3.3 Meta thoughts

Now they just need to tone down his damage a bit

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yeah, i totally agree. especially the range buff on his A… like he has two gap closers (if you count both dashes) and an ultimate that removes debuffs and also closes gaps. so they thought he needed a range buff, too??? like wtf

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I’ve been banning Lance out of fear. I’m probably overreacting, but if you remember what he was like at worlds 2016 and before then you know why.

Yeah just top lanes him, feeling ridiculous, he is almost impossible to gank and he does so much DMG! I’m not even good with him yet I bossed the match!

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He’s hard to play as WP lane, guess jungle is an option at additional utility player.

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Right Now Lyra is pretty amazing honestly. Having a good ability to flex into 3 roles, namely captain, top lane and mid lane and perform well in all of them is something not all characters in the game can do. Her Healing and utility is just invaluable and the fact that her portals have such low cooldown means her ability to get around the map is pretty insame atm. Her Healing is good as always and her Empowered Basic attack damage with crystal power is very difficult to deal with. I believe a good carry Lyra is better than Varya atm in terms of reliability and damage. Varya gets caught out really easily while she is channeling while Lyra has a range just as good as Varya’s in poke damage, higher AA in the late game, and Higher Base Damage and CP ratios compared to her. She is starting to be a viable pick as an AC based Mage atm and is competing with Varya (arguably worse than the former atm after her damage buffs but ok).

On another thought Kensei is really annoying, his dash is almost instaneous(dunno how to spell), even Lyra’s Bulwark can just barely counter him with the right timing. His mobility is too insane and too much at the moment, he is probably broke,

Malene after the nerfs is in a perfectly balanced spot at the moment. She is a good pick in the mid lane based on aftershock who now REALLY trades utility with damage potential(unlike last update).

The mid lane meta at the moment comprises of Malene and Celeste as top dogs, with Skaarf not far behind. Lyra, Varya and Samuel are all also good situational hypercarries suited for the mid lane.(Lyra is arguable better than this. Samuel is good but he takes some time to ramp up after CP ratio nerfs, but he is still really good in the late game. Varya on the other hand has trouble SURVIVING the late game. She easily falls victem to Kensei, Reza, and BF in the late game for her low movement speed and unability to escape after her dash is on cooldown).

Kestrel is a strong pick this update, very good as a flex pick who can flex into all roles except captain. She can function well as a jungler for her high clear speed and NATURALLY OPPRESIVE arrows, go to the mid lane as a Hypercarry who spikes very hard in the mid game, Bot lane as an ADC who can critically strike for good damage in the mid-late game, or in the top lane as an oppresive tool for stopping the top lane turret to fall first with her pesky arrows both CP and WP.

Reza after the small rework is really good, definitely a go-to top laner or jungler right now.

Rona feels significantly weaker after the nerfs, she may fall of the bot-lane meta for not spiking hard enough and being less effective with crit-items AND breaking after WP ratio nerfs.

Grace and Ardan and Churnwalker are strong at the moment, with Grace and Churnwalker arguable being the better of the 3 with no nerfs. Ardan doesnt function extremely well in certain situations while Grace is always good in all situations, somewhat like Lyra.

That is all I thought of so far.


Yep she’s kinda potato rn. Tank BF, Reza, even WP Grace can beat her 1v1

Umm Varya is arguably the best lategame mage. She has trouble in the early game not late. You’re saying after her dash she’s vulnerable but other mages don’t even have a dash in the first place. Varya and Samuel are definitely top 3 mid laners right now.

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I don’t really notice the nerf, she’s still super strong, and Blackfeather still is not meta, I stomped all over a BF last match late game he is no match 1v1 Rona, although he was beating me a bit early game.


Yeah because ur BF probably was trying fight her 1v1 face to face so he should lose, but against good BF/Reza they’ll know how to poke and trade bit by bit without actually committing until u get low enough to finish you off and contest your healing treants / prevent you from taking anything further than lane farm, which is really bad for a bot laner not to get ahead

Lategame full build Bf wins a 1v1.


Lol. Did you know that SEMC has this way of balancing things? Varya’s double dash has a SUPER LONG cooldown, not to mention the fact that they gave her the second slowest movement speed in the game. There is a reason why she is set to HARD. And I forgot to mention that her CP ratio in her basic attacks really suck. like REALLY SUCK. This even why Lyra can just 1v1 varya without the fear of dying.

Have you ever faced a good fully built Varya? She is pretty much the best lategame mage. Her autoes do not suck at all. I’ve legit killed a Skaarf in 2 hits, 2. Not saying she’s that broken. I was really fed by my jungler but she still is godly lategame and mid if ahead. She can 1v1 Lyra easily unless Lyra is poking with her A until Varya is low. Yes her dash’s CD isn’t very short but lategame it is up very frequently and also it is still very very strong. Samuel has only ult to get away. Easily blocked and long CD. Celeste has her B, not very different than Varya’s B in terms of CD but she can’t stun everyone unless they’re all stupid, can be blocked and it takes aim. Skaarf has goop. It doesn’t really do much after the slow nerfs. Lyra has the best escape that’s true. Malene also has good self peel and escape but she doesn’t do as much AoE damage as other mages so that’s her downside. And all that is defensive part. Varya’s B has many more ways to be used.


All heroes feel super playable and all I gotta say is “damn.” Kensei is arguably weak/needs a good amount of practice (didn’t get to test him out yet). Malene nerfs were actually pretty good her utility got balanced indirectly because of how she doesn’t have as much burst. Only problem is Grace lane. Maybe even Adagio but he’s susceptible to ganks. CP Grace lane has the ability to burst like Reza and tank like a, a captain. It’s too much flexibility.

Wait till the grace has a tension bow …baaaamm! now you’re half health srsly im super annoyed of TB grace early game (except when im playing her lul).

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Add bp to it midgame and yikes


Vgpro.gg says hi!

Ya, no, BF is still weak af.

Winrates tell only a part of a story especially with 5v5

Just look at the Blackfeather scores in recent games and compare them to Rona’s.

You do realize final stats and winrates do not fill a full picture as playstyles are different from each person, and each hero