Celeste deserves her upcoming nerf

Malene yeah but idris no (30 characters)

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CP Idris is a monster…

I didn’t say he isn’t (30 characters)

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Nerf CP idris he doesnt deserve the damage his dealing. Unlike WP idris who is a high risk high reward hero.


No don’t nerf my beb malene looool

And part of it is because almost everyone is using PS+infusion strategy now, cp idris is strong but nowhere op as malene. Just don’t touch wp idris, he is a high risk high reward hero atm and is balanced


Yep Baron got changed quite a bit after he was one shotting people through MJ and it has been good so far. He has been changed twice since 3.0 , nerfed once heavily which made him bad and buffed last patch which makes him playable

Bring back rose trail but only make it visable when in brush or other means of stealth XD

Hmm so I guess me failing Celeste half the time means I really suck…
but Celeste is very squishy, I think part of the reason why she’s been powerful is because people often ban Taka (basically her counter) as well as other assassins.


watchu talking about i beat her as Mainlene (it was a casual but still)

Well, Vox is quite a popular hero. How did I miss him? haha.

Vox is another classic example of Nivmett just abusing his powers / listening to the crowd. Cp Vox buff is a direct result of “bring back by popular demand”… nothing to do with stats, win rates. Just a bunch of people wanting it, and Nivmett pleasing the crowd.

So, in theory, somebody just needs to brainwash Nivmett that BF needs the rose trail back. :yum::rofl::roll_eyes:

Where is the ozo nerf come on people

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For all those who say Celeste is OP:

She deserves it. She has been potato for like more than a year now and its not even funny. I have been maining Celeste since 2017-January and she has sucked for fing 1 year and now when she becomes OP people start complaining.

Her damage is very high indeed, but those who don’t know how counter her just not very smart players. For as a Celeste main I learn how to counter her, and tbh she is one of the easiest heroes in the whole of VG to counter so if you dunno how to play against her, blame yourself because you forgot that the last time she was OP was in update 1.24(as in OP and was first pick/ban in worlds 2016. Who saw Celeste in worlds 2017 more than once?) and you forgot how to counter her. Malene is so stupid right now that after she was released she is serving her purpose of being a good counter pick against her and she shuts her down so stupidly.

Even if Malene is banned people don’t bother to ban Celeste and they keep on banning Taka who is as weak af if you don’t have the skill to play him after his nerfs.

And it you don’t want to see Celeste then just ban her.

The thing is Celeste is only good IF the person actually knows how to play her.

For I have seen so many stupid Celeste’s in Tier 6 gold that is not even funny anymore.

TL;DR : Take into consideration on the people’s actions before saying Celeste is OP. It is honestly other people’s fault if they ban taka instead of Celeste and they let her through the draft. And Malene is disgusting AS F*** and ok nm.


I always bait celeste to waste her Super Nova, knowing i can stutter step out of the Nova. Then dive. A good celeste will be booting away or trying to stun you. Timing your dive is important. and as a Celeste, timing your stun is also important, who’s the better mechanically skilled player will win.

It’s that simple. I’m just ridiculously good at landing her stun. prediction is key. this might seem odd, but practice with Flicker’s root. I can land that easily as well. The longest delayed root in the game, so when you master this, you’ll be even better at Celeste’s stun. Another good practice is landing Baron’s ULT, so satisfying and also very good practice, because you can judge your own skill by how close the enemy is to the center when it goes off.

Her super Nova’s are actually avoidable, Same with Baron’s endless motars.

Knowing how to bait Celeste to waste her stun and super nova is all about timing and calculating the exact moment her abilities are on CD. Why do people complain so much. Just get good.

I have to say, knowing how to counter Celeste goes hand in hand with knowing how to play Celeste. Master her, then knowing how to counter her will be much easier.


No hero deserves EVER to be op.

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Problem is her A can be spammed too much, her B has too long of a stun for a long range AOE stun.

Are you assuming any outlying point on any hero is an issue? Because Celestes A cast hasn’t been an issue for a very long time, not since her last need to that area. And her B was literally never an issue. At all.

I get the feeling you look at stuff and say " this number is higher/lower" than the rest of the crowd, and therefore it must be changed. As a former Celeste main, her As are not OP and its plenty possible for semicompetent opponents to dodge under now many scenarios.

And, you are the first person I have seen in years to complain about her B, let alone in the same breath as her A or in the same topic as another hero on the power level of Malene. Her B is a skillshot and its easily dodgeable by any opponent with tier 1 boots and an attentionspan above that of a goldfish.

Celeste can’t be that strong right now. Certainly not if people don’t feed her win condition. You wouldn’t say Fortress is OP if your team keeps fighting enemy Fortress during their ult, would you? Or that Reim and Rona are op because your team picked a melee group and nobody bought P.S.? Or that competent Baptiste is too good at peeling for carries in team fights?

Its really not that hard to counterplay Celeste. I could write a whole thread on it I bet. And if you can’t figure out hot to beat her, then ban her. If she isn’t Malene/Fortress strength, and you guys aren’t even banning her, then Celeste really isn’t the problem here.

Edit: maybe I write a post on counterplay vs different heroes. Then its centralized. I have a better work schedule this week anyway


This. She is one of the most vulnerable mages to dive. Even just a Fortress will shut her down. Her B is a skillshot, is not the hardest to reflex block and if you do that’s it, she has no other escape. Helps that she’s also one of the squishiest heroes out there. If nerfed too hard she’ll again become a niche pick, which is a shame because she needs so much skill to pull off.

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Why are you against Celeste?

A good Saw can handle Celeste easily. Saw’s early game beats Celeste, and if you’re getting large enough gold and exp lead, the items you choose will out sustain celeste’s abilites during the mid and late game as well.


As SAW CP, I can whoop Celeste’s ass with ease. WP however is borderline impossible.