwalker, Lorelai, Phinn and Yates are still very very strong. Adagio, Grace are okay. Lyra feels much stronger. Surprisingly I haven’t been seeing Ardan that much but he’s not unpicked either.

ADCs are in better state too. Kinetic is still good but a bit worse. Silvernail is still good. Baron has been getting some play and I don’t know if it’s me but he’s so damn annoying early game (mentioning early because I thought he’s supposed to be bad and not hit that hard at this point). Ringo is okay, gets some play but not top tier. Gwen is pretty good. Haven’t seen WP Skye but I guess she can’t be too bad either.

I only wish SEMC to have a warriors update basically like they did assassins this patch. They still seem like the consistently unviable class.

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One thing I forgot to add. Wasn’t SEMC’s excuse to not make jungle items that they don’t like players to be limited in their item choice? If so how is adding multiple items for different purposes while all being jungle items bad while forcing the damn banner on every single jungler or even crown better? From what I read even in 3v3 junglers get it. That’s ridiculous. I think jungle is currently as close to being jungle and not starved babysitter as it’s ever been but despite that banner being forced is so stupid. Especially when they use that as an excuse to not give us actual items.

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I’m curious, the changes to Reim were supposed to implemented this patch, right?

I only ask because his kit and mechanics are all intact. Did anyone even here have a chance to try his changes, or did they decide against it at the last minute?

People are unhappy he doesn’t need to AA before he can root. I do think the ability makes more sense this way. Otherwise it’s literally useless unless you had AAed someone. But on the other hand it was a hero mechanic that increased his skill floor and cap heavily. It also made the difference between good and great Reims. For example his best burst was rush, AA, A or ult if off CD then B so they can’t escape. If you use your root before winter spire they won’t get hit by the explosion. If he uses A or ult before rooting there’s a chance it would miss if the opponent uses boots or dash. So it made for good mind games and nice mechanical skill requirement.

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One would imagine that not having a consistent way to keep up with a target once getting onto them, considering the past changes to Frostburn, would also be part of the issue. I never had the chance to try it so, while a logical assumption, that’s all it is.

To be honest I never had problems catching up to enemies in recent patches. Problem is when they just outdamage you or most importantly… That damn Lance that just won’t stop CCing you lol. No but seriously t3 boots are so good.

Here’s my list. I’m using the same key as you for reference.

da list

Sees only Ozo. Claps while cheering “Ozo! Ozo! Ozo!”.

Now, if only he can get a Legendary skin that wows us.


I don’t about you guys, but I seem to have encountered the Goop bug that I heard going around.

It seems that casting it on a structure causes it to be placed off the location one presses. It’s consistent, and I’ve only managed to get one Goop under a turret by chance.

While Skaarf got a range buff, I feel this overall nerfs his objective taking power cause the6 now only damaged by his A and C + basic attacks.

Br is unplayable now I played 7 games only won 2-3

Okay so I read all this and there’s a lot of positives and negatuves for this patch, in which case I have an honest question for anyone -

Aside from two VGCOD, I haven’t played in nearly a month and haven’t yet downloaded the update. Is this patch worth giving it a go ? I’m a roam main, with a lot of Vox, if that helps at all

From my standpoint, this patch has been fine – but note that I play mostly ARAL with the occasional 3v3 thrown in from time to time. Vox is still meta, so no worries there. I’m in the lower/mid tiers, so I end up playing support a lot (with two laners not infrequently :man_facepalming:), and my two go-tos (Cath and Lorelai) are doing just fine in this patch.


If you are a 3v3 player playing it again is a waste of time, otherwise yes, specially for 5v5. The roam meta hasn’t changed at all. Vox is always meta.

I like what you’re thinking @Orikson