Dragalia Lost: Discussion and Summon Cheers

It’s still a bit too early to say for sure, but the Malinda they show off in the preview is just the small form of Chronos who’s gonna be the raid boss again, so there’s probably some plot shenanigans going on with that. The regular Malinda is simply just that chubby little pink dragon that Vania keeps around as a pet and feeds fruit to. She does have a bigger form that looks more like dragon, but it’s nowhere near the one in the preview and it can’t talk in regular languages at all.

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Ok, this is going to be interesting to find out more about this small chronos/malinda in this event.
Just going off what you said and what was shown it seems like small Chronos was maybe taken by vania and called malinda as like a replacement for the original malinda

This event is easily one of, if not the, best ones yet in terms of rewards! There’s no new f2p raid unit, but in place of one, they’re giving out a free dream summon at 5k gold emblems in the event rewards! It does have a limited pool, but it has a bunch of good characters like Bellina and dragons like Azazel! I don’t know who imma gonna use mine on yet but I’m leaning on Hilde. I’ll wait a bit on her bc I’m planning on buying a welcome pack for the full dream summon coming in a few days that I’ll use on either Pecorine or Merc.

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Oh I haven’t started the event yet but knowing about that dream summon I’ll definitely be getting that

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I’d definitely recommend going for Grace with the free dream summon if you don’t already have her and don’t want anything in particular. Even if she’s useless in all the newer fights, she’s still rlly irreplaceable in everything else and she makes the solo versions of almost all the non-legend agito fights super accessible, especially for auto.
Even if there’s no free raid character or dragon this event, I’m so happy that they put in the dream summon ticket instead. It’s so generous that they’re giving everyone the chance to get near anything that’s evaded them in summons without having to bust out the wallet for a paid dream summon. Plus it’s cool how the ticket specifying the season makes it seem like there might be more of them coming.

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Maybe they might start swapping between giving out a character during events and putting in a dream summon to work towards, although I don’t imagine they’d put the dream summon up often it’s still possible with how it’s appeared now.

I’ll have a look into grace, I’ve seen her brought up awhile ago a few times and how great she is to have, I know she is a shadow healer and I could definitely use another healer in that element

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Alternating between dream summons and new f2p raid characters seems like a rlly good idea tbh. New raid events have only been happening once a month at most so they won’t be giving out bunch of either and letting everyone get a free dream summon is beyond generous even if they’re not frequent. It seems like it could probably help the game money-wise too since it’ll put a bit more focus into getting ppl to pull on banners for the new event characters and a single free 5* won’t hurt too much when the general pool is so diluted with 100+ of them in it.
Also Grace is pretty interesting to use bc of how instead of being a regular healer, she just lets everyone on the team facetank stuff with little drawback bc of her shields. She’s useful for pretty much anything in solo since she makes the AI a lot easier to deal with and she’s entirely self-sufficient too so she works well even off-element.

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Oh I don’t even think about this half the time I make teams to use others of other elements, I focus too much on the element which while good I guess on someone whose purpose is to give buffs/heals/shield to the team element won’t be the top priority for them, I definitely should use some other healers in other elements since simple heals and defence increase isn’t all that fun nor best at times

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I did my dream summons and I’m pretty happy with them!

I used my free one on Hilde bc the welcome pack 5* ticket didn’t get me her, but at least extra water was helpful and I still got Pecorine like I wanted. I won’t be able to use either soon bc I’m completely drained on water, but I’m happy I have them now. I’ll be able to auto Lilith much easier with Hilde and Peco with her playstyle, animated S1 portrait, and MAO voice are cool to have.
Also, I’ve gotten really lucky this gala. I got Vampy the day the banner came out alongside HuMerc who I was a bit sad I couldn’t get last gala and I just did another, last multi with ticket that came with the paid dream summon bc GAgni was looking more tempting with the new fight actually being out and I got one of my best multis yet.

I fully expect my luck to die at this point now lol.

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Whos that Red Drago dude in the middle? (New)Agni?

Yup, in the last few months they’ve been giving gala alts to all of the launch 5* dragons bc their void forms are getting purified in the story. The only one that doesn’t have a gala alt yet is Nidhogg but he should be next month’s gala.

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Before the current event ends, I think it’s worth saying that water is “farmable” right now. Chap. 13 EX 1-2 on very hard has a pretty high droprate on prints and with the whole story being half stam right now, it’s pretty cheap honey-wise to do x99 runs to get drops like I have:

I’ve mostly been using the free 20 daily gold pots from Grimnir fights from the event just farming the map and I’d say it’s worth doing. Just with a few hundred auto runs, I’ve gotten enough water to 50 MC my Merc, Hildegarde, and Vampy and 49 MC Pecorine, all from pretty much scratch.

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I just did my last pulls on the FE rerun banner before it ends and I’m pretty happy with how they turned out. I did 139 summons total but I made out with Peony and Tiki who were the ones I wanted the most from it both this year and last year so I’m really fine with having to use that many. The only FE character I’m still missing is Chrom but even if I like him as a character, I don’t exactly care the most not pulling him by he’s the worst one on the banner by far and is pretty much just useful for his coab and encyclopedia bonuses. It’s gonna take me a while for my stash to recover tho especially if the recent datamine for the possible summer banners this year are to be believed.

Hehe your savings for gone, but was worth it since you got what you wanted, tiki seems like a cool unit

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Yea even if I haven’t maxed her out yet bc I’m out of water too, she’s really neat to have from what I’ve used of her so far. She has the unique coab too so she’s pretty much always gonna be useful in the future.

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Oh that is a pretty nice coab she has, well now it’s just back to saving up resources, maxing tiki eventually with that coab will be very nice

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I don’t think I’ll exactly need to be maxed until the demon fight for water comes out, but that shouldn’t be until a while so I’m not that worried about doing it soon. I’m really just glad I managed to get them before they went away again.

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Thanks to the general monthly f2p water increase, the free pulls this month, and it being pretty farmable with chap. 13, I finished my goal of getting my entire box to 5*!

Everyone is 40MC+ and level 80/100 too so I they’re all in pretty usable states. The encyclopedia bonuses from having them all leveled are really nice to have too, even if they’re sorta minor. I’m still gonna be farming water while half steam story is up, but it’s not gonna be too much of an issue for me now.
Also, speaking of the free pulls recently, I think I made out well with them. I mostly got dupes bc I have most adventurers and dragons, but I made out with RXuan, Gabriel, SIeyasu, Seimei, and Gozu as new stuff off them, as well as Leo from my guaranteed 5* pull and a 2nd Daiko copy alongside the NY fire duo from my 100 pulls.

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Wow 217 all 5 star, 40 plus on mana circle and at least level 80, that is quite the effort and resources. That’s so cool tho that everyone is essentially useable at the same level now. Also didn’t realise how big a roster dragalia had, but damn 217 plus I’m sure that’s not everyone still. Seeing as you have so many and now they’re all at similar power levels, what’s your four favourite characters, your dream team?

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Even if I have most of the adventurers, I actually think my dragon box is much more stacked considering it’s at 116/122 of the entire roster, with all but a few being MUB and only 4 of the 6 I’m missing being limited ones.
As for my dream team tho, I would probably say it’s something like Alberius as a main DPS bc of how incredibly good he is and different combos between Vampy, Patia, Joker, Delphi, Grace, and SVerica bc they can provide pretty much anything for the team. I do still really like using the Karina/Pipple/SCelery/Patia team for bursting stuff and the GMym/THope/Gleo/Grace team for easily clearing longer raids.

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