When to dodge

There should be an option to say why you want to dodge, even if you get banned for it. At least SEMC would know why, possibly give people a chance when they’re dodging for a good reason. No one wants to slog through 30 minutes when they know it’s a bad situation from the start. I guess rank & eventual bans mitigate bad actors, but it doesn’t help how players feel in the moment or for those 30 mins.


Yes. Obviously those are both forms of physical violence - just as trolling and dodging are both detrimental activities.
And just as obviously, there is a justification for exerting physical violence in self defence. While “having fun” with kicking you in the balls probably won’t serve as a justification for causing you distress.

So no, those two actions are fundamentally different, based on intent and ethical considerations.

Just as dodging someone who is intentionally ruining the game for other players can not be equated with intentionally ruining the game for other players.
It is an imperfect workaround for the fact that trolls are not dealt with adequately, and in the absence of a higher authority handling the issue, Glowarm decided to prevent what amounts to harmful conduct towards his person.


I really like what came out here - I don’t know any of the players or their skills so there really isn’t any main point to dodging. But If there’s like all laners or supports then what?

well lets hope someone goes afk

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For me, they already do this through daily chests. “use this hero”… “get kills with this hero”… “get assists”… It’s always a hero that I rarely use. And they always specify any mode but ranked. It’s working for me. My hero pool diversity is really big because of daily chests.


Yeah but alternately, that one player is wasting a lot more time (and patience) of your team. I never dodge, as part of my gaming code to be as friendly as possible more than for anything else, but I can understand why one would want to. Just the other day I had 2 matches, the first with 3 caps on my team, the second with 4 CP carries.

I don’t really dodge unless I’m really tilted, so I guess my answer is when you are really tilted.