Fire Emblem Heroes: Discussion and Summon Cheers

Welp time to pull for Julia. Breaking my choice to not pull until claude of dimitri again :roll_eyes:

I donā€™t plan on pulling hard on this one, but Edgy Ike is tempting bc he seems like a better, spd-based version of LIke.

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I wish I could pass this banner but If I dont manage to get complete my Tome Julia trinity, I feel like I would miss out on such a achievement.

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I felt the same way with Hector bc of the good memories I have with him soloing pretty much all the early content for me, but with the paywall on his last alt, Iā€™ve completely given up on the full set.

Dont even remind me about that. With all the stuff IS has done, I just feel that the game is going back in footsteps.

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Yeah, itā€™s a bit sad to see the gameā€™s two steps forward, one step back progression. QoL stuff like the refines, grail shop, guaranteed featured units, etc were all amazing additions, but at the same time, events are pretty boring imo, and thereā€™s not much reason to play for me outside of orb farming.
Meanwhile, although Iā€™ve been slacking a bit on it, Dragalia still feels like a blast to me and things feels like theyā€™re only getting better bc of the good communication from the devs.

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Even though they want to stay true to the map unit type of style, they need to make better gamemodes. DL does a perfect example of that with the recently released Colosseum. And the funny thing is that nothing will change since the whales will keep whaling and just because of the ip, everyone will keep supporting the game just by playing it. Including myself sadly.

Im still wondering the reason why they decided to make a actual adā€¦ Is it because the playerbase is declining? Idk.

Just realized I went on a small rant but Ill just leave it at that.

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I feel like the additional game modes are nice additions, but thereā€™s little reason to play them once youā€™ve cleaned them of the good rewards and theyā€™re held back imo by how theyā€™re all time limited. Plus, I donā€™t really think it helps that a few of them are inherently geared more towards gigawhales withe way ranking works. Meanwhile, colosseum in Dragalia is easily one of the additions to the game bc of how memorable it is. Fighting other teams of adventurers, full kits and all is something else, especially in the higher difficulties. Heck, I still feel pain from stuff like the Pipple army and I still love the mode.
As for the ads, I feel like itā€™s mainly bc Edelgard is one of the most popular characters and could draw (back) in those that like her and their wallets. However, I have heard that this legendary banner has made less than the last one and I suppose that theyā€™d prefer to make more money off a big name like her than a relatively minor character.

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I think this might me the second TT hero that I will actually build instead of letting them rot in my inventory.

Not just that but I like him, he reminds me of Ike.

What about you Dimiti?

Edit: Actually I have no flying units with that type of perf so thats even better!

I think itā€™s a step in the right direction for free fliers considering how many of them there are and how weak theyā€™ve generally been, but I donā€™t really think Iā€™ll build him. I havenā€™t started on a new grail project since Kronya, but Iā€™ve slightly been considering Kempf to try out the meme triple SB. Iā€™d prefer to use the free Altina on my flying teams as the red unit, so I feel like building Ashnard would be a bit of a waste.

I really donā€™t deserve my Altina, I totally forgot about herā€¦

Though to be fair the only flying unit I still use is Res Cordelia.

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Iā€™m a bit on the same boat bc I hardly ever use my flying teams when my Kronya and Igrene teams pretty much wipe everything out. Tho I feel like I should use it more when I have units like her and the baby trio.

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With the power of god and animeā€¦ I manage to somehow pull F!Ike, F!Lyon, and guaranteed 5* F!Julia with around 115 orbsā€¦

IS trying to reel me back into the game with the holy trinity Julia bait but Im still running :running_man:

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I havenā€™t pulled much on this banner bc Ike is rlly the only one Iā€™m interested in but the free daily tickets have been super generous to me. One of them allowed me to finally get a single copy of the memelord Ferdinand and another managed to get me a Picnic Flora to join her sister. Certainly wish I had that kind of luck in Dragalia where Iā€™m still 0/3 on the FEH2 banners, even with the desperation of pulling out the wallet for a multi ;-;

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I just came to the conclusion that if my luck is bad in DL, then my luck is probably going to be good in Feh. And vise versa. :neutral_face:

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For me, itā€™s usually periods of fairly good luck in each then dead periods afterwards. IG all the fairly good pulls in FEH lately are helping me recover from the Lysithea orb slaughter while the bad luck on FEH2 in Dragalia rn is due from the good luck on FEH1 and the Gala Mars banners I had.

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Duo hero is once again tempting. Butā€¦ that dominance buff seems so brokenā€¦

Yup, the duo is really the only interesting one this time, but itā€™s because sheā€™s way more stacked than the rest. Being a colorless tome with 2 atk/res skills built in is good enough, but giving her Mythic Boost is a bit dumb considering it more or less nullifies the pushā€™s drawback, and dominance seems pretty broken, if not for the unavoidable debuffs from the duo skill.

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Shoot I got pretty spooked on this banner

I got them with 14 orbs, so there goes my luck on future banners. For now, my orb stash is safe. Hopefully the mythic this month is a good one.