Why is everyone so hostile towards Joystick?

Not necessarily, but who knows with SEMC? :man_shrugging:

Meanwhile, Iā€™m still waiting for AoV on the Switch. The day I got a Switch I always wanted Vainglory on it, because it has a 5-point (no idea the proper terminology for this) touchscreen. Now weā€™ve got AoV with actual analog controls coming? Sold. Seriously. Iā€™d love to have Vainglory on my Switch too.


One of the reasons why people detest the very idea of joysticks is because there are so many MOBAs with joystick controls that itā€™s not even funny. Adding joysticks is stupid because to a person thatā€™s new to mobile MOBAs, why bother with Vainglory when Mobile Legends and Arena of Valor are basically the exact same thing. Iā€™ve heard that SMEC is making joysticks optional. if this is true, then balancing is gonna be even more ā– ā– ā– ā–  up than it is already. Sure, joysticks might have a higher chance of retaining new players, but that doesnā€™t change the fact that both the joystick controls and the sudden influx of newbies and noobs will hurt my gameplay experience. Just look at 5v5. Saying that every single ā– ā– ā– ā–  game Iā€™ve played in 5v5 was unenjoyable is an understatement itself is an understatement. Hell, I avoid it like a plague nowdays. The only reason why I would ever think about playing it is if Iā€™m in a party, and since Iā€™ve stopped playing 5v5, Iā€™ve actually noticed my average salt levels has gone down exponentially. Itā€™s actually quite concering that the mere suggestion of a control scheme change is already adversely affecting my already poor mental health. If SMEC do actually go through with this, Iā€™m gonna uninstall Vainglory and go play Arena of Valor just to spite the ā– ā– ā– ā– , because at this point, Iā€™ve already given up on vainglory, as thereā€™s gonna no difference between the two other than the fact that they are made by different companies.

Edit: Itā€™s funny how Iā€™ve already ran out of likes simply because of joystickgate.


I donā€™t like joysticks purely because of the basic ā€œcopy-pasteā€ feel they inevitably give every game. Combined with the newest UI, itā€™ll feel even more like a 99 cent pixel game I found in the murky depths of the Amazon appstore.

Edit: Iā€™m not opposed to the idea, but I wish SEMC would fix their game before trying to cater to a whole other market again.


I do not think adding joystick support alone makes VG feel copy-pasted, but the UI dies give it that first impression of a copy paste game until you actually get into a legit match. I just wish VG had a more visually appealing UI

I hear this a lot but I am curious what they need to ā€œfixā€

I play VG on a daily basis and I really donā€™t see what is broken. I see plenty which can be improved of course. And I see steady work on improving that - which sometimes has unintended consequences of course.

Hmm, might be worth making a survey on this actually.


Iam fine with it as long as I can play just like I used to, but thatā€™s apparently not going to be the case since they said theyā€™re going to rework certain heroes to fit the joystick playstyle.

@idmonfish and ciderhelm said this isnā€™t the case, rn only churnā€™s been changed with his ult for the range to be a large circle around him. even ozo apparently has no troubles

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First they added P2W in brawl, then the generic UI, now joystick controls, then what? lowering grapics quality so it has smaller size? and then doing cheesy ads?
I know they really want to gain much more players but seriously

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I just feel it will make the game worse for people who actually use Touch controls. If we have allies using joystick and canā€™t control their gameplay properly, weā€™ll end up losing fights or even matches we shouldā€™ve won. I feel a lot more people (like me) will be reaching higher ranks more quickly because they can wreck the hell outta joysick players.

If you have a teammate who is actually using joystick you 99% wonā€™t win even if he uses touch lol. And if thereā€™s a wave of new players lower ranks will climb up naturally regardless of joysticks. I mean it is connected as they wouldnā€™t join in the first place if not for joysticks but IMO it isnā€™t direct reason for climbing.

This was also confirmed on SEMC Slack. So for the present, itā€™s simply an alternative control scheme and wonā€™t affect how heroes play with touch. Theyā€™ve also stated that there is no auto-aim feature for players using joystick control.

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No auto aim? Gee I am honestly wondering how joystick will work in VG

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uhā€¦ like joysticks?? i guess?

How?This text will be blurred

But as we all know SEMC, especially if the joystick controls are success, they will ā€œimproveā€ them in future updates adding aim assist and whatnot. They lied to us quite a lot in the past to trust them.

I am totally up the joystick controls in general, heck - no problem with them in other mobas and games. Just VG was build from the ground around touch controls and I am sure they will make sacrifices to make joystick work better. Same goes for future heroes/gameplay decisions no matter what they say.


When I say fix here, I am referring to the multiple visual and technical bugs that are scattered throughout the game. The game is usually fine for the most part, but I know Iā€™m not the only one having more issues than should be passed over in favor of implementing joystick.

I guess I mean that there are more important things at the moment?

Iā€™m worried about that too, but for now, those things arenā€™t happening.

Iā€™m trying not to be too negative about the change, because it doesnā€™t appear likely to have any effect on my play.


Sadly it wonā€™t really do that. The joystick moba games arenā€™t popular because of the joystick it is pay to win and names behind them.

You are right but the best advetisement they could do at this point in time can give them nothing but profit which is merchandise. Advertising by just adding something new didnā€™t work with how they wanted with 5v5 why would a joystick fix this. Communication, social media prescense, keeping your current costumers happy, and branded merchandise is the best marketing.

Yes optional for now unless this move does what they are hoping it will do. If done the joystick players will complain there is no autolock for aa. Than comes the complaints it isnā€™t for abilities or characters donā€™t play well as joystick controlled then changing the characters to be joystick controlled with ease


Personally I donā€™t see an issue with joystick control assuming SEMC stick to their words and dont mess with the touch screen experience. If they attempt aim assist then Iā€™ll simply mic drop and leave forever, might as well watch a BOT match!

Iā€™m still sceptical as to how this would actually work in game. But it might just save my thumbs from arthritis in later life (yeah I play with my thumbs), so it gets a thumbs up from me (pun intended).

Iā€™m far more concerned with voice chat, I know exactly where thatā€™s going to lead (itā€™ll be expected that players should use it), and Iā€™ve got no interests in telling a German 12 year old that I donā€™t want to be his girlfriend! Or listen to the racist French kid or the sexiest English pup etc etc etc.