Why the hell is this in Salt mine?

I feel like you’re trolling me. This is not what the Salt Mine has ever been used for. The posts that get moved to here are the ones that feel like rants, where it appears that the OP isn’t interested in discussion, they just want to blow off steam. Maybe you and I have a different interpretation of what that looks like. I’m going to close this discussion though, because it feels like we’re all talking in circles at this point.

If you want to ask questions about the Salt Mine, please ask them in this thread, which is probably what I should have said earlier. Discussion about the forum should go in Forum Stuff. Sorry for derailing…

If you go there, please keep the language civil. Accusing anyone of having half a brain, lying, and bullshitting, or calling someone a crybaby is unnecessary, and there are better ways to make your point. Thanks all.