3.3 Hero and Item balance changes

By not giving him a range buff as the others they made his early worse than intended, also, he can no longer nuke the enemy. Lol, you know a hypercarry like baron is shit when he is only used once and as a distraction.

frequency of Tension Bow among lower tanks intensifies

The days of Idris being a viable non counter pick is over

Yesss, indirect buff for the bae skye

Let’s all have a moment for the official death of the StormCrown. 1 minute of silence :trumpet:trumpet plays


I am assuming Ozo’s buff is “Bonus WP”. If that’s the case, then the 20%/20%/40% TRC buff with SM and 2 TM gives 240 more damage. That breaks down to 48/48/96. But it gets better because of the 70% Crit, it’s 71.5/71.5/143. That’s 296 more damage on TRC.

A SB, SM, BP build gives 305 damage which is 61/61/122 or 244 more damage. BP stacks easier. SM lifesteals more.

WP Ozo will be competing with Kensai, Lance, BF, and Glaive. But the big thing, WP Ozo no longer falls off once TRC is maxed. The scaling gives him some late game viability that he always lacked.


All I am going to say is…
Did anyone notice the CP lyra Buff… :3
Empowered attack CP ratio from 70% to 80%

Hahaha this reminds me of the OP Lyra back in the old days. Her ratios were

60% and 90% respectively

Come to think of it, they are practically reverting her to Old self lol. Her high base damage in her A will make up for her Sigil nerf.

The Celeste nerf was almost the same as the one I had in mind lolololololol.

I love the WP Kestrel buff. Her Scaling into the late game was so bad that she is nearly useless during the late game.

Rona will still be good, though not as good as before. Malene’s damage is now pretty bad…

The Mid Lane meta will be pretty different this update…

Probably Lyra Mid Lane will be thing, it was used in VGL too and with the basic attack buff AC builds will be terrifying to face against.

Samuel will be pretty good, Celeste will still be very viable, Skaarf is ok, CP Kestrel will be viable,

I dunno anymore.

In mid lane i think celeste would still be the top pick, and then samuel, skaarf(ouch that dragon breath), then varya

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wp lance??
wp ozo??

go wp grace instead, since she’s not nerfed…

So since spellfire is now ability damage and therefore can reset clockwork, stack dragons eye and proc frost burn is it just gonna be the best partnering with every other item but useless on its own?
Basically every hero will get a 4 second slow from fb for every hit along with 3-4 dragons eye stacks and in theory two cooldown reductions from their clockwork


It still blows my mind that Lyra didn’t get a nerf for her support path



He could be a legit laner in 5v5 for a period he was reasonable in 3v3 by with these buffs top lane seems a decent fit for him.

Her kits just so loaded, her B is one of the most powerful abilites in the game IMO with an echo it provides almost endless peel for team mates.

Think they’ve nerfed her offence a little as she was a brilliant top laner, capable of holding lanes on her own with huge AEO abilities. SF and Lyra are a thing of beauty!

thing is though, lance and kensei will probs be laners (niv mentioned kensei jungle is a bit too slow at clearing?)
i think taking wp lance lane then wp ozo will be gud, less ozo counters + they could both serve as clingy frontliners

ya know what I just realized? this is Nivmett sayin’ screw 3v3 . . . i ain’t balancing for that no more . . . it’s 5v5 that matters.


Somehow I feel it will disappear in vainglory 4 or 5

Doubt that. The amount of time invested and player base love for the mode will keep it around forever.

Agree. Lance’s lane clear is too good to leave him in jungle. Ozo needs to be free to gank multiple lanes.

Looking at Reddit, it sounds like it’s just a straight 20/20/40 WP buff and not only built WP. At level 12, Ozo has 157 base WP and 305 from SB, SM, BP for 462 WP damage + 55 WP ability damage for a total of 517 * 3 hits equals 1551.

With the new 20/20/40 and that build, Ozo gets 554.4/554.4/646.8 + 55 WP ability damage each for a total three hit of 1920.6. That’s 369.6 more damage.


was hoping for a cp kestrel nerf but glad to see a scarf ulty buff