Does Gwen have any down sides?

Well right now assassins are the best chance against Gwen, only saw and Ringo can outdamage her. Junglers like krul, glaive, reim and glaive get kited and their cc does nothing against Gwen. Mages such as skaarf can outrange her but they are slow/immobile and if she gets in range they are dead anyways with her stun and B to block stuns/sleeps. Cp Skye could do well against her by staying out of range, kiting and juking her ult. She has damage+range+map presence + utility with slows, stuns and vision+Free RB and they called bfs kit overloaded

If her ult was up I’d exchange with saw and Ringo. But you’re right they do out damage her thanks to att speed.

Skye… mmm maybe but Gwens quite mobile and would easily kite FB.

Point being is she’s a monster at the moment, defo meta in 5v5

Blackfeather and Glaive are both great laners that can’t easily be destroyed by assassins.

1)Her slow attack speed. Yes, gwen depends on her perk but sometimes you wish you’d have a little more attack speed.
2)WP gwen needs skills to play.
3)Her CP doesnt slow n has low single target damage whereas WP doesnt do much area damage and once you use your ult and B, you have very less energy.
4)In every team fight, the team with gwen depends on the initial stages of the team fight. You’ll rarely see her turning fights around. You cant 2v3 with gwen like vox or rona.
5)Shes kinda like koshka. You do well early-mid game. When everyone has full builds, a ringo/rona/idris will beat her.

Gwen is weak to hard engages since she lack dps.
But with the way she work, the initial burst of damage Gwen can do tend to deter people from fighting her, plus the chaotic nature of 5v5 makes it difficult to fully commit to a fight without synergy within a team.
Her strength comes from being able to provide poke abd ultility safely from afar, but toe to toe against most heroes she’s not that impressive, so positioning is important to give her suboptimal buckshots, and hard engaging with multiple ccs/gapclosers are her counters.

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Only when I play her :^)

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She has huge burst DMG, but you’re right that a long engagement with (Ringo for instance) won’t end well for you because of his monstrous att speed.

To maximise her strength your right you need to understand where to position yourself and how to play to her strengths. Timing your attacks to ensure buckshots land is important, you can’t just basic attack because your not taking advantage of the 40% WP buff on her perk. You land that with a TB early game and your taking half of someone’s health, psychological that’s hard to take as and enemy laner.

4- Not sure I agree, land burst DMG on a target and chunk there health down by 40% turns fights.

that short skirt. Anything below the waist is her downside right?


Not really. Yes, you’ll land 500 damage in 2s. But a ringo will land probably 700 in the same time. And then there are other factors in a teamfight which makes her initial burst very important. she can probably 2v2 or 1v1 but 2v3 no way. theres not much outplay potential. Its just direct damage. A bf or idris can kill her easily compared to ringo and vox.

Nope nope just checked her basic attack range was changed fro 5 ish to 6.2 and her perk was buffed.

“Don’t know what I’m saying” what BS!

The only reason she’s good is that she has a good perk and an op range (thanks 5v5 balancing) she was absolutely potato for a long time because her range was so small and her perk kept getting nerfed.

She may be good now, but 9/10 times baron had beaten her kit by a long shot.

Agree to disagree, a fed Gwen can easily deal +800 plus DMG in one hit. In team fmeetings gets that’s brutal…

Dnzio has her as meta right now, I’ll take his word for it.

Dude you called her potato, she isn’t you were wrong Dnzio has her as a meta pick especially in 5v5 I’ll take his word over someone who doesn’t understand her kit.

Ps - I never said “don’t know what I’m saying” I said you don’t understand her kit and your top post seems to suggest that.

Tell me which meta laner does not get nuked by Idris, Koshka or Taka. Please try to compare her directly to other laners to conclude on her viability.

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Saw before Gwen gets level 6 and a TB matches well. Skaarf if played exclusively at range 9 matches well.

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I don’t have patch notes tabbed 24/7. I said I could be wrong. I heard that her slow was removed, and it was, in exchange for a wp ratio to slow. I said her B blocks movement-impairing effects but not others. I said her C was a stun. Is that not kit? If you’re arguing I don’t know her playstyle then you’re pretty much correct; I don’t play gwen. I’ve been playing vg for a long time, i’ve noticed potato gwen about 70% of time. 90% of time, baron was better than gwen because he had an upgraded kit. His slow was aoe and better, his B was a true RB and jump, his ult gave him op range of 7.4 and a powerful orbital strike. Gwen on the other hand offered small range, little damage, low team utility, and a pain in the ass to roam for.

10/10 roaming for baron is way better than roaming for gwen

Since you don’t play her, and are misrepresenting her current state in the game as far as how her CURRENT kit works, perhaps you should attempt to communicate with less declarative statements and more how it’s your opinion.

You saw Gwen when her kit was different. Your experience of her in the past does not apply to how she is now. Being up to date matters in these conversations.

Also how “difficult” it is to Roam for a hero is totally subjective and depends on who’s playing them.

Edited for clarity and because I misunderstood something


Fair enough.

BTW I don’t mean how good baron or gwen would at roaming, I meant how good are they to roam FOR.

Sorry I realized I had missread what you wrote. I already had fixed it just before you replied : P

Has anyone gotten a bug with Gwen’s ult where you stun multiple people? I’ve had this once where it stunned all three members of the enemy, not sure I’d be able to repeat it but I think I’ve had this happen. It went past two of them (right on either side of the animation) and hit the third. I’d never seen that before.