Celeste deserves her upcoming nerf

Celeste isn’t OP unless you’re a stationary hero with no dashes or dives, or a ranged hero that doesn’t have more range than her. In those situations, maybe you shouldn’t be facing her headon, and in teamfights, just prioritize her.


I agree that her A can be spammed a little too much, but I have never had any problems with her B. I have also destroyed her on several occasions with cp Iris, mainly screwing her over with my B. She does cause a lot of problems for other heroes though, but there are ways to counter her.


Cp saw can handle her , wp saw gets owned by her. All I have to do is wait for his B and just stun him out of it when he is wp, while the same can be done for cp path it does a ton of damage early on with 2 cp bits

There is no countering ridiculous damage output like what Celeste can do right now with 4 offense items. She can outdamage everyone on the fold by a huge margin if the player is good. I have no problem with her except her damage output, she is easy to counter with other heroes which anyone who plays her knows. Go and watch Chuck deleting a varya with just one ult in his stream and dont tell me that it is balanced just because she hasn’t been meta in a long time. Is there any other ult than BRB which can do that?


I forgot to talk about the ult. It does hit like a truck and really messes up squishy heroes. When I say counter, I think of throwing a chakram at her and watching as a huge chunk of her health bar disappears.I agree that she certainly does deserve a nerf. I just hope that they don’t ruin her kind of like what they did to black feather.

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I think bf was ruined in a way because they removed parts of his kit which is worse than nerfing ratios or base damages.


People who are saying celeste doesn’t need a nerf needs to get their head examined. She’s the strongest hero in both maps and yes she’s stronger than malene. She currently has counters ( don’t make me laugh and say taka but then again you’re probably one of those people who still ban him).
People here say dive her, so tell me a hero who can dive a 9.5 range (apart from Lyra who’s ult can but still has drawbacks and isn’t at all soloqueue friendly). And I don’t even want to menetion her damage.


Hahahaha. If you are saying there is “no countering ridiculous damage output that Celeste can do with 4 items”, its either you just don’t know how to play her or youv’e never heard of something called “Hard CC”. In the VGL this week in one match, Celeste was shut down by intense CC and it stopped her from doing almost any damage all. CC= Celeste’s greatest enemy.

Your point about the ult doesn’t make sense because she has ALWAYS been able to do that, and it was even more terrifying before health was buffed. There was a time in update 2.0-2.1 that her ult could one-shot a squishy without any broken myth stacks, and NOW you are complaining? Pfft.

“Outdamaging “EVERYONE” in the fold by a huge margin”. Now this is false. Very false. Though its true that her Potential DPS IS pretty high, there are a number of heroes who can do about the same damage or even more, even if the player of Celeste is good. Varya for instance has an INSANE damage potential making her very viable as a hyper carry. I’ve seen plenty of Varya’s who did more than 100 K damage. Kestrel for instance, CP Kestrel to be more specific CAN reach over 100 K damage. This is funny because CP Kestrel has the same range as Celeste’s(more actually with the splash damage), has more mobility compared to Celeste, and her ult does the same as celeste’s except it is a single target ult, and more people are complaining about Celeste.

You cannot say that she outdamages EVERYONE in the fold by a huge margin. You cannot say that there is NO way of countering the ridiculous damage output she can do as it can be stopped by really stupid CC. And you said there is easy to counter with other heroes but you contradicted yourself with an earlier statement by saying that there is no way of countering her ridiculous damage output while there are heroes such as Catherine who are MADE for countering mages due to CC and silence which stops her from doing damage at all. And your final Point, Kestrel’s one shot one kill CAN do that with a big amount of CP + Spellfire. I’ve done that before.

I’m sorry, I usually agree with your arguments, it is just that this one is somewhat flawed.


Her range was made 9.5 simply because there is a delay before the star actually lands. This makes her possible to dive on. Don’t you think SEMC thought of that? Because the delay enabled people to dodge the stars and use their boots and watch all of her skillshots miss.

I would be fine with a small nerf. But if SEMC makes Celeste potato then you can clearly see how biased they are to certain heroes such as Vox who has been meta forever.


What small nerf do you think will be good? Nerf her damage, her stun? Etc

This would be reasonable.

CP ratio on Supernova from 200% to 180/170%

Energy cost from 40 to 50 at ALL levels.
(It should have never been lowered in the first place)

Lead Star CP ratio down from 100% to 90%

If anyone else is asking why not nerf her ult even more, that is because her ult is almost useless before you overdrive it. 3 stars is nothing. 5 stars is meh. It is the 7 stars that makes it hit so hard.

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not with the build I use when i go WP. As a good WP Saw, i never use my B when i’m up against Celeste. so you’ll be waiting a very long time to stun me.

the only time i would use B is at a distance, and to bait you to come stun me, knowing that i still got my A to run.

I’m a little undecided whether i should share my WP build… but it has worked for me tons of times… makes everyone scared of me. i beat a Taka, Krul and Celeste all focusing me down… died a bunch of times, but a win is a win.

9.5 range? Many assassins can take her down hard.
All assassins can take her down, but assassins and Celeste are both banned.

Taka, Blackfeather, koshka, Alpha, Idris all able to take her down. Though Blackfeather and Alpha have been taken down a notch…


Lmao what?
No good celeste is affected by the delay I mean every skillshot has a delay with that logic skillshot heores will all be useless. Maybe you would miss once if someone speed boosts but you should be avle to predict the speed thereafter. If someone is missing all his skillshots when the enemy is approaching from 9.5 range thats a bad celeste.
And regarding Kestrel aren’t pros still playing in 3.1 where Kestrel was stronger? Cuz in 3.2 celeste is more reliable since her A doesn’t just hit the first target it reaches and she doesn’t have her a downtime like Kestrel(Celeste is also a bit easier to play). But I’d be fine with 20-30% ratio nerf and a energy increase nerf

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None of those can counter a celeste with good positioning and a decent team protecting her. A coordinated team with celeste easily wins over a coordinated tean with any of those heroes

How a 6.5 range ( i think) hero with movement speed drawbacks countering a hero with 7.5 range early and 9.5 range late truly mind boggles me.


6.6 range. and her CD is what you need to take advantage of. it is hard. and you’ll need to be smart not to over extend, but it is possible, with the right build. :wink:

Put it this way, you’re going to force Celeste to build double defense, if you’re successful in hurting her.

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Oh wow double defence celeste that alone proves you aren’t up against even a decently competent celeste . I don’t think I’ve seen a shred of armor in celeste for along time. I’d surely go try this next time I use celeste. Instead of kiting a shorter range hero with a lower movement speed I’ll build defence and stand still

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2.0 was like 2 years ago? Don’t compare that with this. kestrel can’t OSOK ayone with her ult unless you are standing in the mist when her ult hits you and it still single target. Catherine is a counter, what’s your point? I did accept she that she is countered as a hero. I have been playing celeste since I started VG and I understand what counters her, her damage is too much. I don’t want to her to nerfed to a potato as much as you but accept that her damage needs to be tuned a bit.

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They counter celeste hard.Her B is her only escape against dive heroes and assasins can easily evade her B. These are heroes designed to counter squishy mages and have the kit to get to the backline easily, they can toy with her 1v1 and take down her on teamfights on their own.