WP Samuel (New Meta?)

That completely depends on the amount of targets hit with A and wether or not you have build a lot of attackspeed. When building Raw damage with just BP for attackspeed are you sure her dps will drop?

I often hit up to 3 targets in a teamfight with a single A that is 195%WP ratio+skill damage going towards BP stacks.

Also her A and C have range beyond her normal attack thus enabling attacks earlier or at greater range.

Her DPS might drop when using her C with that long animation but the enemy DPS drops even further.

I get your point that when you have a high attack speed your DPS from auto attacks is higher that with skill usage but those skills come with benefits like attacking without having vision and being able to attack multiple targets at once.

Be annoyed with me, I’m fine with that. At least now you have stated your true point about DPS through basic attacking being higher than with skills.

Uhm… sorry. Xaldarian and I kinda go way back with these kinds of topics, and yeah, I’m a bit annoyed by now. That shouldn’t really make you feel bad about your thread, though. It’s a good topic, and to make it short and concise: Yes, viable.

You just have to adjust your playstyle accordingly, and remember that Samuel’s abilities are mostly for directing fights (a.k.a. “zoning”) when building WP.
“Drifting Dark” can level the playing field with other WP carries, as that’s 100 DPS you can set off before you start trading Autos.
His Ult is still fairly similar to the CP-path: It can block escape routes or force bunched up enemies to reposition. You can also use it to get an edge in 1vs1 situations, but if that gets blocked, you will likely snuff it.

Incidentally, I just gave it a try and crushed a Gwen in Lane (despite horrible disconnects). Just watch when you trade, abuse his perk and Tension Bow early on. You can replace it late-game, if you have the gold.

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This is exactly the kinda thing ive been looking for this whole thread. Thank you. Granted as people would say, it is just one game, but it is still possible if you do watch TB and his perk.

I gave it a try in casual, and LOL, add a AS and SC to it and pop once every few seconds out of the bush with your perk. Took enemies down in three suprise attacks.

does Sam’s perk proc AS? that would be epic.

i din’t think his perk would count as a “ability”. double bonus damage and double healing in 2 AA’s… that seems abit unfair…

I would’ve thought you’d need to at least use MV or DD to proc AS


No it doesnt proc it :frowning: but you can charge it up pre fight with using your A randomly, wait for TB and his passive to recharge, and Booom!