Is Skye CP good?

I forgot they did a reset. Again, it you, I can make VoxPort work too multiple times, then it works, no? Right no none of those heroes work in general.

If it works in my rank in ranked Q why is it considered as not working? How would you define it? For example I can say Kensei destroys every game but that doesnā€™t mean he works. Like whatā€™s the requirement for it?

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To be generalized, not just one player.

Well if nobody plays it how can I make them? Itā€™s not meta I never said that. Itā€™s certainly off meta but perfectly viable. Isnā€™t your definition of viability closer to the meta definition?

When I say a hero is viable I mean it can be used and can win, but itā€™s not strong enough to be meta. In those examples you are just one, would you say VoxPort is viable?

Weā€™re talking about jungle. Itā€™s much more loose in itā€™s requirements than roam position in 3v3. Vox doesnā€™t help the team much but actually in some rare cases heā€™s viable. When you do buff Adagio build and Vox is super tanky yet has good damage because he can AA reset and use the buff. Overall heā€™s not very viable though but thatā€™s not the case for the junglers. Their uses might not be very wide (for example flicker only against squishies) but how is that different from widely accepted ā€œviableā€ counter junglers like Reim and Petal?

Used to main CP Skye but they keep nerfing her dmg to the point I dont feel rewarded as before, sheā€™s a horrible mid laner, top laner, and bot is mainly WP and CP Skye jungle in 5v5 is also not strong cause sheā€™s item dependent


But i made it work. Thatā€™s the same argument you used. Nvm, we should discuss this in private as we are completely off topic.

I have seen decent wp Vox junglers thoughā€¦

I love CP Skye back then in 3v3! But in 5v5, I only mained her in jungle when Frostburn was getting the buff in patch 3.2/3.3. Itā€™s hard to keep maintaining her in the late game since she is so fragile and an easy target for opponent because her slow moving backward. She is good for early and mid game but can be easily snowballed during the late game. Itā€™s like Koshka, high damage but very fragile. Skye CP is good for offensive in early and mid game. She must be fed all the time because she have to gain level advantage than other team in the late game (like reaching level 12 while other still level 9), so she can harass the opponentā€™s team easily. But itā€™s hard to give her the advantage in 5v5 because the jungle is different than 3v3 where the jungler can easily gain level advantage. So I think she needs to get more buff to make it more viable in 5v5. Skye is getting buff in this patch but I think it doesnā€™t make her competitive enough. Yeah, I think Skye is not good pick for now (Please buff her to make her meta again :sob: )

Is it me or is jungle the worst role in the game gold wise

I feel so starved as junglerā€¦
And because everyone just steals your farm allies and enemies alike you are often exp and gold starvedā€¦

Win consistently (with the right draft) and not in result of a throw in a ranked game. My point was in 3v3 the jungle role is very free in itā€™s requirements to have impact. For example if you go Ringo top in 5v5 against good people you wonā€™t stand a chance. But if you jungle Ringo you can win at the highest of competition in 3v3. Not the case for every hero but theyā€™re at least viable in ranked.

Thatā€™s my point. In 3v3 jungle everything stands a chance. I just meant heā€™s one of the worst possible ones but still works sometimes. And thatā€™s due to his bad clear and early lack of damage

Junglers are very dependant on snowballing. Sometimes they have the most money, sometimes the least or between those 2. Itā€™s kinda stupid how they donā€™t have experience and level leads though.

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Thereā€™s no point playing her when most other carries outshine her.
A & B for cp, B & C for wp so can you get longer range on your B

Iā€™ve won consistently with VoxPort, and even in ranked, also TakaPort too.

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I just tried CP Skye again. No pro at her but decent I guess:


I dont get why people still ban Kensei in 3v3.

Our Vox went 1/4/3 before he dented someone.
Kensei is still pretty strong but yeah there are worse heroesā€¦

Kensei is far easier to counter in 3v3 than in 5v5. My hero to ban is Malene, the pressure she can apply early on in 3v3 is stupid plus she is annoying to fight.

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I am seeing CP Skye being played as a jungler in 5v5 with very good success. Niv keeps lowing the cooldown on her B. She has enough damage if you just stack 4 crystal bits to start and then build from there. Late game she can still split teams with her Ult. With a CW she can pretty easily Ult twice a fight.