Is Skye CP good?

You beat kensei with a low hp hero I presume? Not a bruiser I think.

Maaaybe :slight_smile:

Try WP Taka, he can snowball extremely hard against kensei (11 min match XD)

The only way to beat him is bursting him before he stacks and thats super difficult , with a good roam its super difficult to do that , like i am sure if i roam for a good kensei we cant lose , especially against taka like guest suggesting here , taka is one of the easiest targets for kensei because i reveal him with my abilities , i killed a lot of takas super easy .

I see his counter is burst or kiting , like in one of my games i was against baron cp and krul , i destroyed them even with a super bad teammates , like every fight was me vs enemy and they were trying their best , the only way they beated me is by krul smiting me after i got hit by baron ult , my husk activated already and i died in a seconds .

Fight a good wp Taka in early and letā€™s see, I managed to end the game at minute 13, meaning he didnā€™t scale (lol, Taka, who was played by my Duo, was 3 t3 items ahead and farmed more than any of the laners). Iā€™m not saying he can beat him in late game, but he can snowball really hard.

Taka scales with player skill immensely.
What would the best build be?
Ssw+BP into Crit with SH/Aegis.

I would have to ask my Duo, itā€™s him the one who plays Taka :confused:
I will post the answer as soon as I get it :wink:

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It heavily depends on the enemy composition, for example, if you are against double squishy and you can snowball hard (really hard) TB is a good choice. If you can snowball hard (just snowball) SB or SSW is the first item you should buy, SSW if they have lots of abilities you would like to dodge or if they are more sustain heroes (so you can heal with your B more often and recover energy), if not, SB is my go to item. BP is compulsory, usually as your second item, after that you want to build defense against the most dangerous hero (usually a bruiser as the ranged heroes would die easily), the next items depends on you: if you want more damage TM is a good choice, you can buy more defense if needed and donā€™t forget the boots. The defensive item you should get itā€™s either Aegis (+metal jacket if you are receiving a lot of WP damage) if they have hard cc to lock you down and SH if not, which allows you to buy another offensive item.
For doing all this you have to snowball, as you will stop buying damage after your BP (although you can continue after your first defensive item, which is usually just a t2 item) so that your damage is relevant.
After all this is just practice dodging with your movement speed and learning when to be agressive. Keep in mind he can win almost any match up (Krul is difficult, and so are koshka and Gj when he is strong) in the early.


a lot of pro players played weak early game heroes but they dont let the snowball go big
like when i play kensei i got snowballed couple times but not because kensei weak it was because my team didnt help , i was getting 2 man invaded while my roam chilling in lane but still i managed to reach my items by stealing the laners farm .

i would say snowballing kensei is possible if my team is super dumb , what pro players used to do is getting balanced team , strong laner weak jungler and strong roamer , if taka invade my laner should invade taka lane , and me and him then share the lane farm or i farm his lane , but all this not happening right now , because snowballs hard to manage , and by the way beat kensei soloq , i didnt know you playing duoq , iam actually mostly soloq kensei .

Pros now play 5v5 not 3v3, which what Iā€™m talking about. For snowballing, the laner should be also strong to not allow the enemy laner counter the invasion, also he can just rotate too. Doesnā€™t matter if he is in lane or jungle, itā€™s very easy to snowball him. Iā€™ve snowballed him too in solo Q. If kensei starts stealing farm then two of his teammates would be starved, meaning it becomes a 1v3, which is quite easy to win.
Also, if you canā€™t snowball I will tell you another technique: Baron. He outscales Kensei late game, can pressure him early and can dodge him. SB TM TM TT/BP Defense Boots/Defense/TM. Quite fun how nobody remembers himā€¦

I dont think snowballs are a thing in 3v3 but they were very strong in 5v5 but semc did some changes to make snowballs slower , if snowballs are a thing in 3v3 all games would end super early like you said 13 minutes or lower , but all my games pass the 20 minutes , some of them pass the 30 minutes , nivmett said game time increased after their changes.

Well i dont want to make it a long discussion , as a wiseman once told me dont risk it , letting kensei in the draft is a risk so i prefer to banned him and deal with everyone else including malene and kinetic.

You know, this really went out of context

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Snowball is a thing in 3v3ā€¦ if you know how to do it. I would argue that itā€™s even stronger than in 5v5 due to being able to completely negate half the farm of a team instead of just a 25% (1 lane/jungle).

Snow balling is easy in 3v3, in my low tier smurfs, u can snowball with just koshka. Its more complicated as i verse high tiers

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Naaaah, I prefer her in her WP path. She rocks! :wink: I rose up to T9 from T7 with her, mostly.

But CP Skye is good vs some heroes. I use her as CP mostly against slow/melee and not-so-slippery heroes. :sweat_smile:

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