3.3 Hero and Item balance changes

As a WP Ozo main, it’s really nice to see how a simple WP ratio addition to his main damage tool, TRC, makes his damage output so much better. 369.6 extra damage from a single TRC combo excluding the additional AAs that can be done with the AA reset is amazing. I’m pretty sure high WP/Crit assassin Ozo will actually will see some meta play for once in his life now.

semc you better not nerf him in 3.4

They’re really tryin to bring back WP Lance… not sure if that’s a good thing or not…

Why the SC nerf tho? and where’s the Phinn buff?

Idris passive nerf is obv to not make him OP with a first buy frostburn…

Also I think they did the Malene nerf wrong. They shoulda increased the damage from her abilities, but removed the CP ratio on her Basic attacks.

Though the balances indicate that 5v5 has taken precedence over 3v3, this should be completely obvious to everyone. SEMC has stated almost everywhere (even in-game) that 5v5 is their new standard. For competitive play, for casual play, for what Vainglory has to offer, 5v5 is their staple, and so balances, changes and so on will always be in favor of the 5v5 mode. They’re not saying ‘screw 3v3’ by any means, and I highly doubt that they’ll remove 3v3 anytime soon, if ever. 3v3 is a classic mode for Vainglory.


You best believe you’re not gonna be the only one playing Ozo

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Oof it’s gonna be a cringefest for me. I’m not ready to see all the new bandwagon WP Ozos tryna 1v5 by spamming TRC and randomly using Acrobounce mid-teamfight

Acrobounce for WP Ozo is a long range gap closer that drastically lowers his dps.

TRCs last hit needs several targets to be effective that kind of stuff yup…

WP Ozo is awesome though.

FB is not good in Idris.

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As someone else said, they shoulda just given Malene what they gave to Taka. Or just make her a support mage top laner but eh thats just on my agenda i guess.

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Lol I know. You’re taking it word for word. Nivmett has said in the beginning he is balancing for both. I just meant he has finally woken up and realised it just ain’t possible.

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Could you modify your OZO guide to suit 3.3? I’m very curious to see how it would effect play style.

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Yeah, sure. I doubt it’ll make any huge changes outside of him being more effective overall, especially with raw WP builds, like the one I mentioned in the guide.

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It’s the internet. I don’t know what you expect.

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Funny. We have the once unescapeable assassin, Bf - the most mobile hero in the game. On the other side, Reim - a slow walking tanky old man. A signature feature of him being slow, if I’m not wrong he even has lines supporting that. Now both share the same movement speed.


Oh no, SEMC has mobility listed not on walk speed but instead dashes and other mobility things there are in the kit. BF is still one of the most mobile heroes Reim is “slow” because he doesn’t have dashes or anything and he’s pretty squishy just has the appearance of being tanky because of the fortified health. Phinn is walkspeed slow. The other two aren’t, Reim is actually a pretty fast dude and has been for a while.
But yeah I still agree in a sense, Blackfeather is legit a shell of his former self and then you have this Kenshi guy who has everything that BF now dreams of. Thick barrier and a low cool down “dash” (even though BF is losing some CD on his ult, still feels like they could have brought back something else, but maybe when people start playing BF a lot more in the coming update they may consider giving him a skin and a possible “revert.” Even though their plan with Patel failed miserably.


Well that’s due to only reverting the ult while keeping a and b the way it is, not to mention petal is a unique range playstyle

i find cp petal a little underwhelming even fully built, maybe they should add a cp ratio to her basic attack or allow frostburn to be applied to her minions due to spellfire easily killing them all but thats my opinion

Yeah but she was underplayed as it is they didn’t really have to release a skin (looks beautiful though) for her. When I talk about her my point is that if the community as a whole doesn’t make BF popular again he won’t get a skin most definitely but even if we do all play him a bunch he still might not get a skin or a revert, because of what happened with Patel. But thats just a negative way at looking at things, for all we know we might get an entire update for BF. I’d rather see Rose Trail back instead of his B slow.

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Well if semc does what they say and listen rose trail should be back

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It is true that Bf is still more mobile than Reim because of abilities. But Reim has a slow on AAs, root, stun and decaying slow. Bf has 1 gap closer on medium CD. His B does nothing. Ult is good gap closer and disengage but the CD is too long. If movement speed didn’t matter Phinn would be meta. Reza has 3 very low CD gap closers and he has higher speed than Bf for example. Now with Kensei coming he also has higher movement speed. And when heroes got their speed increased his speed wasn’t buffed because he was supposedly god at chases. But they removed his slow at the same time. That’s what always happens. They don’t act at all for some time and then instead of fixing something with 1 change they Nerf everything at once instead of gradually. After that a hero is left unplayable for a few updates.


What happened with Patel?

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