That SAW build…hurts my eyes…
Yeah, it’s pretty bad. Should’ve replaced the Bonesaw with an actually good item lol
Well, bonesaw would’ve been fine if you built a MJ too, but SAWs should never go SM and SB, it’s either SM or SB.
I personally prefer SB BP TM TM, but I miiight substitute the BP for a BS if enemy gets a lot of armor, tho as a SAW you should generally be able to snowball to the extent that the enemy doesn’t even get to build MJ
I did the lane thingy. I’m not a lane main tho so never get high hopes, I am more comfortable in the jungle
Baptiste isn’t a good laner. Don’t lane with him. I feel you about lane. In 3v3 as I said I’ve played jungle since forever and can’t really play much else. But if I gotta play lane I’d go with a legit laner haha. I don’t know what heroes you like but when I needed to lane I played Rona or Bf because that’s the type of heroes I am comfortable on but they’re still good laners.
I guess you’re talking with respect to only 3v3 here? Because wp bepis is one hecc of a laner in 5v5
Yes 3v3. In 5v5 most heroes have a place in one of the lanes. Even heroes like Krul.
Yeah, we are talking about 3v3, I’m not interested in 5v5,been playing the classic vainglory for years. Now, I WILL try to play better heroes for me like Taka and Koshka, and see how it will turn out
I’d suggest you ignore Taka for now. He’s way too bad currently.
Oh, he got nerfed? Well, if that’s the case then I’ll stick to Koshka
Yeah pretty hard. Koshka is your best bet. If I come up with something else I’ll tell you.
I did save up some honor and don’t have Krul, Reim, Kensei and Blackfeather, what’s my best bet?
Best hero right now is Kensei. Though for solo carrying and in 3v3 I’d go Krul. It’s all about early game. Kensei has a bad early so even though he’s OP you might get destroyed. Without a chance to fight back.
Many other players play Kensei and Krul is bad early game. I do have experience with Krul and Reim, but of course Krul looks like the better pick to me
Krul’s early and especially mid are pretty damn strong. Mid game he can barely be countered unless he lost early hard which is hard to happen given his early is good too. One thing to be careful about though, don’t fight at lvl 1 or 2 unless someone gets caught and screws up hard. You won’t have enough damage, no boots to chase or even less damage if you got boots first shop. Krul really gets powerful spikes with levels so focus on leveling up.
I just looked over Blackfeather and thought about picking him instead. My longest main is Glaive(2 years) and Krul(half a year). Blackfeather doesn’t look easy to master, but I quite like his way, especially his A and Ult, though the perk is confusing.
BTW, didn’t think that a post in the salt mines would get so much attention and hints, thanks a lot
Blackfeather used to be my go-to hero when I was tryharding for a really long time. He used to be so good for solo carrying games. Problem now is he lost so much of his kit. Isn’t as versatile as before. I’d go Krul because when playing krul I don’t fear any carries only roams. But there’s no roams in your games or they are Flicker so Krul would have it easy.
True, I’ll go Krul thanks a lot
Well I played some ranged lane carries during my time in lower tiers. It helped me master some basic lane mechanics