It's barely a week since update 3.10, but what do you think of the heroes right now?

Honestly the game is not that much different. As a captain, it’s unchanged.

Really, the biggest changes I see now are that jungle income is no longer shared, and almost all junglers should purchase Stormguard Banner as their first item now.

Believe it or not, they really did killed off duo top. Therefore there hasnt been alot of utility tops being played which led to carries being back into the lane. But ive still been seeing utility jungle still. :taka: :koshkaeyeroll:

Btw, will we discuss the new “buy all new offer” that cost a whooping 120$? The money for 2 full AAA games not on sale for 1 hero unlock (that will be free in a week), 4 skins (one of them recolor), one pings pack, 2 emoji icons. This for 120$, seriously? I wonder if some poor kid tricked itself thinking it’s a good value…

It’s $100 here in the US, but I totally agree with your point – it’s obviously aimed at whales and kids with well-to-do parents. I wonder how many of those offers they actually sell …

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I guess in Europe it’s 100 euro then as it’s 200 leva and that’s 120$ current exchange value and around 100€. Dunno, but it’s insultingly overpriced tbh… not cool to even look at such an “offer”. :sweat_smile:

I am really enjoying this patch. Limited play time in 5v5 but outside lanes feel like 1v1 match-ups. Top is no longer dumpstered. Jungle has purpose besides being a second support. Seeing junglers 1v1 to contest farm is great. I want Bruisers to come back. I have not seen a single Rona, Alpha, Kensei, or Krul.

The Reim change makes him a nice counter to the assassin jungle meta.

Hehehehe, wait a little bit more. Camping bot is still the best strategy, though not the most fun one. As XenoTek said, wait until pros start playing it seriously, right now they are just testing the heroes, and you will see the meta going back to double bot because it’s simply the best strategy and VG players seem unable to scape from it.

You’re bulgarian?

I’m one of those who are unhappy that Reim can root without first putting his chill on targets. It lowers his skill cap, but it also means a lot of heroes are just useless if he’s close enough to reach them with Journey Boots.

Reim has long had one of the best kits for getting close to an enemy and staying close, and after his run speed was boosted, there was nothing mechanically keeping him from being the stickiest hero in the game. The only reason Reim had problems catching people is that standing next to Reim is stupid and you will die.

He essentially has a permenant debuff named “Standing near me is stupid and you will die” which causes all enemies to move to a range of 6 or more from him.

Getting caught in melee with Reim is an unwinnable situation for almost every hero in the game, so he’s one of the heroes that everyone avoids. You don’t risk even being close enough for him to activate boots and get you, you just stay away from him. He’s pretty weak if no one gets close enough for him to build fortified health, so players don’t risk getting close to him.

The old way worked because it gave enemies a moment to react and get out of the way of the root; the new way doesn’t.

If his B isn’t going to require setup anymore, then Reim needs som gaps in his CC that players can use to escape. Or he needs his kit redesigned so that “escape” and “die” aren’t the only two choices.

His kit is really a bad concept, since the counterplay to him is to kite him. That will inevitably be frustrating for the Reim player (if he can be kited) or frustrating for everyone else (if he can’t be kited).

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Yep, I am bulgarian. :slight_smile:

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Oh I didn’t know. Me too.

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Heheheh nice. :)) ^^ :sunglasses:

It’s 160 in aus, i know it’s the rates between countries but it’s still just wow. Not even most deluxe bundles of triple A games make that price here

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For that price I can take two AAA full games not on sale and just released…

They should have made it so Reim’s abilities apply chill as well so if he somehow manages to get his root up twice he can root I guess? Right now its just as oppressive as the new hero’s Ult. Imo the new hero should just lose the slow down on her A and her Ult should be something like Kestrel’s B except it doesn’t decrease with anything.

Some impressions on Ylva after running into her a good amount of times in Blitz.

She is the type of hero that I feel is mechanically challenging as Malene with equal rewards to be gained. One could say that she can be like Silvernail too, but I feel Silvernail tends to be more of a “situational awareness” hero rather than mechanically challenging.

She is quite good at what she does, and player that don’t understand how Ylva works will certainly find themselves trapped in the most importunate moment to be bursted down.

I know that playing against her in Blitz is skewed thanks to Talents, but most of the time, those that pick her up understood her well.

The best situations that I see teams do well against Ylva is when they pressure the lane and go for more poke heavy compositions rather than dive heavy ones.

Oh, I also encountered the KOBs and QOBs guilds running a team with Ylva’s Epic Talent that enables her to have 3 mines and cast from a longer distance. Let’s just say that was one hell of a mine field, lol.

It’s crazy to me people would by something like that when VG has so many really affordable really efficient ways to spend on the game.

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This is my favorite patch since 2.12. I think hero balance isn’t great but the meta changes, at least in mid tier play, have breathed new life into the game for me.