Why reim so weak

“Skilled in Reim”… nah i’m horrible at him. :3
So much so that nobody will even listen to me when i’m reporting issues about him…because I know nothing and I’m terrible… WorstReimNA…


WP Lane Reim vs Vox
I’m downright bad… I know nothing about Reim…
(On a funny side note, this was my 6th ranked win against Toph that day with first pick Reim in every game… he banned him next game…lol)

Sigh… I need my best hero back… he was literally 60% of my draft picks… at least… smh

remind us what patch is that video? i even went to youtube to see if there’s a description. all i can see is that it’s from February - the wp reim in 5v5 one.

is it before the nerf / change?

They’re from 2.8-3.0 give or take. (I just kinda grabbed some random videos)
The photos are around 3.2-3.3

The “nerf” or whatever happened (To be honest I think it’s just a bug from when they added all the new items, etc.)
Was started in 3.4… (idk why I said 3.3… sleepy maybe)

But patches 3.4-3.5 have been a complete Nightmare for Reim, and I don’t have content from those/this Era simply because (even though I can still win with Reim) he feels like playing a Celeste if she had half her defense/sheild, which imo, is absolutely horrendous and has rendered Reim un-enjoyable for me in every sense of the word.


Jesus christ dude, chill its just a game. You’re getting worked up over a hero


It’s easy to say something like that about anything you’re not passionate about…
Like me when watching basketball and seeing someone checkmated in the endzone for a basketdown.

See the difference?
What’s “just a game” to you, is not “just a game” for me, so please don’t.
In reality you can go to jail/get fined for fixing “just a game” if competition is involved…
Lol… Go ripoff a Casino at Blackjack by counting cards and then tell them to chill because it’s “just a game”

Chill guys… you’re getting worked up over a ball filled with air…

I love your enthusiasm for a hero but its kinda a overkill. Not only that… but ur really aggressive on the first few paragraph u did…

I mean he’s been at it for a couple of months trying to get people to know how he’s bugged/balanced in the wrong way. And considering we have a patch every month its kind of a long time in VG time. The same can be said for when people got worked up about Golden Tickets. Boo hoo they are so special because they got in by paying opals/ICE and then SEMC decides to sell the ticket (as a bonus) along with other really good stuff for 20 bucks. They’re trying to feel special over a game, something that lasts for who knows how long. Same thing applies to the LE skins, but that is somewhat understandable because they are long term. But tickets weren’t long term anyways and Reim will be. He’s being passionate about a hero who he used as a troll pick in lane as WP and beat ARCTICFUSION who is a VG gold in 3v3 right now.


He literally singlehandedly made people realise WP Reim was actually a very strong pick. He has so much experience with this hero he definitely deserves hearing out.

Also I don’t get why people bash people who are passionate about something. It’s more sad if there’s nothing in life you’re passionate about. If DieNuB’s passion is Vainglory, what business is it of yours @Sadiholic?


I dont think it even matters. I got flagged anyways

Jumping into this topic late, courtesy of a flagged post that got my attention – I initially skipped it because I absolutely SUCK at Reim and so never play him. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I agree with @Alhunt – everyone has the right to express their opinions here. And being passionate about VG at one time or another is why we’re all here, after all.

Also, I will tell you from personal experience (recent ex-significant other :lyra:) that telling someone to “calm down” is far more likely to result in exactly the opposite effect.


My thread never got so many replies before…I must the chosen one


Always wanted to use this. :happy:


i understand @DieNuBs frustration , and i honestly didnt expect a respond from nivmett
but i didnt know about dienubs trying to get attention to fix reim
like i felt there is something wrong with reim and asked nivmett and i honestly thought maybe iam playing him wrong or got outplayed , because i didnt see anyone mentioning it in the forum or anyone liked my comment about reim before this thread .

like reim is not played by a lot of players because of his slow movement , learning how to outplay with reim takes time , so if you combine less played with time to outplay and then hit him with uncalled nerf or bug and getting ignored is too much , he is already a counter pick and got killed .

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Reims defense has been lacking lately. Possibly because of some changes that were made, in my opinion, to test out reim not being so op, which if you built him right, he was on par with Baptiste and his lifesteal, and even better with an eve (lifesteal) and fort health. Problem is you have to work so hard now for minimal fort health.

I say solution is bring back the fort health but reduce what grants it and increase the amount, meaning spires on the 1st or 2nd hit and chilled opponents or ult but thats it. No basic attacks. Adds a level of skill, makes it rewarding and not an easy troll pick nor an abysmaly difficuly experience.

CP Reim doesn’t take much skill and its an ok hero right now. Once he gets that fort health with AA back I hope his damage is reverted because otherwise he won’t be a counterpick anymore. Playing with Reim is basically a free invade if you know what you are doing.

The thing is, if I want to play a ranged mage, I would just pick Samuel or something like in this photo of just now.
Reim is supposed to be a mage with mobility similar to that of Phinn and Baron without jump jets that is accustom to melee attacks in order to drag a chilled enemy down to your own mobility.

So imo I would prefer it quite the oppsite, as in more fort hp on basics and less on extremely slow casted long ranged abilities.
And in every sense that requires far more skill to melee a Skye with some of the slowest mobility in the game than to hit her with slow moving spires from a decent distance well outside of her lock on range.

I just want my melee mage back… we have enough ranged mages as is… :confused:
I’m sorry Niv for being passive/aggressive earlier… I love you homie…
Just this whole ordeal saddens me because it took me from 1.16 to 2.6 or so to even gain said skill to use Reim like I do… and that was an extraordinary amount of effort on my end… that just feels wasted if cp/wp basic attacks don’t even work anymore… :confused:

I swear if it gets fixed I’ll be the happiest person in the world. Lol

Thank you, I used to play wp reim a lot but stopped after he just started dying instantly, thought I was going crazy because I didn’t see any perk changes in the patch notes lol

Niv pls fix ma icy boi :disappointed_relieved:

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Dont mean to resurrect a thread but i didnt want to make a new thread about the same thing.

@Gatorrex’s Video

The only reason i can see them changing is that so WP Reim wouldn’t gain so much FH from the minions in lane and then control the whole lane by being a carry tank.

But I personally think its sad that they are lowkey hiding the change (if they are, and i think the pretty much are) and buffing to compensate for it (Watch his video)

If they buff Rona, they could fix Reims “Bug” and he could be a counter for her again :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

Sorry, but the video isn’t really a strong case for Reim. It does point out the change and the differences. But There’s not enough comparison between old and new.

If anything, that point blank melee fight between Reim and Phinn proves it’s working as intended…

FH is capped and it is slow to build… but it does work.

Sorry, even though I agree Reim is weak(er) than he should be… this video doesn’t help his case towards that.