What’s your least played Hero, and why do you choose not to play them?

You misspelled Patel…

She bugs you?

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My bad, fixed it now.


Same here lol.

Most of my good heroes aren’t ranged ones…

Ardan: I don’t know why. I just don’t like punching.

Ringo: I never liked the play style of basic attack characters. Even with the added mechanic of stutter stepping, basic attacks just seemed plain. I prefer heroes that have more complexity and exciting play styles.

Take: I absolutely hate this hero (He deletes Celeste easily). He seems to be the go to hero in low tiers. Even with the complexity of his abilities (and cool effects) I didn’t like the way you X-retsu, kaiten, and kaku then come back an repeat. I don’t really like assassins in general because of this. Why do I have to keep weaving in and out of battles when I can explode my enemies in one?

Captain - Lorelai. I’m worse at Adagio but unless Lorelai is the clear pick, I will never chose her. Her voice is like a cheese grater to my genitals, and I’m not particularly good at ranged captains.
Carry - SAW. I could honestly envision his play style working well with the way I play top lane but…
It’s SAW
Jungle - Grumpjaw, with honourable mentions to Petal. I just find Grump boring to play without making stupid noises every time he charges in like a dump truck.

Ozo. Just ozo.

Because I don’t understand how he sustains. I don’t understand how I can die while acro bouncing but I can’t seem to kill an ozo who is acro bouncing on me.

I am genuinely clueless about his perk. Everytime I read it, I just get put off. “from all sources” to me means, everything. every fountain, every reflex block, every crucible, every life stealing move FROM EVERY SINGLE PLAYER IN THE GAME… including the enemy.

example… enemy uses fountain, you get the benefits. (not logical, i know, but the way it’s worded, I have that image in my head)

Enemy has a lifesteal item… you get the benefits. Sounds stupid i know… but hey, “all sources” right?

Because I have seen ozo at 10% health miraculously take on all opposing forces like a death defying god.
but i just can’t do it.:cold_sweat:

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Edit: and no, he doesn’t get anything from enemy items. It’s either neutral(last hit heal treant) or allied(fountain, barrier, fort hp)

If it was a sarcastic comment. Just forget it. And go hate Ozo more. :thumbs:

Capt: Phinn
Hard to carry the very bad team mate, most of the capt if you build some damage it will be enough for carry but i think phinn is good because of his perk and skill not damage.
Jungle: Petal
Sorry but, I think her b ability cause too much mp. I like to dance around the battle a lot. And potato
Carry: Gwen
Her a used to slow but now just pure damage feelsbadman.

His sustain sources depend on his build path. With CP, it’s mainly from his A and B for obvious reasons, while WP it’s from AAs and proper usage of his A combo. Both paths benefit from fountain too ofc

Fountain fortified health and all other barriers and heals. Grace+Ozo is insane when they dive together.

Lorelai is in a weird spot right now, so I haven’t been able to learn how to maximize her abilities. Second place goes to Flicker.

For carry, I hate Blackfeather as a hero to go against and to play as. When the enemy picks him up, they carry the game. When I play him, I go 0/7/0 most of the time for KDA. He’s just a nuisance.

Same thing goes for Glaive. When he was meta, he was one of the most annoying heroes to me. I also dislike his play style, so I rarely was able to maximize his effectiveness.

I can’t seem to ever do well with Ozo, despite seemingly never being able to kill one. :joy:

FliBBer cause I fight like a man!

Adagio is my weakest hero. My lack of skill with him dates back to the times of SAW Push Comp. I can never play well with him, I cant seem to use him effectively in any role.

CP Blackfeather is my second weakest, I can never land his B on time @_@.

Tried her again today with great succes. She still is an awesome zoner.

Cc while he tries to heal after being damaged is the trick to take Ozo down. Silence/root works wonders too.

Baptiste. Feels so good when playing as Baptiste against Ozo. With a clockwork you can make Ozo useless. The B fks up his B. And ult can make any ozo regret jumping off into our backline.

Joule. When I first played her I didn’t know what I was doing and got raged pinged on by the krul and Adagio I was teamed with. I think I tried her one other time and sucked with her still so I never picked her up again.

I was kinda like that with Koshka too, but one day I randomly played her and she clicked and I became a monster with her.

Krul is probably my least played… it’s a stupid reason, but when I first started waaaay back in Nov '14, I spammed Koshka and Petal all day everyday. When I tried Krul, his voicelines were creepy and #2edgy4me, so I put him on the backburner. Since then, I’ve stuck to roams and lane carries, and haven’t done a whole lot of jungling, really. Maybe someday I’ll give him a real shot… supposedly cooldown Krul is kind of solid right now?

Varya. I wasn’t feeling it from the start and I hated the WP build so much I refused to be a part of it. And I am the only one that thinks she might possibly have the worst ult in the game?