Is 5v5 killing Vainglory?

I actually agree with this … completely. Their communication problems aren’t limited to their lack of engagement with their community: they have poor internal communication as well. Such issues in a company their size speaks to really poor leadership, I’m sad to say.


13 posts were split to a new topic: Some discussion on /r/vainglorygame

As far as my personal opinion goes on this, I have never had more fun in Vainglory than in playing 5v5. It has a lot more depth to it, most heroes are at least playable in niches with only a few standout OPs to be balanced, and it will only improve from here. I have to say, I’m excited!

As far as devs leaving goes, developers leave companies all the time and new faces are brought in just as often, if not more. Look here at some of the newer faces in SEMC with lilfunyuns and PaganKing, of which lilfunyuns is a confirmed new hire. For PlayOffBeard specifically, while his departure is a real bummer for all of us, I doubt it is an indication that Vainglory is failing. If he had left maybe six months ago when it was abundantly clear interest in 3v3 was falling off and Vainglory’s playerbase was dwindling, maybe I would’ve believed it was an omen of things to come, but right now? I find it unlikely. The other few devs that have left recently, aside from casualties of the forum shutdown, could easily just be part of layoffs and not be indicative of anything as well.

I can’t speak to the downturn in interest on Google, but I remain hopeful for the future of Vainglory with 5v5! Matches have been great and I honestly can’t imagine playing another MOBA that doesn’t have its qualities of touch controls.


I think 5v5 has been great for Vainglory, but it’s going to take a bit of time for older players to get used to. It’s more strategic than 3v3 imo, where brute strength & carrying win the day more than teamwork and synergy, and although the fold is more richly designed, I’ve grown fond of the rise’s luxurious feel.

As for SEMC not listening or being in an echo chamber, I think that was a problem for a while but recently it looks like that turned around a lot. I still think Vainglory can bounce back but I do think there are some core issues that eventually need to be addressed, especially UI (again), hero model representation, communication, events, monetization methods, and the feel of the game while you’re playing in general. Ultimately it’s a longshot, but Vainglory still has a chance to rise to the top, since it’s the best developed moba at it’s core, but there are also other issues at it’s core that have and will continue to hold it back.

Also advertising. Lol.


Actually, 5v5 will do Vainglory a good thing but Vainglory heroes, items and mechanics are so into 3v3 that 5v5 sucks.


The other way around is also valid. It’s not fun to play great, better than everyone in the server and with a lot… and still lose in ranked because of 3 bad players and one good in your team. Atleast in 3vs3 you had more impact for the win and if you get one good player - both can work out around the weak one. This is not true in 5vs5 and you hardly can alone pull out the game if the skill diff is not massive, i.e. t10 silver vs t6 enemy team. The enemy team will just focus you on the lane, they will focus you in the teamfights and even if you are soo good, you will die vs 5 players.

This all goes for soloq… as this is what I play.


You’re absolutely right. You can definitely hard carry the win in 3v3 with a teamate or by yourself if one or both of your other teamates aren’t don’t well, and that is almost nonexistent in 5v5, with only a few heroes having the power or tankiness in their kit, and still it is only slightly possible, as long as your teamates are doing something, even if it’s just distracting the enemy.

You mention soloq. Vainglory isn’t tailored to soloq play in general. I’ve come to learn that as I mainly solo as well.


I don’t think so really the long queue times might be because the match maker has to take into account not just 3 ranks but 5 and try its best to make the game fair. Solo queue, you and triple in 5v5 take little over 5 minutes which I’m okay with. Plus vg has a lot of game modes too, 5v5 causal, 5v5 ranked, 3v3 casual, 3v3 ranked, blitz, and battle royal and that doesnt count the people probs playing privates and bot matches. if vg had the same amount of players before 5v5 and they introduced the 2 new modes you’re practically increasing queue times in other modes that’s just how it goes. They said they will be running the match making in the future so we will have to wait and see and this is vg first time having a mode with more then 6 players in total in one match. There was bound to be issues you honestly just have to be patient and root that they will make the right choices and fix the errors that they have created.

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Honestly i wait 1min for 5v5 but all others 3-10

I think the queue times are indicative of a much worse story. Stagnant user numbers at best - which is still a disaster as far as semc’s plans and expectations for 5v5. Queue times in other modes (3v3, brawl) have increased by an order of magnitude. 5v5 is not the magic bullet to attract users they were counting on.


This is one hell of an analogy.

Maybe they were looking for a magic loogie instead …


I’m about the insert the magic bullet from the guy in Mortal Kombat.

Absolutely not.

Looking at 5v5 outside of it’s current issues with matchmaker, it is pretty awesome and I’m having more fun than ever. From a gameplay perspective, it’s way more fun than 3v3 was and I’m playing more because of it.

Are the issues hurting the game? You bet, so I hope they have a great plan lined up! Killing it? No.


Have to agree with Video myself - there have defnitely been some wobbles but the core gameplay is good and as fair as any objective evidence seems to show is growing rather than shrinking.


I have a wait time of 2-3 mins for 5v5, although I usually restart the queue before it reaches 2:30. For blitz and BR wait times can range between “immediately” to “a century of restarting the queue”


I guess it boils down to when you play. queue times at odd hours will get higher waits. ranked usually has higher wait vs casual.

Before in EU I had max 1m wait time in 3vs3 ranked in 3am. As a lot of people already stated, the problem is that not a lot of new players play the game. There are more players, but not enough as more modes, bigger teams, etc.

I’ve been finding casual wait times at least for 3v3 are forever while while ranked a little less than forever. On the other hand i rarely wait at all for 5v5 casual

I 100% agree. I’m starting to actually believe a bit more of the ELO hell Concept just purely from a programmatic POV. It makes a whole lot of sense, if I consider my own “story.” So please feel free to shoot me down if what I’m thinking here is flat out crack headed lol!

In my case, I started off by learning the game entirely in soloQ casuals and ranked juuuuust before any other modes came out (like BR).

So I had a crap ton of losses and experimental games in my history. So IF (due to not having regulars to party with) I for example switched to full-time BR for the next full year, and then go back to ranked… it’s fair to say that the system mathematically would have zero way to consider how much pure mechanical skill I may have picked up in all of those BR matches.

So my experience in 3v3 just before 5v5 came out was pretty busted. Every reset brought me down to T4 bronze. It would take about 20 wins over the amount of losses to get back up to the top of T4 gold.

Usually once there, I’d be so frustrated from having to play captain more than a third of the time. I’m not really a good captain yet, and have very clear strength by the numbers in lane and the jungle. But as a mediocre farmer, jungles is best for me from a team POV.

So as a non-instalocker in T4, captaining unexpectedly is simply what happens. IF I do instalock a carry or jungles, then there’s a SUPER high chance of getting the sort of ping patterns that make games harder than they should be at the start of the match over 50% of those times. So really… why bother.

My logic was I’d just work on my mechanical skills and wait/hope to eventually find a low-key and flexible group with similar hours of availability. Then maybe if I rank up a bit, I can get a little more weight behind some of the things I’d really like to help foster for the community. Not an easy task at all… at least based on how things turned out for me.

In 5v5 though, it feels very much like I’m no longer in the wrong tier. I make mistakes at the same rate of my teammates (or do better which is maybe 10-15% of overall matches). That seems about right. And that alone actually makes me look forward to the next time I get to play a ranked match. The difference is literally incomparable.

Like I now actually get to play with people that are clearly (in those little ways) thinking similarly. I promise you, I haven’t felt that in 3v3 in well over a year now. Crazy.