Dragalia Lost: Discussion and Summon Cheers

Now that I’ve been able to play the event more beyond just the intro it’s awesome. Loving the music, haven’t played scramble so first time hearing some of these great songs, wish it was on the main menu tho, the story is great and the raid boss is so fun! Also made a team with mona to see how they play and it’s so fun, I can run enemies over with mona-bus and I love the whole summon persona mechanic they have in place of dragon transform. And I can definitely see mona’s kit is strong for sure and will go well with others I’ve focused on making strong.
Just as you said this is definitely an event to play the heck out of for both the fun content and all the drops

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The only things that I’m slightly sad about is the lack of a different home menu theme and Arsene not being able to be put in the roost, but the music thing is more of a minor problem than anything and Arsene at least having a maxed bond when you pull him complete with the sunstone shard through his story so they don’t take away from the event at all imo.
Also, I’m really excited for the upcoming stuff that got revealed at this reset. VChelsea and the new character both look really nice! Plus Felicia’s event finally getting a rerun for those that missed it, as well as all the QoL changes with this month’s version update are gonna be great as well. What I’m rlly hyped for though is the new endgame fights next month! I’m super happy that they didn’t just make a new set of weapons to powercreep agito ones and that exclusive prints with their own unique slots are gonna be the rewards from them. That’s gonna be a really interesting new progression system, especially if the prints are OP like they probably are gonna be considering the fights are supposed to be harder than non-legend agitos.

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Yea I saw that on twitter just before, but it’s good it’s not actually screwing anyone over that has pulled him

Oh new endgame fights coming soon, those will be interesting to see even tho I’m still a ways away lol. These new fights are supposedly coming with new prints instead of another weapon line, that’s good it’s not just more stronger weapons but I do wonder, will they have new weapon skins maybe?

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I don’t really think that the new fights will have weapon skins bc skins are already legend agitos main draw, but they’d definitely be nice to have. I can’t wait to see the new prints though. I feel like they’ll probably be 6* prints to keep in line with agito and I think it would be rlly cool if they’re animated too.

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Oh that’d be cool to have animated prints, it’d add to their rareness. I guess yea skins wouldn’t be on the new fights since the main draw for these would be new powerful prints and not skins like the other fights already. I just am excited to see the new bosses and how people fight them, and one day I’ll be able to fight them too

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Yeah endgame is really fun. They can be a bit frustrating at first bc they are pretty hard, but getting a good coop group or figuring out what works best in solo and clearing them is super satisfying. They’re definitely easier to enter now than ever before though with all the free resources they’ve been giving out recently and stand/expert agito fights giving a bunch of free mats on the first clears for either agito tree upgrades or weapons give you huge boosts that make the runs after a lot easier. Plus the mass buffs from 2.0 and the extra stats from the print system rework help a lot too.

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The Ann banner and the 2nd half of the event are up now!
I was so scared during my pulls bc she wasn’t showing up at all but after using all my resources, she showed up on my very last ticket pull!

I’m beyond happy that I managed to pull everything off the collab banners, especially when I didn’t have to bust out the wallet!

All I need to do now is grind an agito for Ann now.

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The upcoming gala remix banner has a new dragon and it’s wind, of course it’d be another character I like in wind! I’ve got so many wind dragons already but he looks so cool! Definitely gonna try get him, I’m just the wind collector now lol

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Yeah this gala seems RLLY interesting. VChelsea’s art is super good imo and her kit seems pretty wild. Her being debuffed at the start and burning herself with her S1 but gaining a bunch of buffs, including permanent resistance to all afflictions, once her gauge is built up, and the benefits from the self-burns, especially with the new dragon, make her seem rlly interesting to play.
I think I might do a few pulls to try for her even tho I don’t rlly have anything to pull with after going all in on the collab, especially when I’m gonna buy some honey with part of the 1.2k mite gift that came in to do another set of x99 auto runs of the collab boss before it goes away lol. 1.1k+ rainbow orbs (from the 0 I started the collab with and not including ones I used for facility upgrades) and 57 cleaned out drawboxes isn’t enough for me lol.

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Oh I didn’t look into her kit until now, she is really interesting and whoa, she’s gots some good buffs and how all her kit interacts and builds up buffs is really cool. Her art is funny and cool, poor Luca tho lol.

Damn you really cleaning this event up of resources lol, hopefully you can pull v/Chelsea when she comes within a few pulls so you don’t have to spend since this event has also cleaned you dry lol

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Assuming she has rlly good damage at max buildup like it seems she will with her S1 nukes and all the buffs, I feel like she could possibly be useful in Legend Ciella in a month or two for a niche of slower phase 1/faster phase 2/3 depending on how her fight ends up being.
Also yeah I went pretty nuts on the collab lol. I did a bit of grinding outside of it to make some T2 agitos using the 100m rupies they gave out, but I used pretty much everything on the collab. The elemental altars need a little over 300 rainbow orbs each to get from 40 to 45 on top of the hundreds of T2-4 orbs so I feel like it’s worth using all my honey trying to get as many of them as I could. I don’t mind dropping a few summons on this banner tho when the only other upcoming characters I’m interested in are the Granblue ones, possible reruns of the FEH2 characters and maybe new galas, so a few summons shouldn’t hurt too much,

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Wow that’s so much needed for upgrading the alters in their higher lvls, I definitely get that need for honey for cleaning up this event.

Oh I remember you saying there’d be a rumoured banner for that which you have hidden(I’m on phone and I can’t use the hidden text/spoiler options anymore since it’s cut off on the toolbar lol), I’m not much into that series but I do remember you bringing up possible characters that looked very interesting, so I’m keen to save a bit for that future banner, and maybe gala ones.

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Yeah plus they need 7 Morsayati runs worth of mats to get to 45 too so they’re definitely super grindy just for the 1.5% extra stats lol.
As for the datamined banner, I slightly feel like they could make it a mini collab like Priconne bc it’s their own IP, their biggest one no less, so it could make sense if they do that mostly to get some JP players.

Oh wow that’s a tough grind, grindy and a harder difficulty fight.
I assume the datamined banner would be held in the same fashion like the priconne event since yea it’s their own ip. The p5 collab is big but since the other is their own ip I’d say it would be a mini collab since collabing with their other own ips is maybe somewhat expected to happen eventually

Yeah I would assume that the data mined characters would handled be like Priconne in the sense that they’ll just come with a standard event marketed as a collab to bait ppl in and they’ll stay in the general summoning pool. Or it could just be like the Rage of Bahamut banner where they add the general Cygames characters out of nowhere bc they can without much special attention lol, but considering the datamined characters are by far 2 of their most popular ones, I don’t see why they wouldn’t make a big deal out of them.

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It’d be strange if they just drop out of the blue, considering how big that series is. An standard event will probably be how it’s handled.

It’s time for the gala remix banner and oh boy was it funny, I used a fair amount and I’ve gotten a fair amount of new characters. But the best thing is I got normal Chelsea first then just proceeded to not get v/Chelsea or the dragon until my last two pulls. Was thinking I wouldn’t get either of them and was just absolutely funny thinking the idea of I got Chelsea but not the new Chelsea this banner is highlighting lol. Oh Rng, you funny sometimes

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Ooh that’s nice you managed to get a bunch of new stuff off the banner and both the new things too. I’ve only done 30 pulls so far bc of how I went all in on the collab and I got 2 or 3 dupes alongside the new dragon. I’m gonna do a few more pulls to try for Chelsea before she goes away.
On a separate note, the 300k free water that just came in from the Twitter event rlly made me realize how many resources I’ve gotten. I used most of the water to build up Kleimann for his shared skill and Vida bc she can cheese LKai’s berserk phase in solo and a lot of the rest to promote ALL of my 3* characters to 4. Plus on top of that, I upgraded their MCs and levels with the sheer amount of I got off the collab, so my entire roster is at minimum 40MC and level 70 now lol.

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You got the new dragon, yay, hoping you get Chelsea soon too.
Wow that is definitely a lot of resources you have, so much upgrading you’ve managed to do. How many 3 stars did you have? And all their MCs now at 40, all those orbs and scales that would’ve taken, although that would be across different elements but still I’d imagine that was a lot of now 4 star characters to upgrade.

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The only 3 *s I had promoted before I did the mass ones were Xania, Gun Joe, and the recent Vida, so it definitely took up a lot of water. I didn’t actually use a lot of mats to 40MC them bc I had all of them at 30MC before for their stories and all my 4/5s at 40MC bc I could lol. Plus the collab runs gave me more than enough to fully level my entire box too. It still used a decent amount of mats regardless tho. It was probably a waste of resources to do it, but it feels pretty satisfying to see my entire box at 4 * and 40MCs at minimum. I’d honestly wanna get my entire box to 5 * eventually just to see everyone like that but considering I would need around 2 million water for all the promotions, I don’t think I’ll rlly ever do that when we’re usually limited to around 100k free water without summons a month and stuff like prints and 50MCs can use up a lot of that.

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That would be really cool to have, just open up your collection and just see everyone 5 star, maybe even further be max MC which I know would be a lot but just with the fantasy of entire 5 star box.
It’s still really cool feat you’ve done already with having a box of no 3 stars anymore and everyone at least 40 MC, one day slowly but surely you can then have a box with no more 4 stars eventually, I believe you can do it!

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