3.3 Hero and Item balance changes

A and C

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nah man damage reduction boom A is potato lets level up what DNzio lvls up

The nerf to Malene is a joke, baron wonā€™t be meta andā€¦ thatā€™s it, for the rest I quite like the changes.

I think they didnā€™t give him a range buff because then he wouldnā€™t stay true to his playstyle, early game=nothing, late game=nuke. His Ult gives him range as well. Also when heā€™s not targeted early game he does a lot of damage to the enemies. Staying safe to get rewarded is his playstyle but 5v5 meta is not too fond of him.

anyone notice how Lanceā€™s combat roll is now another rose offensive? 30% wp is some serious rolling power.

every 3 seconds is going to make him dangerous. time to stack those Spell swords.


Time to try WP jungle lanceā€¦ the underdog of VG


I am sure that this massive buff is related to the ā€œlance on joystick is working so well!ā€. There you go, the first change related to them. I agree he needed a small buff, but this is insaneā€¦ captain lance with two WP items will be really strong now + WP lance a great pick.

BP will be amazing on Lance when he keeps chaining. He will attack faster and his skills have higher wp ratios too.

Ssw BP TM TT could be pretty big.

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Iā€™d switch tornado with second TM. Still not trusting his basic attacks as main source of damage.

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The only item worth that have attack speed is BP. His basics are also great, but as heavy dmg not frequent apply. Investing in attack speed is still not worth it IMHO

Lol. Iā€™d build SpSw SpSw SpSw. 1 second CD for combat roll. his WP ratioā€™s is high enough to deal massive damage without needing BP. His main weakness is his immobility. So Low CD would make him a mobile bruiser.

Building him to fully commit to the fight would make you a huge target. I feel he needs to dive in and out to be effective and sustain longer. Maybe 2 spsw and a Serpentā€™s Mask, or a Poison Shiv for the attack speed.


Needs to be tested out as there can be energy problem. SSw donā€™t give a lot of energy/recharge.

energy requirements is lowered as well. so it will be enough.

3 ssw is a waste tho. Imo crit is a must

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yeh crit build would be good as well. youā€™ll still get 3 second combat rolls for chasing down / escaping.

I would still build at least 1 SpSw tho. I like abusing abilities. lol.

No, definitely, 1ssw is a must. So is crit. The question isā€¦ 4th item breaking point or double defence

The damage scaling and stack gaining will increase a lot with these buffs. Therefore BP SSw double crit.

@DIMTI REJOICE!!! :ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo::ozo:

Lance buffs are insane, no Fort nerfs, so he is still op, Glaive is probably top tier now, CP Idris still cancer tbh, Lyra still cancer, insane Reza buffs, Frostburn may be very viable again as a counter build option, nice BF buffs, interesting WP Kestrel buffs, big boi Baron buffs are always nice to see :^), the Krul and Koshka buffs are pretty big, I dunno if the Rona buffs will change her spot as a top tier laner, Ringo is slightly thiccer, TB nerf, so thatā€™s a thing.

Also, what does the first Spellfire change mean exactly?

THE TIME FOR MY WP OZO TO REIGN IS NOW yes I know the TRC buff doesnā€™t fix the fact that heā€™ll still be off-meta bc SF and PS are still gonna be good but shh

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Mmmm WP lance seems a thingā€¦

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