Ardan is overvalued?

What good is a vanguard when your dead? She has only to pop that B and Ardan isn’t saving you, nor is he dropping that ult (which she can block). In fact he can’t even dr his B when it’s up.

She can also pop her ult and provide a team wide escape from his ult.

Honestly what part of his kit counters Lyra? She is the perfect counter to Ardan when played properly.

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Hang on, Catherine is dropping her ult in a “non-team fight”, seriously just admit you made a mistake because this sounds even more ridiculous than your orgnial statement of wasting a crucible to block a team wide ultimate.

I don’t want to hear about scenarios, I can’t think of a reason why a Catherine would waste her ultimate and if she chooses to “outside of team fight) simply don’t block it.

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Im not gonna reply anymore because u seem a little closed minded (not a bad thing) but her ult has a 50 second cooldown and thats close to a minute so she drop a ult atleast 24 ults in the span of a 30 minute game. (Not including cdr) Why not use it to secure a kill or repel foes. Im not going to give you a scenario but why do u think its not ok to use a ulti or roam item not in a team fight?

If ur in a 2v2 fight with ur laner against the other laner and jungler, why wouldnt you use your ult.

Her B when you time properly to cancel his ult. some support ardan are aggressive, if you know how ardan plays or when he dives to attack the carry, you can dive and use B too.

Grace has her B ability for reason lol.

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Lol this is ridiculous… your not making any sense, using a crucible to block an ult, to stop a ally dying etc etc isn’t a waste.

Perhaps, and this is a long shot here it’s not me, but you whose “thick headed or dense”. Suggest you re-read what you’ve said and look at it from someone else’s perspective hopefully you’ll see why your wrong.

You’re blocking Ardans ult with a B? Sorry didn’t realise you were VG gold, I stand corrected.

Don’t have to be VG gold to know how to use grace properly against Ardan.

Maybe learn how to use Grace B wisely and learn how she counters Ardan because you seems to think Grace can’t counter him lol.

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How reliably do you do that? I dunno but I’ve seen top roams and even they do not do that regularly. And if they do it’s lucky as nobody would be staying there in position waiting to cancel his ult in the 1 sec or so time available. So Skye counters Ardan too then? Her ult stuns and if she places it in the perfect spot when he ults she’ll cancel it.

Chances are low but she can counter. Not all the time but grace B definately served her purpose cancelling any of his abilities be it or A, B or ult.

I don’t care about Skye lol and you can use her however you like and if she cancels ult… go ahead and use her…

Some of the back and forth name calling not TOS friendly. I recommend edits and apologies.

I agree Lyra is the best option into Ardan, but it’s not a counter imo. A good Ardan is going to hold onto his Gauntlet until the enemy is spread out. This minimizes Lyra’s Ult as an escape. Some enemies will escape but others will be forced to use a RB. The option for Lyra to agressively portal in and “death ball” is good, but risky. Ardan can save the primary target if he positioned correctly and clumped up heroes are extremely susceptible to AOE damage.

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This is exactly what we’re saying. Lucky landing it once in 30 games isn’t “countering”. Do you realize what lucky positioning you need to have? And if he doesn’t gauntlet? You’ll camp the spot you’re GUESSING he’d jump to without doing anything the entire fight? On top of that it’s a dash. You on the other hand need to walk to where you want to B. This statement is just ridiculous. Even if you could do it reliably it won’t be worth it as you won’t use your damage reduction, won’t body block or anything else that’s actually useful.


Dude you’re pulling of a serious move, your standing in the exact spot Ardan is landing and dropping her B to within fractions of a second. It’s not a move I can do and I play tier 9/10. In which case I can only assume your VG gold because that’s next tier shit if your pulling this off with enough frequency that your countering Ardan with it.

With Grace I have done the exact same a lot of times. Jump on top of an enemy with A pass that enemy by and use B. If Ardan is dumb enough to vanguard they will both be stunned.

Same thing with his ult he can’t move past me without getting stunned out of it. So that is all about positioning.

Grace offers teamwide barrier, ardan a singular barrier. Grace also has a long range barrier+heal where he has a non guaranteed aoe stun…

For most heroes I prefer Grace over Ardan and Lyra over Ardan too…

I agree, I’ve simply quoted someone verbatim in a reply… I don’t need an apology, when someone starts flinging our insults it’s usually because they realise they’re starting position is weak.

IMO and it’s just my opinion Lyras B can be used to blocks every single one of Ardans abilites. Clearly she isn’t a hard counter, but, if your looking to make life difficult for him there aren’t many better abilites than bulwark.

Any support knows to stay close to their team or carry.
even if doesn’t use his ult, you will still get to stun him or his team. and your team can focus on their enemy who is stun. Grace can counter ardan no matter what you try to say as she can provide a stun. it doesn’t matter if it cancels ardan ult or preventing him from getting to his team or diving. etc

and also it’s easy to avoid ardan ult lol.

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do you even play Grace… I don’t even have to counter his ult all the time. Countering his ult is low chance but she still does cancel if she lucky. However she can stun ardan when he dives to attack my team or tries to join his team or provide barrier…

She still counters him.

Yes, I’ve got a winrate of 65% in 3v3 at tiers 9/10, I noticed yours is 60% at tiers 8/9 over a similar sample size.

I’m going to assume given your “do you even play her” statement this makes me more qualified than you when it comes to define what makes a “god play” like blocking with Bs.


Congrats on being more qualified lol.
Still doesn’t change the fact that Grace still can counter or stun ardan. Maybe not his ult but his abilties.

There is no need for apologies, i just said hes closed minded which isnt bad at all, it just mean >i think< hes not open to my thoughts and thinks they are “ridiculous” which im fine with. i just stated i wont reply to him.

Seriously man, use Catherine as an example she can stun everyone, does this mean she counters the entire game?

So what you’ve stunned Ardan, he can just as easily stun you with his ult whilst your channeling you heal “yeah more god plays” does that mean he counters you?

Right now he is one of the top meta picks because HP took a massive buff in the last patch. Capacitor plate only makes him stronger still.

I’m going to politefully exit the debate and agree to disagree with you.

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