Yin Yang San Feng skin

I mean guys… Every other skin didn’t get a sneak peak like this. They were pretty obvious. Lyra skin had all her animations shown and for a second I thought she was a new hero until the recall. The Skye skin was just thrown at us. I don’t see any reason to promote this if it’s a skin for San Feng unless it is something with FX like we have never seen. I don’t see anything topping the Lyra skin.

Looking at the face closely he looks pretty human and the area above his eyes looks more like paint rather than skin. It’s also just about time if they want to release a new hero next patch.

A tomorrow.
B two days from now.
Ult three days from now.
Balance notes.
Patch notes.
And probably next week we get the update. As the date was confirmed already wasn’t it?

san feng is not water or fire to me. maybe this is another transforming being like malene. the water person looks more like a clown than a cat but there is definitely a cat above.
Image result for san feng vainglory

it looks quite like san feng in the top though

Well, it’s when the season ends so basically yeah.

I mean if they had lore I could see a story where they’re from the same tribe of Grangor or something, but what is lore?


Don’t make me cry :sob:

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You got a point there , but we have water skins so it could be a water skin too , it could be a legendary skin for a new hero so that’s hype , I think Lyra got a legendary skin as first skin , we don’t have lore support the new hero speculation , it’s just th human look and it possible for skins to get different phases , like alpha daisy or saw and summer party saw or even better the krul robot skins .

Could very well be a skin but eh I don’t know. This is the way I see it. Lyra Legendary, Lorelai Epic, Skye Rare, new water based hero. We only have two water heroes one of which is a river troll with no water abilities. So I really am hoping for a hero if you couldn’t tell already :grimacing:

San Feng isn’t exactly a fire type of hero tho (reza says hi) for all we know, the new hero could be stomping his foot in a pool of water therefore the water is splashing up.

Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I for one wouldn’t mind a new patch/update without a new hero. Let’s just clean a few things up for a change? And figure out what to do without BP and establishing a new rewards system, eh SEMC?

That said, I’m loving some upcoming skins, and I look forward to what I imagine has to be a better social tab UI than this current one.

We got our answer it seems.

I’m sorry for those that speculated the initial teaser as being for the new hero, cause it’s not.


effect maybe show see water break and the fountain

Well I am beyond disappointed. We actually might not get a hero.

The rare skin lineup is really slowing down. We have 48 rare skins and 40 legendary skins (21 special edition skins priced at 500 opals not included), excluding any new skins. We might have more legendary skins than rare skins in half a year’s time.

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The water hero with fire effects! Damn that skin is amazing lol.

You know… legendaries costs more and not like every time they are that great/altered either (=less work put into them).

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Yep. That’s part of my point - it is very apparent that the label is being slapped onto skins at a much greater frequency in order to make them more expensive, regardless of how much work actually went into them.


Am I the only one that feels like this is a super lame skin? I feel it’s the worst among those coming in this next patch.

I’m actually quite happy and relieved. Perhaps that means they’ll fix up a few bugs, fine tune the UI, and as has already been pointed out by Excoundrel’s video, touch up several other already existing heroes. I’d be fine with just a new hero every season, not patch. I know I’m likely in the minority there with that opinion.