3.3 Meta thoughts

It’s funny, Daniel as TSM was abusing BF bottom lane before the buff, what do you think he’ll do now?

VGpro isn’t yet updated for winrates for 3.3 - thats old data.


Agreeded, Besides VGPro can’t differentiate between patches just seasons. Hero’s can as we know be potato one patch and godlike the next.

I didn’t say Bf is stronger in 5v5 or a better pick. I said he beats Rona 1v1. Besides it’s been a few days after Rona nerfs and Bf buffs. Thr stats aren’t changed yet. Might be different might be the same. We will see.

I wasn’t talking about winrates, I’ve just been occasionally looking at the “pro history” window, not to mention playing BF myself a couple games , playing against Blackfeather, and I’m not impressed.

TB AS SC get nerfed every update but Grace manages to make use of it. Even Glaive someone who has one of the most versatile displacement abilities in the game can’t make use of it.

I have been messing with CDA grace, Aftershock StormCrown and Spellsword, its a veey fun build and her ult is on a 30 second cooldown.

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get husk and shatterglass u basically become an unkillable healing monster that does damage too (theoretical haven’t tested it out myself but i think i should in a ranked match)

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It works really good still on Glaive in t7 at least. 100% win rate once my teammate then myself after seeing how good it was.

Edit: Replace tension bow with Clockwork, he surprisingly does pretty good damage with just Aftershock.

Ah you must be playing the remainings of the once glorious CP Glaive.

Iknorite? I never was a Glaive player. I was the captain, we had 3 cp mages and Glaive. He initially indicated he was going wp. When I saw he started building cp also I was like wtf? Then I saw how good he was at crowd control, helping me protect the mages. Situational build, perhaps.

Issa coordinate build:
You run for assassin utility Glaive: AS BM CW def items and Journey BOOTS
For tank yet cleave damage utility Glaive: SC AS BM def items and War TREADS

They’re fun to play and probably would work in your tier, or maybe not (tbh reading my builds makes me want to play them) but ye thats the extent of CP Glaive knowledge I have right now.

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Drop SC for CW and have even more fun.

Cool down glaive was sooo much fun, could get that A down to like 5/6 seconds… didn’t do huge DMG but you fling people around all day long!