Why is everyone so hostile towards Joystick?

You know, I just realized that this is just like the current state of Halo, where the fanbase is heavily divided on Halo 5 and the post-Bungie Halo games in general, with the sole exception of Halo Wars 2, as the 343 Industries Halo games, esepcially Halo 5, was radically different from Bungie’s Halo, both in looks and gameplay. To put a really, really, really REALLY long story short, 343’s Halo games such as Halo 5 has caused such a rift in the Halo community that there was a mod for a cancelled Halo PC game called “Halo Online: Eldewrito.” Eldewrito is basically an updated version of Bungie’s Halo games. Eldewrito received such massive popularity that streamers that aren’t even casual fans of Halo and even members of 343 played it. Eldewrito was adored by long-time fans of Halo for sticking to Bungie-era gameplay. However, Eldewrito used assets from Halo Online, which itself is based on Halo 3, and In Microsoft’s Terms and Conditions, you can’t use any assets from any game they own in your own game, whether if it’s a mod or not. Because of this, Microsoft told 343 to tell the developers of Eldewrito to stop distributing public download links to Eldewrito. However, due to a mixture of poor communication, manipulation of information, and Microsoft puting cease-and-desist orders to streamers and youtubers, which led to some streamers getting 24 hour bans due to how Twitch works, public reception to this wasn’t very well received.

Now, I know that Halo’s situation is radically different from Vainglory’s current situation, but it shows how the action of changing gameplay can heavily alienate an established playerbase, especially longtimers.

  1. My view againts the joystick controls arent about me having to use them, but rather the people in my team that already sucks ass with the precision touch controls using joystick controls, imagine how much worse your games would be.

  2. Joystick controls without autoaim is pointless, I’d imagine you still have to tap-to-select targets with only the joystick to move around; why not just use the touch controls for extra precision and without the huge ass joystick blocking your way from ability and item circles.

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Honestly, just fix MM so we don’t have to get matched with all the new players that the joystick will draw in. It should be a while before any of them make it past t6 and high tiers should be unaffected.
(That is until people realize that kiting is easier with a joystick and 5v5 turns into a sniper brawl mode)


VG has already reached this point. Melee can’t survive a minute in any gamemode.


To this i agree… heck thats one of the reason i hate jungling… first they starve you of their farm (even on higher rank i still get that kind of teammates)then late game they blame you because you weren’t or not doing enough damage…so your behind for the rest of the match until you either lose or catchup for a comeback.


This. GL going in as a melee vs a team of 5 that stick together. You will either watch how your 2-3 ranged are going against 4 hoping one of the enemy team to split from the group, or you go in and die instantly.

Ofc there are a lot of combinations, but the point is 5vs5 dynamics are a lot different as the dmg sources are a lot more + the defence nerf sealed the deal - melee heroes are weaker and this goes twice for warriors that stick in the fight. Assassins can go in/out, but they are few and still hard to get out in team fights.