Introducing... Hats!

I couldn’t agree more.

Also, we got a golden turd charm and hats. What’s the ETA on turd-hats?



Does this mean something?

I think it means SugarVenom needs to go shopping before her next job interview? :kraken_happy_t2:


Certainly. One must look the best and fashionable, and she certainly knows what to do - shopping!


Different mode activated.

New job interview… guess she is leaving SEMC? A pity if it is true, but I wish her all the best.

Different mode deactivated.


Now, what hat to suggest.

Devil horns This text will be blurred

She announced in early July that they’d minimized her role at SEMC and she was looking for work.

Yeah, that part I knew.

I’m just curious what job she’ll be interviewing for

It causes extra lagg which reduces my ability to play properly. I want a clean naked game that runs smoothly. I want the old vainglory which ran smoothly on my old tablet. I upgraded after that and now the game doesn’t even run decently on the upgraded tablet.

The system requirements have been doubled all for crappy additions like these…

People have been complaining about app size forever. Their solution add more useless crap…

The company is spiraling out of control. This coming from a player who was okay with blueprints and is somewhat okay with talents…

They need to clean their product thuroughly and make it run stable on supported devices.

Instead they focus on useless garbage…


Tbh it sucks to see players like you be discouraged from 5v5 due to toxic players cause with a good team 5v5 is really fun. After trying out for the team I am currently playing with I noticed drastic improvements in my bot laning (My jungler really keeps me in line and is a fantastic shot caller) and I finally made it to VG thanks to them, but when I switch off of 5 mans (especially duos), I immediately notice the difference in how not only how soloq plays, but also drafts which sometimes can be pretty annoying, especially when your allies don’t listen to you. I dunno how it needs to be fixed, but the BIGGEST problem VG has is its players (The toxic ones ofc) which really deters the game especially one as niche as VG.


Your response to the hats announcement on Reddit is great, btw.


Things apparently not on SEMC’s priority list:

• Smaller storage size
• Better matchmaking
• Fixing bugs that haunted multiple patches

Feel free to add to the list :crazy_face:

Oof damage control (aka Wolf hands) came out to calm the riot.


Yeah… I think I’m done, too.

Especially the bullshit about hats allowing us to show how “unique” we are. A pixel hat everyone else with 3$ to spare can wear will now serve as indicator for my personality? Get the ■■■■ out.

Bad enough they’re adding useless crap to the game instead of fixing existing issues, but spoon-feeding us shit in their community interaction is just more than I can handle. It drains my will to get anywhere near a SEMC product to absolute zero.


I’d just like to add as someone who has tested and played with hats for a week, you guys should wait to see them before assuming they’ll destroy game play or something. We are having a PBE greenlight this weekend so you should be able to catch some streamers wearing hats then you can judge for yourself rather than zoomed in preview on a tweet.


For me, it’s not a question of whether they’ll destroy gameplay – rather, they’re just so … dumb.

Of all the features SEMC could have added, this one wouldn’t have made my top 1,000,000. I think a lot of the anger we’re seeing right now (from me included) is the result of immense pent-up frustration that SEMC doesn’t seem to understand what the community (at least the community of serious players) wants.


Pretty much impossible for us to know the opportunity cost for hats. Most of the complaints about matchmaking, etc, are all being addressed by other teams in SEMC and have nothing to do with the art/skin designers. I really want to see scout cam skins. I think that’d be so much cooler than hats.

Nice to see that your not a die hard fan for every action they do.

But the real problem is why Hats out of every other feature.

I honestly miss my card art collection than my skins (not joking, it took a while to collect) and would pay for profile icons.

I don’t think its “Why Hats?” but “Why hats first?” as the question that should be asked. Hats aren’t really first though, new pings and new charms the last two patches also came out.My feeling is that this is out first because this is easy. They’re probably on planning a lot of collectable stuff like this to help with revenue per player.

I am immensely disappointed and my day is ruined.

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O.o a PBE tester. Forgive hats, it’s the krul skin good in game?
Edit: sorry for the off topic, it was important.

On topic: So funny how they try to justify the hats on reddit.

They could make a lot of awesome stuff to make me spend money in this game and yet…

Why fucking horrible hats?