Why the nerfs to Blackfeather?

Thanks for getting back to me! And yeah wp Baptiste is strong early but his late game is really bad.

Marlene in theory has 5 abilites, most of which are skill shots… she’s far more complex than a lyra.

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WP Bap in the right hands is a menace, he has so much sustain and the empowered attacks hit like a truck. Just look at your heal stat, you healed more than than the DMG BF put out all game.

Where Bap comes unstuck is in team fights, can’t

I know he’s a really strong pick in 5v5, guessed he could work in 3v3 too but I never expected him to outsustain a Bf to be honest. He’s almost unbeatable at that. You could say Krul has better sustain and that’s kinda true but in team fights you would need a lot more effort to kill a Bf. That’s why Baptiste surprised me so much. Also his A hits so hard even though he’s WP lol.