Celeste deserves her upcoming nerf

Dive heroes can’t dive her easily. Unlike other mages she doenst need to get close to maximize her damage output. The only counter I’m willing to accept is Cath. Others can’t get through a 5 man team with celeste in the backline. Cath can make space and tank damage quite well against her. Btw Celeste should never be in a 1v1 with those heroes unless she has the advantage.

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With the possible exception of koshka any of the other assasins like reza/idris/bf/taka can dive deep into backline.They have speed boost/anticc/barriers/heal
/Invulnerablity and if you still can’t dive with these heroes maybe you aren’t using them properly

Ok let me ask a question can you dive about a range of 7.0 through a full man team without getting bursted down and be able to burst does a celeste with a captain protecting her?
And out of those heores who do the f has cc again? I know celeste down and some of her teammates should too. And how do you find an opening her A gives vision too?
Out of those heroes I only play CP Idris who is very good but if you’re saying he could dive and kill a celeste you are mistaken but I do play celeste and shit on all those heores

See what you are saying?


Gank her to hell half the game and starve her like that.

Play wp idris/reza/bf. Her range doesn’t matter because these guys have mobility to get close to her. Bf has 3 gap closers,reza has 3 and idris has 2.


Ok this might work early game but late game apart from idris none of those heroes can dive and burst her down fast enough and reliably . Yes they’ll be troublesome to deal with but unless you go fort, one of those heroes with treads and heavily commit to dive she could still win. All of those aren’t at the top of the meta either. Thats all too much work to deal wuth one hero. She’s that good thats all I’m saying

All my games where I pick celeste or has celeste in, she is atleast 40% more dmg from all the other players in the server. When I play her I feel like a tier above mine and cheating, playing vs noobs. This in poa games. We can talk about counters all day long or strategies how to beat her - this is all good and fine, but by the numbers she is a monster and a lot stronger than the others long range mages (if not all the heroes in general). Still waiting to see a not doing 40% or even twice at times more dmg celeste in my games.

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How many ways can it be explained Celeste is not the problem. there’s a huge Arsenal of tricks to bring her down. It’s all been explained. she stays squishy the entire game, from early to late, it’s a sad and sorry excuse to blame it on her.

I’m so sick of people complaining. I don’t want another “buffed BF by removing rose trail” scenario… they’re going to “buff Celeste by replacing her stun with a slow” and have a “more effective ULT by only making it half screen”… they’ll make up some bs about the ULT being easier to use and target…

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Nowdays every competent celeste has two non dmg items: joyrney boots and reflex block. GL reaching her with her range, B, ult and the fact when you even start to dive her - she will boot away. And this will be at the start of your dive so even if you have journeys too, you will not close the 8-9m gap with dives. Even if u do, you will be out of dives - her B will be landed 100%.

So, she boots, you chase, her team kills you or you drop the chase start fighting and she return to deal tons of dmg + you will be dead or weak from fighting to try dive her again and her boots will be up in no time. :slight_smile:

Good celeste is a GG, periid. Exceptions will exist, but decisions of heroes balancing are not made up from exceptions, but statistics. And from what I saw in my games(and a lot more players as you read) - celeste is 90% win. Got 100% win rate myself btw - poa, vg on my accounts, 20 games atleast and I am not maining her or that good myself in general.

Discussions about tactics and so on how to shut her are cool, but the fact a hero can be shut doesn’t make him balanced.


I have a zero percentage win rate with OZO, according to you, statistics don’t lie. OZO needs a buff, according to you.

Balancing based on statistics is a very biased. Even Nivmett himself doesn’t balance based on stats. Otherwise Grumpjaw would be buffed to God-like levels.
according to https://vainsocial.com/vgmeta/hero after cycling through the latest patch, filtering ranked and high tier, she’s still not the impactful hero you think she is.

According to Nivmett’s twitter post, he says “Im tuning her so shes not always banned” - which conflicts greatly with statistics, with a ban rate of only 0.2%, and that’s being generous, filtering to ranked at top tier, overall it’s only 0.1% ban rate.

Face it. You’re better off making a argument based on emotion and hatred for the hero, rather than statistics. It just doesn’t add up.

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I love celeste. Actually there is no hero I don’t enjoy to play. This one I say seriously. Still, I don’t need stats with my experience in the game to “feel” she is OP when I play her or see her ingame in decent players hands. As for stats, api is super limited, only SEMC have the real stats.

Lol I don’t even want to argue with you, lets just say “wp saw counters celeste” if it makes you happier.

Btw api data we get aren’t accurate and devs mainly balance according to the pro scene. They seem to be giving alot of attention to EAs meta aswell

Actually balances happen based on statistics. Remember why 2.9 bf got hotfixed in 4 days after the patch release? He had 70%+ win rate and that was not healthy. My individual statistics doesn’t matter a lot, I just used it to show that a decent player with celeste can be deadly . Do you know grumpjaw got buffed twice since he had crappy winrate? I don’t hate Celeste, she is my fav mage and has been even when she was bottom tier and will still be after she is nerfed.

No, he doesn’t actually, it’s a pretty fair match up. i play Celeste and I play SAW. As a Celeste I can take SAW easily, and as a Saw i can also take Celeste easily… like i said earlier… knowing how to play Celeste goes hand in hand with knowing how to counter Celeste.

I can both counter Celeste and play Celeste. :wink: its all about spotting the mistakes and taking advantage. No mistakes means a good player.

Lol, Vox has been meta thanks to her kit, no that skin to them not nerfing him, he is the most nerfed hero in VG, from update 1.3 (his release) to 1.22? Then rework, and nerfs again, in total, he has scape the nerfs about… 7 times? In ~32 updates, and you say they don’t nerf him? Lol.

Ok then lets say "celeste vs wp saw is a skill matchup " lol


If you are taking down a Celeste as a saw it just means that you are a better player not that saw does well into Celeste, which he doesn’t.


The difference is that with Ozo you are just one player, with Celeste is the whole player base.

~70% WR and ~80% pick rate (BF)

That was when Chuck was super fed, had 4 offensive items, enemy varya was glass cannon AND Chuck had spellfire so it wasn’t really a 1 hit. With spellfire I can “1 hit” enemies as cp kestrel. Really isn’t hard if you get ahead.

Edit: also, CP Idris is waaaay more annoying this patch. 5 crystal bits is cheap, you can get it before river shops arrive, and when Idris unlocks his perk he gets pretty much the biggest power spike in the game besides celeste’s Level 8 and Samuel l2 maybe.