Is Skye CP good?

With just a reflex block and a Frostburn she can kite enemies rather well.

She is a much safer pick than I had previously thought especially when you aren’t afraid to Suri in front of your enemy.

I wouldn’t say buff her to meta, just buff her overall damage, so she is good in late game

Nope , malene is easier to counter , from all the heroes in my opinion kensei worth the banned , like i lost as kensei and i lost as a roam for a kensei in my team , but we lost because of bad mistakes , like a defensless kensei , or when i play kensei people pick bad roam heroes zero synergy with kensei .

Like put vox , kensei , ardan in one team and watch
Or samuel , kensei , grace

No counter , they going to win

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I’ve never lost to a kensei, not even with taka roam… malene is the hero I ban just because she is annoying and she can apply a lot of pressure in the early, although she has counters (Samuel, CP kestrel, Skaarf, Celeste, Reza, BF…) but it’s just that, annoying. Kensei… I don’t get why people has so many problems countering him, I find it easy.

I find him difficult to counter in 5v5 when played as a Bot laner. With a jungler helping him clear a lane, he can farm quickly and safely to get to late game. He has a 3-dash AOE attack which lets him build up BP stacks and mitigates the effectiveness of Atlas. That same three dash makes chasing him a pain. He has an AOE stun with a huge range which also stacks BP. Unlike the knockback effect of a Tony Ult or Glaive Afterburn, he easily sticks to targets after stunning them because they are not displaced. He also chunks high health heroes so Roams are just as likely to contribute to BP stacking as anyone else. His barrier can also mitigate burst builds. His AOE increases his sustain. Lotus Strike needs to go up to 10 seconds and he could lose either the barrier scaling or some Ult damage.

I agree Malene is definitely ban worthy.

I’m talking about 3v3, in there kensei is easy to counter.

Think you need to reconsider when and how you overdrive abilites. Ive played over 200 matches with Skye and there is nothing more frustrating than being mid fight and not having your FB up (you’re usless as CP without abilities).

I personally take her A to level three as soon as possible then I prioritise having her an overdrived as I want to chain FB as soon as possible. In some instances I don’t overdrive her A as the base increase in DMG isn’t substantial and her ult can and is incredible useful (dropping it twice in a fight for instance).

You probably facing potatoe kenseis , in one of my 3v3 parties we banned malene and enemy picked kensei and samuel , we invaded them and stole their farm , samuel switched to jungle and kensei went lane , the idea of fighting with kensei is never back off , a lot of kenseis the bad ones they get couple basic attacks and back off , or they engage with ult , all are mistakes .

Take for example grace , grace heals scale with cp , and cp give her team damage reduction , which means she can engage while kensei fighting give him damage reduction and barrier from the new item then kensei get his barrier then massive heal then barrier , i was in one game as kensei with a grace built shatter and fountain and new barrier item , our laner afked and we 2v3 enemies , until they got triple atlas and their roam bought double armor , i couldnt do anything after that , it was too much countering .

So i think the best roam for kensei is grace , even going cp grace better , you can ignore the fountain , the important thing damage reduction towards kensei and barriers , massive heals .

I haven’t faced potatos kenseis lol, but it’s easier to starve him from gold and in case you have to fight in late game, to burst him, I still haven’t ban Kensei in ranked, having a 100% Winrate against him this update, and I doubt no one knows how to use him, no? After almost 20 ranked matches, I guess at least one is good, no? In the end this is Vainglorious, so I expect them to be good.

You’re giving example with a single game. Kensei is very easily starved in 3v3.

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iam not going to say anything else , we need people like you so we can play kensei in ranked , without you its impossible to play him , i only saw him getting destroyed against skye and vox they both kite but honestly the roam was bad , but you can go watch 3v3 streams he always banned or getting picked and win , you can lane him with ardan or adagio , farm safely under turret , and i took a build from a vg silver guy was picking him before he gets banned , he was rushing tensionbow in lane kensei , tensionbow kensei is interesting because he can burst early until he get late .

What 3v3 streams? TB in kensei is… meh.

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TB on kensei actually good but only if you fighting aggressive enemy and expecting hard fights early , i tried it myself it was good , it gives you some of the kesnei late game in ealry game , you can get kills from ganks early too , and you already going to late game which make you the monster everyone waiting , i dont think tensionbow is bad .

there are some streamers for 3v3 , they stream from NA , like there is no EU 3v3 streamer right now . kensei is banned or picked in thier games .

What streamers? I don’t see anyone streaming 3v3. Also, trying to play a late game hero as an early one is not a good idea.

He was a lategame hero but received some really big wp buffs early game mitigating most of his disadvantage. Though I’d have to agree that he comes online when he gets his Ultimate.

Don’t forget that his true power lies in attackspeed not in damage because he deals semi true damage with each hit based on how beefy his enemy is.

I don’t play 3v3 any more but I would assume he is weaker in that mode. As a jungler, he should get pushed out early and be at a disadvantage until late game. As a laner, he should clear slower making rotating for jungle fights harder. Also with less people, he would not be able to stack BP as quickly.

His wave cereal is actually not bad, but he is very easy bullied and in jungle… well, you can just camp all day in his jungle heavily starving him. In that mode there also less ways of reaching the carry so he struggles a lot more, so yeah, in that mode he is far weaker, reason why I don’t understand why people keep banning him in it. Malene in the opposite is capable of applying a lot of pressure and also in this mode there are less ways to penalize her for every time she tries to hit you, making her far stronger and worth banning, reason why I said she was still op in 3v3 while supposedly being balanced in 5v5 (which I still doubt).

Everyone agreeing with you about kensei weak early game , but how about not fighting early and pushing lane , its like when baron was meta , you could bully him as you want but he is getting to his late game , and the game actually anti snowball , i would agree with you 100% if we live in the vg old days before crystal sentry , when people stay in your jungle and just waiting you surrender , if he is too weak like you said people would let him open instead of banning , he is banned for a reason , if you want to risk it just let him in , couple attack speed items and defense with ardan vanguards and he is good , like the risk you doing is not about kensei its about the carry who is with kensei , because kensei could act like kills finisher not main damager , thats why i said samuel and vox , they both do Team damage they just need someone finish the kills .

aww man, i missed a lit thread about my second queen skye ;-;

I always let him open, and you know what? Haven’t lost yet to him. If people don’t know how to snowball it’s no my fault, I’ve ended matches in less that 15 min with around 16k gold lead. It’s very easy to pressure him, both in lane and in jungle. He is not reaching his late game if you snowball correctly, and even if he reaches late game, it’s not that hard to beat him.