3.10 bugs listing

Another one I just encountered; I was able to claim the reward for completing all of the O4A missions despite not doing so

Contender Ardan also doesn’t show up in the skins page

Seems like it’s this for other LE skins, save contender Kestrel and Kensei, even if they are owned.

This many bugs is to be expected at this point tbh

The main prob is however, the game doesn’t feel smooth anymore and it sucks! While playing with Magnus,skaarf and several other heroes , I got some glicthy bugs! Screen kindda shakes or sth idk, but it distracts me!! VG is almost at the verge of dying and if these things continue further i am afraid more people will leave being annoyed!

I see them most of the time, I think. Maybe I’m getting more than I see but as I don’t team up often I can’t be sure. What I have had nonstop since about update 2.0 (so aaaages ago) is every time I open the app, I get the ‘a player you reported has been banned’ message, no matter if I’ve actually reported someone at any recent time or not.

She’s just too damn hawt hehehe

Two more bugs to add to the list:

  • In 3v3 and Blitz, when trying to place a scout cam in the bushes at the bottom edge of the lane (particularly on the enemy side), the cam very frequently ends up somewhere other than where I tap – often where my character is standing, but sometimes seemingly randomly between where I tap and my character. This has been going on for several patches now.
  • As someone else pointed out (can’t find the post at the moment), it’s impossible to place Skaarf’s goop under a turret in 3.10 – it ends up just to the side of the turret instead.

Both of these are enormously impactful bugs that negatively affect gameplay. I’m astounded that #1 hasn’t been fixed for months and that #2 wasn’t discovered and fixed in testing, because it’s impossible not to notice it.

There’s no gentle way to say it: SEMC’s coding is sloppy, and their code review process is obviously a mess.

EDIT: Just found the original post about the goop issue (hat tip: @Orikson)


I feel it’s getting worse tbh… also another gfx bug are some “shadow” tick lines in the river next to mid lane, it’s like artifact and shows from time to time. :confused:

Edit: Also I really like your words how the rival mobas are getting better in terms of gfx/sound (albeit different art style and idea) + squish bugs and problems, improving their games. While SEMC are blindly chasing crossplatform instead of put their attention towards the core mobile version. It starts to feel more like a PC game port vs pure mobile created game.

Do you imagine such game braking bugs to exist in aov and the devs to not urgently fix them? :frowning:

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Yeah, when I was actively working on developing Andi for the VG API, an SEMC dev explicitly stated that their approach was generally to get a feature out the door quickly rather than waiting for it to be perfect. My comment at the time was that that was a VERY poor approach to software development, as (1) building on a flawed foundation is never a good idea, as it leads to unpredictable results down the road and (2) it’s much more difficult to go back and fix things later than it is to do things right in the beginning.

When I look at how buggy the game is – and how the bugs continue to increase over time – I think back to that dev’s comment from way back when. And it all makes sense … :anguished:


That’s always been that way if it’s timed just right. I’ve had it happen with Koshka when she uses Yummy Catnip Frenzy, so she’s stuck bouncing around the enemy base. The best was when I was playing Ozo and got pulle in on an Acrobounce — I just lazily sailed across the map. I’ve most often happen with Koshka’s Ult, so it might be that it happens more with abilities hat are active for longer.

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Not that I will right now, but this is disappointing to hear and makes me want to try other MOBAs for mobile devices. The other day I found myself searching “new MOBA mobile games”. I just don’t like all the game modes in others (that make it not a MOBA) or the more “cartoony” graphics of them.

Vainglory is a good game. It has the potential to be so great! Perfect the mobile version, and it gets even easier to transition to other platforms! C’mon, SEMC, you do it! Make this game great and get out the dust pan and broom and clean a few things up!

I played Skaarf in a 3v3 ranked match today. I did NOT notice anything like this. I’ll have to pay closer attention next time. I remember burning a few towers to a crisp.

So here are a few examples from a bot match I played just now – the issue is inconsistent: sometimes the goop ended up where I tapped, many other times it did not (the off-target ones shown above). It only seems to happen with turrets and the crystal – I tried the gold miner, various jungle creeps, lane minions, and other heroes and didn’t see the bug.


Broken af lmaooo would try it 10/10

They hotfixed it for sure , it’s similar to other bugs , like when Yates was stunned while doing his ult he would be unkillable if I remember correctly that bug , or ozo infinite loop hehehe .

This honestly disgusts and confuses me. What happened to no compromise?


The Ozo Ult bug is definitely still present.

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Rona still has the stop AA bug. Frustrating.

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Not only Rona, all of the heroes got a problem with AAs. :frowning:


When they get near certain walls. It’s so annoying, specially in 3v3. How are you not going to get near a wall in 3v3’s jungle? I’m amazed how after so long it’s still there.


SAW with his rare talent active is unable to damage enemy scout cams, even though he can target them – they just take no damage at all.