Yin Yang San Feng skin

I hope that’s the hero I asked for.

Wait 1 more thing. What the hell’s up with water next patch? Our mermaid got a skin, Lyra got a Lorelai skin and now this dude.

This is a hero imho… someone who is from the same species as San Feng and obviously not calm haha. We will see. :slight_smile:

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wHeREs tHE lOre?

It looks like there are two Grangor masters. One of martial arts and the other… weapons?

I say that because I have the feeling that Feng could have been somewhat related to Koshka and maybe the newe hero could have some ties to Glaive?

SV whereeeee arreeeee uuuuuu

Somewhere where her talent is both wanted and paid. :smile:




I should have made myself sound more sarcastic but I already know she works for Dvolution and that shes being paid instead of being in cali with no job.

Thx for informing me if I hadn’t know that <3

Also shes still active in the VG community :hushed: She commented on a person that was confused but also hadn’t know about the lore :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Are we sure that’s a Grangor though? He seems a bit more human like in my opinion but then again we can’t see the whole picture.

She clearly loves the game – I mean, she put a ton of herself into creating the world of VG. And it wasn’t by choice that she left SEMC … :unamused:


I hope it’s a hero , but I think it’s a skin shows something about San feng past or future , I was looking at him and thought it was Frankie but then why Frankie related to water ?! .

Yeah, I think it’s probably a skin also. I’m not sure why you’d have two heroes who look nearly identical (at least from the tiny bit we can see).


Doesn’t her brother or summin still work at SEMC? I know there was another Arellano there, but I forget who it was.

Husband I think, though they are divorced no?

Actually I dont want to know cuz its not my business but I answered you question so I accomplished something in my reply :hugs:

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Sarah and Carlo (art director) were married, but they aren’t together any more.

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Ahh I see. That actually explains a bit. Is he still at SEMC tho?

Not full time, no. Apparently he is now consulting on a part-time basis.

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After some inspection I don’t think there’s a chance they’re the same. The new guy has green human eyes, San Feng has orange/yellow cat-like pupils. San Feng has cat fur, new guy has human skin (not very clear but definitely not cat fur, might be tiger fur or something I guess but again not same as San Feng). San Feng has those black spots where cats have whiskers usually (he might have just can’t see from here) while new dude seems to have human moustache. And finally San Feng has very distinct cat nose while new guy has human one.

After seeing all those I don’t even think the new hero is a Grangor.

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Monster. Alien. Dog. <drops mic>

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In all of them he’s a monster though. He doesn’t have human skin. Also as far as I know his kind isn’t revealed like grangors are? So he doesn’t need to look like his kind as he doesn’t have established one. Glaive is always a cat, regardless of skin.